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Hello Folks - I'm Necro, a geeky Brit!
Currently working on a full Let's Play of BG1EE/SOD/BG2EE/TOB for Youtube.
I've played BG since it was originally released, and started on my old ancient PC (How the heck it ran that game I dont know... could barely run MSWord!)
I've found the forums really useful for learning tips and tricks, so thought I should sign up.

I tend to play either a CHARNAME Sorc/Cavalier (Currently doing Cava), with a custom made party.
Recently discovered just how awesome Archer is in BG1... kinda insane; especially with Arrows of Detonation.

I play with SCS on both games - David your awesome man!
I have to admit.. I do resort to cheesing at times, as I'm not THE best player, but I can hold my own.

Anyway, nice to meetcha you all!


  • Necroscope86Necroscope86 Member Posts: 79
    Sertorius said:

    Nice to see you here Necro, been watching quite a few of your Let's Plays over the years and will definitely be watching this one. So welcome and I hope you'll still have as much fun with the games as when you started them.

    Why thank you sir ^_^ - Much appreciate the welcome and kind comments!
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Welcome! Nice to meet you too!
  • kaguanakaguana Member Posts: 1,328
    Welcome Necro as @Sertorius said nice to see you here and I'm glad to hear you are making a new LP of BG series :smile:
  • sparkleavsparkleav Member Posts: 871
    Nice to meet you Necro, I'm a Brit too! :)
  • Howdy, pardner! Welcome and have fun!
  • ber5nie5ber5nie5 Member Posts: 430
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    Necro! Im subbed to your channel! haha... Though I thought youd given up youtubing to focus on other thigns? I watched your old BG playthroughs so I will check this one out for sure.
  • Necroscope86Necroscope86 Member Posts: 79
    Aww I'm flattered matey. I quit but life's changed a bit again now. Wouldn't say I'm back at all but I'm working on some LPS casually
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