Shorty Saves... Are they going to be in BG:EE?

Shorty Saves. They existed but were never talked about in the manual. Basically Gnomes, Halflings, Dwarves all got extra saves in relation to their CON stat.
Was this a mistake in the game?
Are all races going to get similar saves?
Are Shorty Saves being implimented in BG:EE?
Why does being short mean you get extra saves?
Shouldn't short people be saved from themselves and be given stilts?
Why no new shorty NPCs?
Will this thread provide the answers?
Was this a mistake in the game?
Are all races going to get similar saves?
Are Shorty Saves being implimented in BG:EE?
Why does being short mean you get extra saves?
Shouldn't short people be saved from themselves and be given stilts?
Why no new shorty NPCs?
Will this thread provide the answers?
A gnome walks under it.
THERE is your explanation.
Yes, no, yes, no, yes, I don't know and because.
I'll let you figure out the rest.
And Gnomes at least the garden... maybe the shed too...
Halflings were in that good film that won lots of Oscars...
You're comment made me laugh. Personally I love Elves, Humans and Dwarves. never got into gnomes, half-elves or half-orcs. Pretty neutral on Halflings, although occasionally I roll a halfling thief just because. I still wish halflings had gotten a thaco bonus for daggers or shortswords though.
@ramagons Have you not heard of the exploits of the Dwarf Cassanunda? Made Cassanova look like a virgin!