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[MOD] Bags of Torment

argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
edited November 2018 in PST:EE Mods
Download: Bags of Torment (latest)

This mod adds a number of unique containers to the game which can be purchased from various shops or acquired by other means. One of the containers may also trigger a small quest.

The mod is available in English, French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish and Russian.

How to install
This is a WeiDU mod, that means it is very easy to install. Simply unpack the downloaded archive into your game directory and run "setup-BagsOfTorment.exe".


1. Containers for PST:EE (main component)

Installs the following containers:
  • Imp Leather Bag: Can be purchased from a merchant at the marketplace in the Hive. May store up to 50 items.
  • Modron Storage Crystal: Can be looted from the Evil Wizard Construct in the Modron Maze. May store up to 200 items. (Hint: Killing the construct quickly might pay off in an unexpected way.)
  • Pocket Singularity: An exotic item that can be purchased from Vrischika's "Curiosity Shoppe" at Clerk's Ward. You'll have to figure out how to make it work first. May store up to 500 items.

2. Increase storage capacity of containers (requires main component)

This tweak increases the original storage capacity to over 32000.
Important: Current patch version of PST:EE (v3.1.3) contains a bug that resets any container content when you enter the Modron Maze. To work around it you have to biff the content of the override folder.

To do this, download Generalized Biffing and unpack it into the game's installation directory. The included executable "setup-generalized_biffing.exe" should be updated automatically to the latest WeiDU version that supports PST:EE when you start it.
Post edited by argent77 on


  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited April 2017
    Useful with vanilla. Are rings and items already stackable on unmodded PSTee?
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    rede9 said:

    Useful with vanilla. Are rings and items already stackable on unmodded PSTee?

    They aren't, was part of tweaks. So yes, containers are huge deal.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Making equippable items stackable would be a bad idea in most cases. I think it would hurt immersion if you can equip a stack of 50 earrings.

    Bags are not as badly needed in PST:EE since you have more inventory slots available. But even the most spacious inventory will run out of space eventually if you are a compulsive collector.
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    argent77 said:

    Making equippable items stackable would be a bad idea in most cases. I think it would hurt immersion if you can equip a stack of 50 earrings.

    You could cap it at 27.

  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    First like on the first thread of the first mod of PST:EE! Life = complete.

    If I ever need 32000 inventory spaces in a video game however I think i will begun to question my priorities a bit :D

    Will definitely be installing this when I make my purchase because who doesn't like new quests? This may be heresy to some but i've always felt that PST could do with more content mods or additions in general
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited April 2017
    argent77 said:

    Making equippable items stackable would be a bad idea in most cases. I think it would hurt immersion if you can equip a stack of 50 earrings.

    On Morrowind I installed the mod which gives weight to the money to increase immersion.
    Worst mod ever.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    There may also be technical implications if the equippable items provide bonuses or charged abilities. Just imagine equipping a stack of 50 Rings of Protection +1. It would be a rather unbalancing feature.
  • EginnapusiffemaEginnapusiffema Member Posts: 2
    I say, equipping a stack of 50 Rings of Protection +1 would be a welcoming addition in Icewind dale HoF mode.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363

    So I noticed no difference between vanilla and bag mod in terms of
    Hint: Killing the construct quickly might pay off in an unexpected way. Killed it before anyone else with brute force.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited April 2017
    Look into the looted "bag" to see if it has paid off or not. ;)

    I modified the combat script of the EWC to use items from the container against you, so the longer you need to take it down the less items will remain when you loot it.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    argent77 said:

    Look into the looted "bag" to see if it has paid off or not. ;)

    I modified the combat script of the EWC to use items from the container against you, so the longer you need to take it down the less items will remain when you loot it.
    He started the battle by dealing 76 dmg with a cannon to my face, then I hacked him to pieces, found the usual control rod, portal lens. Inside of the bag was a single lvl 8 scroll which was a guaranteed drop beforehand. Hence why "no difference."
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited April 2017
    There should be more scrolls available.

    - a scroll of Enoll Eva's Duplication (only if you were really quick in dispatching the EWC)
    - a scroll of Ball Lightning
    - one or more scrolls of Magic Missile (very likely unless you took it down very slowly)

    I have just tested it to be sure it still works in this patch version of the game.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    edited April 2017
    There was nothing but the mech. cannon scroll inside. I couldn't possibly kill the construct sooner without cheating.

    Maybe it's somehow linked to the following?:

    At some point I also lost items stored in the Pocket Singularity, namely Xachariah's Heart, Finlam's Book, exotic items bought from Vrischika, some keys, tome of pest. thoughts, stone lim-lim among other junk things.
    Don't know why and when - most likely somewhere in Modron Maze (because I have a save before with the items and none of them after), so unfortunately can't reproduce it. Luckily there's console now so I'm not locked out of the game and gave myself the items again.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Hmm, leaking bags? It could be a game bug. This feature might not have been as thoroughly tested since there are no container items available in vanilla PSTEE.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    edited April 2017
    I only realized I was missing the items after completing the maze, so didn't want to reload.
    Tried teleporting straight to EWC and ctrl+y, the items are there.

    I think it's impossible to destroy the construct before he uses both enoll and even the ball lightning scrolls at lvl cca 9-10 when you are there. He starts the battle with a cannon to the face immediately followed by enoll-eva and has crapton of HP and always saves against litany of curses.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Yeah, it's probably very difficult at level 10. However, I have also added a bigger delay between each spellcasting, so it should still be possible.
  • QueegonQueegon Member Posts: 363
    Well, it's not like I'm going to wait to go to Modron Maze after return to Sigil. An extra copy of Enoll is not worth losing Nordom (who is lvl 7 himself).
  • fdmsaraivafdmsaraiva Member Posts: 3
    argent77 said:

    Installs the following containers:
    - Imp Leather Bag: Can be purchased from a merchant at the marketplace in the Hive.
    May store up to 50 items.

    Hey there, could you point out exactly which merchant sells the imp leather bag, like with a screenshot for good measure? I can't seem to find a merchant selling the container and I'm not sure whether that means the installation didn't go well or if I just haven't noticed the right merchant.

    Trying this on a Mac BTW.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Certainly. It's the one highlighted in blue:

  • fdmsaraivafdmsaraiva Member Posts: 3
    edited April 2017
    Cheers, but it seems it isn't working for me then, just reinstalled the mod and that merchant still doesn't have an Imp Leather Bag among his wares.

    I'm running the Steam version of PT:EE on a Mac running macOS Sierra 10.12.4. Here's the reinstall log if it helps:

    Anything else I can provide you with to troubleshoot?

    Post edited by fdmsaraiva on
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    edited April 2017
    The install messages suggest that the bag has been successfully added to the store.

    Have you already entered his store before installing the mod? In this case the store is added to your save and cannot be updated by the mod anymore.

    You can add another bag to the store with the following console command though:
    Simply copy and paste it into the game console.

    Edit: How to enable the game console
  • fdmsaraivafdmsaraiva Member Posts: 3
    argent77 said:

    You can add another bag to the store with the following console command though:

    Perfect. I had indeed gone to the shop before installing the mod, but that console command worked great. Cheers!
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    The link is broken for me.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Please specify which link doesn't work.

    The download link is working fine for me. The link mentioned in the readme still points to the beta section of this forum. I will update it in the next release.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Sorry, the download link isn't working for me:
    Here's the error

    Roughly translates to : [The file] won't be saved because the source file can't be read. Try later or contact the admin.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    It might be a local problem on your side. Maybe the browser doesn't complete download before the file is opened with 7-Zip, or an antivirus tool interferes with the operation. Try to download the file first and open it with an unpacker manually afterwards.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    edited April 2017
    It doesn't actually let me select the option. The second window pops up before I get to press the "OK" button. I tried with a different browser as well.

    Chrome gives a "ERR_CONNECTION_RESET".

    Could it be due to location since it's a cdn?

    Edit : nvm, it was my antivirus :# piece of ..
  • Saigon1983Saigon1983 Member Posts: 157
    @argent77, hello! I made russian translation of your mod. There is 'russian' folder and modified setup.tra with a path to it. Tested on my win7. All is fine!
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,521
    Thank you!

    Would you like to translate the readme as well?
  • Saigon1983Saigon1983 Member Posts: 157
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