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What Resolution do you play with?

cbarker15cbarker15 Member Posts: 38
Wanted some opinions on the resolution people like to play on... the classic 800x600 or some variation of widescreen. I'm playing on 1366x768 but I wanted to know what other people think is the best way.. thinking about making a change... Also I have the classics as well as the EE versions... do you guys think the ee versions look worse than originals when playing without sprite outlines activated.. I might want to try BGT instead.


  • RelSundanRelSundan Member Posts: 918
    Resolution I don't know, can check later. In general I do love the look of the classic Baldur's gate 2 more than the EE's, but that is just because it feels more nostalgic to me. I would never go back to the classics however, do to the limited functioning compared to the EE's. It also loads up slower and it is an old game, they are not as optimated as never games. I do play without the outlines to make it look more classic and imho it's fine.

    If you want to play the classics then do so. They can be fun too. Since you own a copy it wont hurt to try it out at least! Don't ocerthink it, just go.
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    I'm in 1366x768, which is the maximum allowed by my laptop. Suits me just fine.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    As aging mi sight is not as good as before and I don't own a large monitor I don't use extreme resolutions.
    With the originals that I still use, not for GUI look but because I love some old mods that are not supported in EE and also for the less nerfed freedom to experiment cheese, exploits and not conventional tactics that are great part of my fun playing, I use the first of the experimental resolutions on the laptop 1050x788 and 800x600 with the notebook.
    With EE, that in my notebook refuse to run, the native resolution of the laptop monitor, 1200xsomething that now I forgot as I am not at home.

    I appreciate both versions, each one for some reasons, and I don't care much about graphics, as long that I am able to read the text and have an acceptable on screen image of the battle and environment. But this is just my taste. With EE I often zoom a little, I don't like very little characters in a wide area, and I hate YT walktroughs where it happens, maybe it was good on the big monitors that the players used, but for me is a pain to understand what it happens without continuously pausing to read very little text.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    1920x1080 - that's the native resolution for my 25" monitor. I DO NOT use, scale the UI, sprite outlines, or nearest neighbor. I DO use zoom lock.
    IMO, with these settings, BG looks so much better than the originals that there's no comparison. The higher resolution you go the less 'jaggies' you'll see. At FHD or higher the sprites look great WITHOUT using sprite outlines. I know that some like the outlines but it just looks to 'cartoony' to me.
  • cbarker15cbarker15 Member Posts: 38
    @alceryes I agree. I'm a new player and the sprite outlines just don't fit the tone of the game so I took those off after i realized I could. Do you know what the alternate renderer does and what I could do with that? and why is nearest neighbor not used by most people here... I've never used it.. just wondering.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    edited October 2016
    Disabling 'nearest neighbor scaling' provides softer (less jagged) outlines on sprites. Truthfully, it doesn't do much at 1080p with zoom locked. See HERE for some examples.

    Alternate renderer switches rendering to DirectX (instead of the default OpenGL). Alternate rendering can cause unforeseen graphical issues and should only be used if you're having problems with OpenGL.
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    3440x1440. It's glorious.
  • cbarker15cbarker15 Member Posts: 38
    Damn I really need to invest in a larger monitor... It looks great don't get me wrong.. I'm just really picky and I want the best lol.. The post was originally meant to see who played in classic BG resolution and if that made it better for them but I guess I need to get something better than 1366x768.. I get a couple of jagged lines I don't like.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    1080p, but I usually zoom in a little bit. Clicking the middle mouse button sends it back to the default zoom level, which is what I do when traversing large parts of an area.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    edited October 2016
    Hudzy said:

    3440x1440. It's glorious.

    Can you post some screenies? I could see UWQHD screens for FPS and racing/flight sims. Wondering how it would look for BG since BG wasn't designed for such super duper HD. Are you able to pic out effects icons on the character portraits clearly?
  • HudzyHudzy Member Posts: 300
    I can't get pics at the moment sadly. To be fair I scale the UI otherwise I'd never see anything, so really it's just some extra width. I like being able to see more of the map though, it reminds me of Tutu with the widescreen mod in 1080p, but with a usable UI.

    To answer the OP, I go back and forth between using outlines and not. I still can't decide.
  • OlderThan13YearsOlderThan13Years Member Posts: 79
    edited October 2016
    3840x2160. I don't need the map, zooming out is enough.^^
    Imho the ee edition doesn't look worse.
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