Hiring a mercenary NPC?

in BG:EE Mods
I'm attempting to build a mercenary fighter NPC, one who changes a fee upon joining and then every week demands more money to stay or leaves.
I presume I can do this via dialog, any assistance would be appreciated...
I presume I can do this via dialog, any assistance would be appreciated...
I don't have the time unfortunately to get involved in any other modding projects, but once you get the gist of understanding how to write dialogs these two links should be of some help.
(Here you would be looking to use "PartyGoldGT" , "GlobalTimerExpired" and "Global" )
Here you would be using "SetGlobal", "TakePartyGold" and "SetGlobalTimer"
I've taken the liberty of attaching "FARMBR", which is a dialog from BG1 that should give you some idea on how to format the dialog file to check/take party gold. Any text editor should be able to open it.
The other file in there is Kivan's dialog, which should help make it a bit easier to figure out how to set up a timer (SetGlobalTimer).
As far as the script goes, that requires you to use the "GlobalTimerExpired" trigger in order to get the dialogs to trigger. The following example comes from Kivan's script.
Hopefully this at least puts you a bit on the right track. Going through existing game files with Near Infinity can be really helpful sometimes for stuff like this.
As a DM ,once long ago, I gave the party the the chance to hire Fred n Charley from the Finieous Fingers comics from early Dragon magazine days. They were a hilarious pair to roleplay for a DM.
in fact i added comments and organized it in such a way as to make it relatively easy for other modders to use.
I leaned heavily on the BG2 Branwen mod to learn npc modding 101 myself, they were kind enough to intentionally design it for such a thing after all
sixfive companions and Charname unless the mercenary is beyond your complete control, like a familiar or @Artemius_I 's djinni companion and golem mods (no access to their inventory), or the blue-circle soldiers fighting on your side in SOD. Unless what you're proposing is a new NPC wjo simply charges for his service in your party?