The Beamdog team has been replaced by dopplegangers. How does this make you feel?

Without revealing my source, I have received confirmation that the entire Beamdog team has been replaced with vicious, inhuman dopplegangers. When I called their customer support line weeks ago, I was greeted by a friendly support clerk with a thick Canadian accent. After a few initial questions, she started hissing "foolish meat" in a horrific, guttural voice. She then hung up on me, quite rudely.
While this wasn't definitive proof, as she was Canadian, I felt deeply unsettled and tried to get more information. What I've found has shocked me utterly.
-The Alberta branch of the SPCA reports that Trent Oster has adopted over 100 cats since August. These animals are not being properly cared for, but are in fact being stored in a file cabinet and eaten for lunch daily by the staff. This file cabinet is covered in gore and buzzing with flies, which raises a host of questions. Is this humane treatment for animals? More importantly, is this having an adverse affect on the development process?
-If the development team has been replaced by dopplegangers, where are the original team members? Have they been murdered or are they being kept somewhere remote? If the dopplegangers are more committed to developing and shipping a polished product, does anyone care?
While this wasn't definitive proof, as she was Canadian, I felt deeply unsettled and tried to get more information. What I've found has shocked me utterly.
-The Alberta branch of the SPCA reports that Trent Oster has adopted over 100 cats since August. These animals are not being properly cared for, but are in fact being stored in a file cabinet and eaten for lunch daily by the staff. This file cabinet is covered in gore and buzzing with flies, which raises a host of questions. Is this humane treatment for animals? More importantly, is this having an adverse affect on the development process?
-If the development team has been replaced by dopplegangers, where are the original team members? Have they been murdered or are they being kept somewhere remote? If the dopplegangers are more committed to developing and shipping a polished product, does anyone care?
- The Beamdog team has been replaced by dopplegangers. How does this make you feel?87 votes
- I don't really mind if they're sadistic dopplegangers. At least they aren't Electronic Arts employees.52.87%
- I prefer to play games that aren't made by cat-eating monsters, as hard as that is these days.  8.05%
- I'm a doppleganger, and I find this whole thing highly offensive.39.08%
It is useless to resist the grand plans of Beamdog. However, your time has come. Aaaaaaaaaagghh.
Farewell @Schneidend
It puts the credit card in the preorder shopping basket or it gets the vivisection again, HSSSSST!
Again join me and we shall rule as kings...and queens.