What mods would people want for this game?

Modding PST has always been quite the hassle, but now that it's using the Enhanced Engine, there are a lot more options for potential mods (thanks to the extensive updates to the Enhanced Engine).
I already have ideas for a 5th Edition conversion mod, and a magic expansion mod, but I'm always curious what others are interested in.
I already have ideas for a 5th Edition conversion mod, and a magic expansion mod, but I'm always curious what others are interested in.
I'd love to have an option to *always* highlight interactive objects and npcs, just like permanently holding down the Tab key would work. No, the cheat key CTRL+4 doesn't come close, as that only shows scripted objects and doesn't highlight interactive objects, such as containers, and npcs at all. This request would be for all EE games.
Another would be for the Quickloot, Combat Log, and Walkable Area options to all remain checked if selected, whether loading or quitting to desktop.
Other than those the possibilities are endless. Like reading Grace's diary.
But as to what I'd be interested in?
- If we're talking about GUI modding, I'd like to see the return of the right-click radial mouse menu.
- It would also be interesting to have unique custom NPC's. For instance: an Fighter/Priest Bariaur.
- Sets of wearable robes (colourated Dustmen disguise, anyone?) for both thievery and wizardry TNO's would also be a real godsend.
- Although a mod which permanently transforms TNO into the zombie disguise (possibly Lich-y, Necromancer-ish content) may breathe fresh air into the gameplay as well.
Companion Trias?
As ever, thank you for your hard work bringing mods to these games and joy to their players.
Now, I don't know if we can include portraits for NPCs in dialogue like in the other EEs, but if we could have something like that for PS:TEE that would be amazing and add a lot of atmosphere to an already fantastic game.
There was actually an older mod for the original PS:T in a similar vein:
but sadly it was never finished. The 90s 3D-Art for the npc-portraits and the beastiary/journal have - at least in my opinion - not aged that well and I would love to see them replaced with some really great looking art (at least for the main NPCs).
I know there is some fantastic planescape-art to be found out there. I mean just look at this Dak'kon for example:
So, yeah it would probably be a lot of work to find good art for all the portraits in the game and maybe even harder to get permission by the artists, but I think a mod like that would really put the 'enhanced-feeling' in the enhanced edition.
Thanks for reading and have a great day.
P.S.: I also second the notion of an AI- or Difficulty-Mod, that would be cool...
+ a revamped Grimoire of Pestilential Thought
+ Someone should revamp the meeting with the god in the smoldering bar corpse
+ Unifinished bussiness mod
+ a few quests to make some places better (like Curst); Undersigil is fixed by UB for those that play a good character
+ true (Evil\practical) routes for an incarnation that behaves like the pratical incarnation
I haven't really played but I noticed the UI does not by default display an area for displaying portraits during conversations.
I was able to get in the portrait so that it can display like this (this is a slightly higer rez portrait for Morte):
If someone who is good with the UI wants to contact me about how to code in something that looks like this it would be better:
Personally if I were going to do it I would have it in someway relate to Mourns For Trees. So you'd really be more of a druid than a cleric (visually your class is called a "Priest" anyways). Basically tie it more into that line of belief rather than the belief in a particular god.
So I'm a heretic, I know.
Haven't been on these forums for a long time (not since playing BG1/2 a while back) and am a long time fan of PST like many others. So nice my favourite game ever got an enhanced edition. Beamdog you made my day, and prior to my misgivings thanks so much for keeping it true to the original.
Not sure if this has been posted elsewhere, apologies as I imagine it has but I couldn't find it after a few web searches. Any news of making the rest of Qwin's UB pack able to run with the EE (or am I being dense and it runs anyway? Haven't tried as easter's been something awful where I work). Have started a game but its not the same with all the addition content at the Buried Village.
Thanks! And again sorry if this post is redundant as it will work anyway or if its been anwered before.
So in short: all the old "standard" mods.
With info provided by argent77 I got to reduce the time between banters by modifying one line in a file with NI and with console you can drop off Nordom wherever you want to by teleporting to a Sigil area and back to Curst Prison for Vhailor.
For jewelry I suggest either BG Tweak mod which works for stacking and/or Bags of Torment mod here.
Since I never commented on the mods page itself, let me just thank you here real quick: Thank you (!) for creating such an amazing mod. I already played through IWDEE with it installed and in combination with Kulyok's NPC-Mod that was just a completely fresh und pristine experience. Trying it out (and enjoying it) on BG2 at the moment, even though I don't have that much time for gaming these days.
Anyway... in terms of Planescape: thank you also for already working on a new mod for the PS:T EE. The concept you posted (in the 2nd screen) looks really good and I am really looking forward to what you can cook up - as are probably a lot of other players out there.
Have a nice evening
I don't think anything has changed in PST:EE in this regard.