What are you guys doing to pass time until the 30th of November?

I, for one, bought and downloaded IW2 from GOG's sale this morning, and has so far had a lot of fun making up the backstory to my strangely assorted party - a human paladin who spent years gathering chosen people from different tribes and villages, and thus collecting an elven mage, a halfling rogue, a dwarven fighter, human cleric and finally an missile-leaning fighter from the wood elves. Good fun, indeed 
What I don't get is the business with multiclassing in IW2 - I can choose which class I level up in as I go along? Strange (for someone who only knows D&D from BG1/2 and IW1 (and the first bookset, the blue and orange one - but that was a long time ago...).

What I don't get is the business with multiclassing in IW2 - I can choose which class I level up in as I go along? Strange (for someone who only knows D&D from BG1/2 and IW1 (and the first bookset, the blue and orange one - but that was a long time ago...).
As it happens, this will be Sumo... As I have somehow ended up with a Guinea Pig.
IIRC, you HAVE to multi-class at some point. I believe the level cap is 30 but you can only go up to level 20 in any one given class.
If you want some tips on borderline OP characters to make, let me know. I'm actually more familiar with 3rd Ed than I am with AD&D rules. One of my favorites is the Svirfneblin Monk. Nothing like having 24 AC right out of the gate, even if your HP will suck as a result.
Yes, same here.
Got into the Planetside 2 beta, and I've got a mission. Learn to fly before the game launches. The first couple times I was laughing on Skype with my friend as we alternated trying to fly pretty much anything. The next twenty were less humorous. Progress has been slow and painful, but progress nonetheless.
Other than that, playing some Guild Wars 2. It's weird. I really, really like Guild Wars 2 from a lore/story standpoint, and the artwork is gorgeous. I like that there's no subscription fee, and the way they did the dynamic events + heart quests makes you feel like you're never grinding out a zone, really. Just... exploring. Yet I find it hard to motivate myself to play the game. Not sure why. Oh well.
Seriously, watch football, put new wood floor in the kitchen, play with the new grandkids. You probably won't see that last one mentioned very often, lol.