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Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition FAQ

JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,774
There's a very detailed list of Frequently Asked Questions on our site.

Check for all the details of PST:EE.

Our team members are giving interviews to media, which you can read here: - Interview with Trent Oster - Interview with Alex Tomovic - Interview with Chris Avellone - Interview with Alex Tomovic, Scott Brooks and Alexei Pepers - Interview with Phillip Daigle, Alex Tomovic, Scott Brooks - Interview with Trent Oster!/article/114737/103426554 - Interview with Phillip Daigle
Post edited by JuliusBorisov on


  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171

    Unfinished Business.

    We obtained permission to use the Unfinished Business mod, but decided not to after some internal discussions.

    If/when the mod is updated for PST:EE people will still be able to install it, if they are so inclined.

    May I ask what are the reasons NOT to include Unfinished Business?
  • MiraStastnyMiraStastny Member Posts: 813
    My guess is that some of the components from UB were deliberately cut from the original game.
  • GlurakGlurak Member Posts: 2
    edited March 2017
    Hadar said:

    Unfinished Business.

    We obtained permission to use the Unfinished Business mod, but decided not to after some internal discussions.

    If/when the mod is updated for PST:EE people will still be able to install it, if they are so inclined.

    May I ask what are the reasons NOT to include Unfinished Business?

    I Would say some things are very bugged some changes the way how you understand things like the morte mod.

    Players they never played Planescape will many things not understand here.

    My Question here is.

    Were you able to Reimplement the EAX Sound Effects ? Its the only thing you cant Emulate on new Systems. (alchemy wont work)

    I would be happy when you can do it in the modern sound way :-)
  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171
    edited March 2017

    PST:EE is the canonical version of the game in terms of the content.

    We've been working with Chris Avellone on it, and his stance is that some of the content that was cut from Planescape: Torment was cut for a reason, so we didn't want to include Unfinished Business since it wouldn't be the canonical version of the game.

    So that quest weren't unfinished, but they were just cut. OK, that's a fine answer.

    It was Chris Avellone wish to not add any new content? Didn't he want add anything?
  • GlurakGlurak Member Posts: 2
    What is with EAX Soundeffects are they in as default?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    edited March 2017
    Wish ya guys had sprung for new hires art portraits.

    If you were concerned about losing the look of the original you could make it toggleable like they did in the monkey island remaster - you can swap between hires and classic.
  • PekingduckmanPekingduckman Member Posts: 151
    Can we finally use cheats at least? As some who played the original release times over, I'd love to get my hands on endgame weapons without having to grind the Undersigil.
  • TeflonTeflon Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 515

    Can we finally use cheats at least? As some who played the original release times over, I'd love to get my hands on endgame weapons without having to grind the Undersigil.

    Then ee keeper is your last resort, I don't recall in game cheat can give you goodies like BELL'S SHIELD? :p
    Greater glabrezu is so hard to encounter.
  • CloutierCloutier Member Posts: 228
    I really, really like your attitude.

    One thing though. It would have been fine to improve combat AI. ;)
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    The FAQ above is mostly what's not in the game.

    What is in the game is laid out nicely here:
    and in the FAQ

    What does Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition offer that the modded original version doesn't?

    Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition features a high-definition UI, compatibility with modern hardware, and Enhanced Edition features such as quickloot and the combat log. In addition to the Windows version, we've built native Mac/Linux/iOS/Android ports, and have committed to continued support and bug fixing beyond what is capable via mods. Non-English players will enjoy the improved translations and fixes to voiceover overlap bugs. The new version looks great on high-resolution screens and works in windowed mode.

    Here's a longer list of improvements we've made:

    Options menu accessable from start screenFeature not present in original PST
    Most recent save accessable from start screenFeature not present in original PST
    Movies and plot events now work correctily in windowed modeIn original PST, movies would not play in windowed mode, sometimes breaking plot points
    Options to adjust text sizeFeature not present in original PST
    Fewer clicks to cast spells, change weapons, use items, etc.The right-click menu in original PST required at least one additional click to perform any action
    Performing actions no longer obscures game worldBecause the right-click menu in original PST obscured a significant portion of the screen, the player was forced to move the menu around often
    More autopause optionsAdditional settings now available
    Quick loot availableFeature not present in original PST
    Load screens removedOriginal PST had lengthy load times between areas
    Smoother area transitionsEntering areas is now a more pleasant experience and provides information to the player
    Combat log availableFeature not present in original PST
    Option to see health status of creaturesFeature not present in original PST
    Chris Avellone editing passChris Avellone requested the chance to review the entire text of Planescape: Torment and made thousands of corrections and improvements
    Framerate adjustment optionsThe framerate in original PST was locked to 30 fps
    Tooltips easier to readAdjusted the color of tooltips from what original PST had makes them easier to read
    Option to cycle through spell descriptionsFeature not present in original PST
    Option to make cursors larger (option not available on Windows 7 and Windows 8)Feature not present in original PST (useful for HD displays)
    Option to apply sprite outlines and highlight the selected spriteMakes sprites easier to see and interact with
    Optional grayscale on pauseMakes viewing sprites in combat easier
    Able to zoom out to gain a wider view of the gameZooming was not present in original PST
    Heal on rest optionMakes resting more convenient
    Max HP on level upMakes game easier for players more focused on story
    Option to set language from within gameFeature not present in original PST
    Option to read descriptions for special abilitiesThere was no way in original PST to read character abilities like Morte's Litany of Curses (taunt), so Chris Avellone wrote new lines to describe these abilities
    Quick item and spell descriptions
    Players can now read quick item, spell, and special ability descriptions directly from the main UI
    "Affected by" section added to character recordWe show the specific spells cast on the character in addition to any original information supplied by the game
    Fixed technical issues with plotsBased off of extensive testing, many technical issues in PST plots have been fixed
    In-game helpThe original PST interface was not clearly explained to the player. Now we have a series of help cards
    More user interface feedbackPrimarily with stores, but across the board, more details have been exposed to the UI to help players understand how the interface works
    Option to see walkable areas in area mapNot present in original PST (helps with obscure areas)
    Object highlight modeEasier to see obscure locations in the game world by highlighting interactable objects
    Journal / quest log highlights unread entriesEasier to track which plots are active
    Option to search the journal and quest textEasier to find information related to obscure plots
    Cloud saves (Steam-only)Steam players can use the same save games on different desktops
    Keyboard navigation of the UI without overriding user hotkeysOriginal PST had inconsistent keyboard navigation
    Aspect ratio support from 5:4 to 21:9The original PST was 4:3, and with mods could go to 16:9
    Cheat commands and debug consoleFeature not present in original PST
    Steam AchievementsAdded achievements to PST:EE on Steam
    Steam trading cardsAdded trading cards to PST:EE on Steam

  • StoibsStoibs Member Posts: 66
    edited March 2017
    Not sure if I'm missing something obvious or if it's mentioned somewhere on the store page that I'm overlooking, but what version does pre-ordering and purchasing it *here* give us?

    Steam? Gog? Android? IOS? All of the above?

    EDIT: So, according to smeagolheart's link, we can get a steam copy here if we manually request one. I suppose the 'default' version we get is just a DRM-free download or something then? Store page could do with some clarification still.
    Post edited by Stoibs on
  • DoubledimasDoubledimas Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,286

    Can we finally use cheats at least? As some who played the original release times over, I'd love to get my hands on endgame weapons without having to grind the Undersigil.

    Console is available. Just edit your .lua file like with the BGs games.
  • GrifGrif Member Posts: 48
    Well fucking done guys! Shut up and take my Benjamins! .... no wait, I'm Canadian eh? so shut up and take my Queen Lizzy!
  • poiuytpoiuyt Member Posts: 1
    Beamdog, if possible, please give us the option to manually cancel or disable the spell videos/animations. It's nice to look at a Meteor Swarm or Mechanus' Cannon animation the first time around, but if you casting them over and over, it gets really tiresome waiting for the animation to finish. Celestial Host is an egregious example, with an almost 90 second long unskippable animation.
  • AyiekieAyiekie Member Posts: 975

    Well, I did expect it. I did get a good chuckle out of the advertising of a Chris Avellone EDITING PASS, though. But in seriousness, while I'm personally disappointed in the lack of anything new, I think it was the right call for Beamdog due to the irrationality of the internet, so good luck, guys.
  • cmk24cmk24 Member Posts: 605
    Stoibs said:

    Not sure if I'm missing something obvious or if it's mentioned somewhere on the store page that I'm overlooking, but what version does pre-ordering and purchasing it *here* give us?

    Steam? Gog? Android? IOS? All of the above?

    EDIT: So, according to smeagolheart's link, we can get a steam copy here if we manually request one. I suppose the 'default' version we get is just a DRM-free download or something then? Store page could do with some clarification still.

    If you pre-order through Beamdog you get a forum badge, a DRM-free version of the game, and you can request a Steam key. (The forum badge is the only unique thing for a Beamdog pre-order.)
  • JCDentonJCDenton Member Posts: 24
    Looks good, thou I did hope to be able to recruit more than five companions.
  • MIK0MIK0 Member Posts: 7


    We didn't have access to the source art for the original animated portraits and movies.

    Without the source art, the only way to update the EE versions would be to re-create the movies and portraits from scratch and we felt that doing that would alter the feel of the original game too much.

    As expected. Have you thought, or is there a chance, of adding some sort of toggleable filter (like scanlines) to mitigate the effect of low resolution on those assets (expecially compared to the hires ui) but still be faithful to the original?

  • kotekokoteko Member Posts: 179
    Just pre-ordered this. I was really hoping for this EE, yes! I'll finally be able to finish P:T.

    Just one question to the developers: will we see some original content as DLC? I really like your original content in all EEs and in SoD, so I would buy your P:T EE dlcs.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    edited March 2017

    • No kits/classes/races/spells/items from BG2 or IWD
    I've never played the original game, so:
    1. What classes/races are available for the protagonist?
    2. Are the game mechanics based on the AD&D 2nd edition rules?
  • HadarHadar Member Posts: 171

    1. Warrior, Mage, Thief
    2. I think it was D&D 1 with tons of customisation by Black Isle Studios. It definitely wasn't any true D&D system.
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