Questions about the party building (please avoid too much of spoilers)

So my playtrough on the hardest possible difficulty + SCS on the stage where my avatar is need to build a party (right after the start location is explored).
I have some difficult to make a choice:
1) China Monk (Rashaad) - of course my party is need for a char with a cold head, and which will have no hesitation when the time to protect the innocents and stop the evil will come. Rashaad must be.
2) Well, my party is need somebody who can open locks, search for traps, etc - I have a little choice, Garrick or Safana - well I don't like them both (coz' I don't like thieves that hurting innocent NPC, liers etc), but my choices torched into this Safana, at least she is a real Thief but not a song-singer like a Garrick (I have nothing against bards, but in this case Thief has won).
But whom I need to take with my avatar next? Those neutral guys - Khalid and Jaheira, well obviously my party is need fo' healer! And both, Jaheira and Khalid showed their competence in the time when I have horrific battles in BG1:EE, such as against overpowered skeleton in the Ulcaster' Skool, or those killing machine - Aec'Latex (my party from BG1:EE - Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, China monk, and the Knight forgot his name).
But what about those Denaheira and Minsk and Boo, of course the are formidable, and well concerned against evil and injustice (especially Boo :P), but I don't know. In addition my party laready have not so bad magician - Diviner (Avatar), of course two magicians is a horrific power! But I don't want to make a life of Denaheira and her friends so hard, and I don't want to grab them into danger along with my avatar (well I know what will happens in BG2, but still... they deserves a moment of peace.), in addition only Denaheira have a "cold enough" head, I have nothing against Minsk and Boo, but they both, little bit, ... they both have a small amount of temptation.
If I will take Safana + Rashaad, I have only three places left, so + Jaheira and Khalid, and the only one place is left. I hope I will meet somebody formidable for this place. Corwin (Like a Corben Dallas from the "5th Element" lol..) is a very strong indeed, and the soldier that concerned on her duty is right what I need for my avatar's mission! Too poor that she is not recruitable. Her skills with a bow, showed it's effectiveness when my avatar Safana and Corwin has been attacked by thieves on the city streets where my magician cannot use a single spell! due to danger to harm innocents.. that was horrific fight, in addition this civilian NPC many-many times blocked my avatar's way = reload
coz my avatar usually falls after 1-2 hits. Anyway 5x "Wand of Fear" + 1x "Detect Invisibility" + lot of Corwin's arrows, and nobody has been harmed except those attackers - this soldier was indeed a very effective and.

Thanx for the answers.
I have some difficult to make a choice:
1) China Monk (Rashaad) - of course my party is need for a char with a cold head, and which will have no hesitation when the time to protect the innocents and stop the evil will come. Rashaad must be.
2) Well, my party is need somebody who can open locks, search for traps, etc - I have a little choice, Garrick or Safana - well I don't like them both (coz' I don't like thieves that hurting innocent NPC, liers etc), but my choices torched into this Safana, at least she is a real Thief but not a song-singer like a Garrick (I have nothing against bards, but in this case Thief has won).
But whom I need to take with my avatar next? Those neutral guys - Khalid and Jaheira, well obviously my party is need fo' healer! And both, Jaheira and Khalid showed their competence in the time when I have horrific battles in BG1:EE, such as against overpowered skeleton in the Ulcaster' Skool, or those killing machine - Aec'Latex (my party from BG1:EE - Imoen, Jaheira, Khalid, China monk, and the Knight forgot his name).
But what about those Denaheira and Minsk and Boo, of course the are formidable, and well concerned against evil and injustice (especially Boo :P), but I don't know. In addition my party laready have not so bad magician - Diviner (Avatar), of course two magicians is a horrific power! But I don't want to make a life of Denaheira and her friends so hard, and I don't want to grab them into danger along with my avatar (well I know what will happens in BG2, but still... they deserves a moment of peace.), in addition only Denaheira have a "cold enough" head, I have nothing against Minsk and Boo, but they both, little bit, ... they both have a small amount of temptation.
If I will take Safana + Rashaad, I have only three places left, so + Jaheira and Khalid, and the only one place is left. I hope I will meet somebody formidable for this place. Corwin (Like a Corben Dallas from the "5th Element" lol..) is a very strong indeed, and the soldier that concerned on her duty is right what I need for my avatar's mission! Too poor that she is not recruitable. Her skills with a bow, showed it's effectiveness when my avatar Safana and Corwin has been attacked by thieves on the city streets where my magician cannot use a single spell! due to danger to harm innocents.. that was horrific fight, in addition this civilian NPC many-many times blocked my avatar's way = reload

Thanx for the answers.
Also I have saw a few NPC on the small parapet,
is this a new-how of SoD? Coz' I don't remember such stuff in the previous BG-series, anyway looks ok.
The main question - to take the Dynaheira & Co with the party or not to take, I don't want to get them into troubles, but my low hp magician without a protection of formidable fighters will fall like a straw... ;/ .
P.S. My avatar finished many quests, and the almost all of them have few variants to solve it, I think to give an ability to make a choice for the player - is great! City in general is looks ok too.
So for now my party is like that - many different characters, with a different goals and methods, but with the same desire to end those madness.