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Romance options?

So, what are the romantic options in this game?

AFAIK, Corwin, Glint and Safana seem to be possible.

Also, is it possible to re-romance someone you have previously declined?



  • justfeelinathomejustfeelinathome Member Posts: 353
    I'd like to know this as well. I saw mentions of a Viconia-romance pop-up somewhere on the forum, though the OP somewhat disliked it. Also, @DiabolusIgnis welcome to this Forum! :smile:
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited April 2016

    I'd like to know this as well. I saw mentions of a Viconia-romance pop-up somewhere on the forum, though the OP somewhat disliked it.

    I believe you can romance Viconia in SoD (can someone confirm?), but that isn't yet linked up in BG2. (BG2 assumes that you couldn't romance anyone in BG1 and doesn't account for SoD choices yet.) Unfortunately, due to the limitations of the Infinity Engine, any choices in BG1 (with the new EE characters, for example) or in SoD will probably not be reflected in your BG2 playthrough.

    The old joke in BG2 used to be:
    CHARNAME: "Hey, (insert companion here), didn't I kill you?"
    Companion: "Yeah, what's your point?..."
    CHARNAME: "...ok. So, what do you need?"

  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210
    edited April 2016
    Safana, that one kind of came out of left field. lol People seem to be saying that you can start something with Viconia. Corwin starts hitting on you as soon as you go to the Three Old Kegs. lol The Skald who shows up with Jaheira is a female option. I think all the new characters are romanceable other than the Goblin (that would be weird). Also, all the new characters in BG:EE that you were able to romance, seem to be romanceable in SOD.
  • OrangemooseOrangemoose Member Posts: 83
    Camus34 said:

    I think all the new characters are romanceable other than the Goblin (that would be weird).

    Why would that be weird?
    She's an adult sapient humanoid where's the weird aspect there?
  • Camus34Camus34 Member Posts: 210

    Why would that be weird?
    She's an adult sapient humanoid where's the weird aspect there?
    Weird doth not = wrong. Half-orc + Goblin. Picture it in your head, now try to tell me that it is not weird.
  • BalladBallad Member Posts: 205
    Does anyone know if the SoD romances are racially restricted like they are in unmodded BG2? My gnome Charname wants to know if size matters.
  • Wraith_SarevokWraith_Sarevok Member Posts: 130

    Why would that be weird?
    She's an adult sapient humanoid where's the weird aspect there?
    Uh, because
    1.) It's physically impossible (unless you're a halfling/gnome with a VERY niche background)
    2.) It's wrong on so many levels
    3.) Eww
  • justfeelinathomejustfeelinathome Member Posts: 353
    Thanks a lot, @Aedan!

    Now for the choice... Should my female Cavalier rather romance
    Rasaad or Corwin?Haven't decided yet, they both fit the theme.

    I did romance the first of the two in BG, but I'm certain that person has forgotten by now. Since I plan to romance Anomen in BG II, I guess it doesn't matter too much and no-one will sully Auroras good name if she has three love interests over the course of three games.

    There's an advantage to the NPCs romantic amnesia after all! :smiley:
  • DiabolusIgnisDiabolusIgnis Member Posts: 2
    Aedan said:

    @DiabolusIgnis @justtravelinthrough

    There you go, my friends:

    Corwin (for male and female CHARNAME)
    Dorn (for male and female CHARNAME)
    Glint (for male CHARNAME)
    Neera (for male CHARNAME)
    Rasaad (for female CHARNAME)
    Safana (for male CHARNAME)
    Viconia (for male CHARNAME)
    Voghiln (for female CHARNAME)

    Thank you! What about retrying a romance after initially declining them? I'd assume it's impossible, but IDK.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    edited April 2016
    Ballad said:

    Does anyone know if the SoD romances are racially restricted like they are in unmodded BG2? My gnome Charname wants to know if size matters.

    No restrictions. Just gender restrictions (see my above post to learn the details).
    Love for everyone!

    I would vote for Rasaad :)

    I do not know for sure, sorry.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636
    edited April 2016

    Why would that be weird?
    She's an adult sapient humanoid where's the weird aspect there?

    There are, uh, certain physical limitations when we're talking about a medium male (insert race here). Even Dwarves or Gnomes or Halflings would be unlikely to be interested in a goblin, because...of racial history.

  • RezkallaRezkalla Member Posts: 20
    I regret shooting down Voghiln as that was the only romance dialogue that ever came up. Also, I like Voghiln. I checked on you tube and he eventually confesses to hooking up with Safana, so go Voghiln you sly fucker!
  • DarkShinobiDarkShinobi Member Posts: 15
    Does Viconia respect the Elf restriction in SoD as she does in BG 2? Anyone can confirm that? Well, I'm playing as an male elf and did not got any dialogue towards romance with her. I'm on chapter 10 already, and sad about not having her as romance option because Charname is an elf.

    Even considering starting over.
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636

    Does Viconia respect the Elf restriction in SoD as she does in BG 2? Anyone can confirm that? Well, I'm playing as an male elf and did not got any dialogue towards romance with her. I'm on chapter 10 already, and sad about not having her as romance option because Charname is an elf.

    Even considering starting over.

    Yes, she does.
  • DarkShinobiDarkShinobi Member Posts: 15

    Yes, she does.
    I changed charname race in EEkeeper from elf to Half-elf, and checked the flag from ViconiaRomance, it was 3, I've changed it to 1, but I still think there is a timer thing in some flag that I don't know exactly which one is it to reset the timers and make the romance be able to start properly. Any tips?
  • rapsam2003rapsam2003 Member Posts: 1,636

    I changed charname race in EEkeeper from elf to Half-elf, and checked the flag from ViconiaRomance, it was 3, I've changed it to 1, but I still think there is a timer thing in some flag that I don't know exactly which one is it to reset the timers and make the romance be able to start properly. Any tips?

    It may be that, if you aren't a Half-Elf or Human when you meet her, then cannot romance her even with EEKeeper.
  • sibakruomsibakruom Member Posts: 28

    I changed charname race in EEkeeper from elf to Half-elf, and checked the flag from ViconiaRomance, it was 3, I've changed it to 1, but I still think there is a timer thing in some flag that I don't know exactly which one is it to reset the timers and make the romance be able to start properly. Any tips?

    I don't know how much Siege of Dragonspear changed things, but in BG2 whether or not you could romance Viconia was decided by the ViconiaMatch variable (0: romance impossible; 1: romance possible). This variable was set at the beginning of a new game and never changed afterward, so editing your race or gender through the Keeper was useless. However, manually setting ViconiaMatch to 1 using the console would indeed allow the romance to start, no matter your race or gender.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    ughn did the samething and forgot the viconia restriction, going to eekeeper to half-elf and change the variable...just starting ch 10 too
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    SetGlobal("bd_viconia_romancecheck","global",1) to enable Viconia romance for SoD.
  • brunardobrunardo Member Posts: 533
    Thank you @Artemius_I - went with Dorn romance sad enough and now at dragonspear so probably too late but will do another playthrough Im sure lol
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