I Was Able To Give Edwin..............

A Pointy Hat.
This has made me ridiculously happy.
One Day........One Day...............he will kick Elminster's arse and that stupid epitath will change.
This has made me ridiculously happy.
One Day........One Day...............he will kick Elminster's arse and that stupid epitath will change.
this one!
It doesn't show up, which is disappointing.
But then it isn't very stylish, pretty sure Edwin would prefer it to be invisible. Just smug about having one that E doesn't know about.
Yes Baeloth probably doesn't need those extra spell slots and Edwin would certainly benefit more from the crown due to the flexibility afforded by wizard spell list, but hey you already have two of the game's most OP arcane spellcasters in the party, you can basically faceroll any encounter anyways, might as well enjoy the hilarity.
I do actually have Baeloth in party as well, it is actually quite ridiculous (and wands.......fully charged wands)
But in my defense, playing on "insane" and nobody is particularly good at getting up close and painfully personal with any of the big mobs I keep on encountering.
I would like a single opponent, big arcane fight at some point because the two wizards are currently complaining about having a huge arsenal at their disposal which they never get to showcase, it's all just a bit "light the blue touchpaper and retire" at the moment.
Also since you are playing on insane...
Yes, loved it.
But it took more than a few tries to keep everybody alive. And I am overpowered. Imported having played BG solo before picking anybody up, then played the rest of the game with a small party and removed level cap.
Cheating....who mentioned the word cheating, lol.
Though by mistake I initially imported charname on their own and so had the default made up party for the first dungeon.
I found it frustratingly impossible, Neera as the only spellcaster???
Figured what I'd done wrong, restarted with my proper "crew" and of course their lovely, lovely gear.......
Then they left........devestated to lose Kivan.........and Corwin is considered a replacement?
Purleese, I can understand Kivan being slightly dour and humourless (understatement) but WTF is her excuse?