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[NPC Mod] Noamuth, Noa, Kyorlin, Qu'lith & Plynn come to Amn! [In Progress]



  • agb1agb1 Member Posts: 249
    @Icecreamtub - this thread might be useful.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited December 2016
    Post Update is here! Everybody loves Updates, right?!

    Post cleaned up. (I'm trying to make this as Brief as I can!)

    Added a final-thoughts at the end of the post! (I can't believe I forgot to thank everyone for reading this book-entry level of a wall, ugh! I'm terrible, sorry!!)

    Cleaned up the Creative side of things, scrapping useless lines of text about my path to finalising item ideas. (Nobody wants to read all those boring editor notes, right?)

    Added in the fact I will be trying to add in character-specific nerfs to justify certain unique aspects of kits.

    Note: The Unique Items the characters pick up are "scaling based", so they won't be immediately available. This has been added to the main post, too! Otherwise they look super OP, right? They're meant to be Underdark/Post Underdark items. (So basically ToB, right?)

    I have picked up the speed with my Mod learning by the way! (I'm a beginner, eek! But I learn real fast!) I'm still creating things in the Infinity Engine and making playthroughs to personally see what is "Too strong" or buggy, this is why it's taking a long time - I want to playtest everything so that my ideas don't break some part of the game, especially consistently! So this means always starting a fresh game in BG1 & BG2 with personally crafted stuff to ensure it doesn't impact the game in an un-fun way. (Sorry, I can't pander to Metagaming! Roleplay is the focus here.)

    Thanks to @subtledoctor for creating a WeiDU post for my retarded head! This means a lot to me and it's great to finally sit down and see the whole process with my own two eyes! I know we've sarcastically clashed in the past, but I do respect him and love all the work he puts out for everyone here! Great man<3
    Post edited by Icecreamtub on
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited May 2017
    Just dropping by to let everyone know I am still working on this Mod! It's not dead, I haven't vanished! I AM ALIVE, ONCE MORE UNTO THE BREECH DEAR FRIENDS!!!

    No but seriously I am still alive and working on this Mod when I can, I am still learning and I'm getting there... Just a little more! As I noted before, I'm the only one creating, testing and doing full length playthroughs all on my own. I don't know what the usual standard time for a Single NPC Mod is, but I really did give myself a lot to work on with a full party of NPCs... (I have a 6th I was working on at the same time as this one, whoopsies there goes the surprise!)

    (Infinity Engine is fun, I love it! Genuinely gives me the idea to probably take up legitimate Infinity Engine training... This is a blast!)

    Sorry everyone that I've been seemingly hot & cold with this Mod, but thank you so much for the 1.1K views holy pretzels!!

    Edit: I should probably ask for some help with this Mod but I feel like it's kinda rude to ask for help on a personal project... >.>; It's just the whole "but if I had help, this would all be done so quickly and everyone can enjoy this (in my own opinion) amazing story to go through!"

    It's not a niche focus on the Underdark either, yes there is Underdark content but I don't want that to be the primary or only focus but boy do we need NPC dialogue in the Underdark! Right? ...Right?

    Plus, it's my first Mod so I'm still excessively excited to see the real feedback once it's playable! Eeeek! -Fangirling-
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2017
    I cleaned up the main post to remove the "YOU NEED TO FIND THESE ITEMS!!!" and replaced it with a "This is completely optional side-quest" as to not to be "telling" people they must find these personal items.

    They are role-play gears to help flesh out their backgrounds whilst amplifying their intended purposes and most likely will be worse than the optimal gears people will take over the ones I am designing.

    The only exception to this will most likely be Plynn, who is a Bard (Specialising in Magic) and already has lacklustre equipment so the biggest focus on this character will be making gears that will end up being slotted for most of the time you have him as they add to the spell selection I'm giving him.

    I'm still running through how to make this concept balanced and not make him come across as some busted bastard.

    (Which funnily enough seems really fitting. However the idea behind this character is that he's meant to be arrogant but actually not all that powerful as to visually represent the whole Drow-Mage background the game already enjoys using.)

    He's definitely going to be the most irritating to implement from a balancing perspective.

    Is there anyone part of the Evil-Party orientated Community that can help give me feedback on what they would like to see from an Evil/Generic Party Bard Spellcaster?
    (I've seen complaints here and there about the total lacklustre experience of playing Evil parties, one of the reasons why I'm designing Plynn & Qu'lith to be pretty intense.)

    I also went ahead and removed Kyorlin's Biography from the post, it doesn't really make much sense for it to be posted here and totally spoiling the beauty of reading it when you install her.

    I'm trying really hard to format this post as spoiler-free as possible and originally I mainly wanted feedback on the writing and see if people took issue with the Biography containing text that is usually part of conversation locked behind time-restraints. Sadly there are a lot of grey areas that I feel like need to be explained very in-depth so people don't view the Mod as some extreme unbalanced nuisance. >.<

    On that note, if anyone's reading this thank you for taking the time to view my Mod and if you have any feedback of any kind, please do not hesitate to post it or even send me a private message! I am here to listen to everyone's feedback and have discussion over changes.

    I know that maybe some people might feel that I'm giving too much power to the Community with this Mod, but this isn't just my personal project - It is meant to be published and I want everyone to enjoy it with the clearly niche interest it will pick up. If I wanted to design a Mod for only my heart's content I can just make a personal party and not make any posts about it, right? ;p

    Edit: I apologise for this lengthy post, I didn't quite realise how much I had typed up... |:
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2017
    Updated the main post once again, now including an updated Screenshot.

    I think I'm about half-way through finishing Noa.cre, so if anyone would like a taster of his base (no conversation lines, just base move/command/etc) stuff, do let me know.
  • Contemplative_HamsterContemplative_Hamster Member Posts: 844
    Wait. What. I've read through this thread and am none the wiser. Is this an NPC who has multiple personalities and cycles through or randomly switches between them? A clear answer would be appreciated.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
  • Contemplative_HamsterContemplative_Hamster Member Posts: 844
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    Update! Woo!

    I'm currently writing up a few mores lines for Noa and then the base should be done. (I know Noamuth is the start for this Mod, but I really wanted to work on Noa first as he's a lot more complex to type up. I can do Noamuth's battlecry/command etcs pretty quickly. Plynn will most likely be the last one I do as he has a lot of Infinity Engine work that needs to be done, like Kit edits.)

    I updated Noa's stat rolls, from 79 to 77, swapping a lot of points and mainly nerfing 19 DEX to 17. Nothing changed mechanically, just some roleplay points required better distribution.

    I also cleaned up the post a lot more (yet again), there's just so much on this damn front page and I'm really sorry about that! I'm trying my best to clean it up for better readability as much as I can!

    If anyone's still paying attention, stay tuned! Maybe I'll even upload Noa early for download so you guys can see what I've been up to all this time !
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    The portraits are outstanding. Who is the artist? Were they made for your mod idea specifically?
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547

    Artastrophe on Deviantart. Yes, I had them commissioned specifically for this Mod.

    It's in the original post at the beginning, but perhaps I should highlight it better?
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    Cleaned up the main post once again, hopefully it looks better ;_;
  • jasteyjastey Member Posts: 2,811
    Sorry! I did read the first post, but appearently not thorough enough.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    It's okay, I took the liberty of making it bigger and unmissable this time so no worries @jastey <3
  • JarinexJarinex Member Posts: 46
    Yeah those portraits are top notch. I'll be keeping my eye on this one for sure!
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    Another update is here!

    Still working on Noa's WeiDu stuff, should be able to link his base for a little tester soon enough. (Won't have banter, of course. Just a base so people can see what I'm doing.)

    This time it's more stat changes, because honestly, I don't know what the hell those original illegal rolls were where everyone hard low stats in certain areas that shouldn't exist. >.>;

    These should make far more sense:


    Str: 11
    Dex: 12
    Con: 10
    Int: 18
    Wis: 12
    Cha: 15

    Str: 16
    Dex: 8
    Con: 16
    Int: 12
    Wis: 14
    Cha: 17

    Str: 12
    Dex: 17
    Con: 12
    Int: 14
    Wis: 12
    Cha: 10

    Str: 14
    Dex: 17
    Con: 13
    Int: 9
    Wis: 8
    Cha: 7

    Side note: Will be editing Qu'lith roll today, didn't get round to doing it yesterday, his STR is ridiculous.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2017
    @rrchristensen I just realised I didn't even answer your question properly and misread the whole thing... Sorry, was clearly too busy on the Mod work when you posted D:

    Essentially, this is a Multiple Character Mod in one Character, you'll understand it better when you get to download the whole thing as you start off with recruiting Noamuth. Eventually during his Personal Quest you will unlock the option to select one of them: Noamuth, Noa, Kyorlin, Plynn or Qu'lith. If you choose Noamuth, however, the game will continue with more omni-present perspective of them all co-existing in one body. If I missed anything, feel free to ask!

    I feel everyone will experience the path of this Mod a lot differently because Noamuth's banters and clashes will be time locked like any other, so I'm really excited to see how the random banters affect everyone's experience with their path to success. I'll try to give a lot of time to complete the main quest before he starts getting pissy as to allow the Mod to showcase various tidbits and possibilities.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Qu'lith could certainly use a bit more INT. It used to be assassins needed a 11 to qualify. A character of 5 WIS or less though, could ONLY be an assassin, hehheh. :*B)
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    edited June 2017

    Qu'lith is unintelligent and illiterate, his Int cannot be higher than 8. Such is described within the game itself.

    "Note: A character with an intelligence score of 8 or less is illiterate and cannot use scrolls or most wands regardless of his class."

    His Wisdom, Int & Cha automatically have to be incredibly low just for roleplay and personality reasons. So his Dex/Con/Str will be slightly higher than usual, but they are currently far too high.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Ah yes, forgot that bit, makes sense. ;)
  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    did you release this? Is it content complete?
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    I'm so sorry I haven't had the chance to post on this main thread, it seems every time I start investing time into this Project my life goes upside down!

    I'm gonna keep this short as not to look like I'm whining about personal affairs - This is just an update as to why I seemingly disappeared yet again.

    I had to move House out of the blue and have been sorting things out in my new home for a while. I'll be able to get back on track soon enough, so have no fear! I'm SO undeniably apologetic for these consistent annoyances.

    Expect an update around the end of October, a few days before November starts at the earliest, of where I am currently with the mod.

    In the mean time I will mostly be around the Boards here and there. I will also edit this mess of a post, the formatting is a... clear eye sore and I clearly got far too excited the last time I edited this page!! (AGAIN IM REALLY SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME)
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    Post has been cleaned up, removing a lot of information I didn't feel was important anymore. (Such as quest items etc.)
    It has also received a major overhaul with formatting and my frantic Enter key pressing, so the post should be much smaller and easier to scroll through.

    Qu'lith has had some more stat tweaks:

    Old: 19Str/17Dex/14Con/4Int/6Wis/4Cha

    New: 19/17/14/1/3/3
    Giving him a new total of 57.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547
    I'm here to admit that I have intentionally been avoiding coming onto the forums lately and I'm really sorry. Long story short, my computer got wiped and the entire project with it.

    So I have to start from scratch. Feels amazing. I think I'm pretty much done with the wallowing and feeling shitty.

    Thankfully, I took upon myself to note everything on this Forum and naturally have all my mental memory to quickly fill out the rest.

    Expect an update, once again, soon. I'm really sorry.

  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 289
    It is kinda a golden rule that whenever one makes a long term work on PC whether that is a mod, a big translation or even a College's thesis to never EVER forget about making backups.

    I've seen countless fan projects busted by such a rookie mistake.

    Better purchase a couple of external HD drives or/and maybe upload your work every week on one of countless online storages.

    Otherwise see ya in despair land when your PC crashes again.

    Sorry if I sound a bit harsh as you probably feel bad enough as it is...but if you do not consider such an option and prefer to count on luck again then you will just waste your time pointlessly.

    Especially if said project lasts 2+ years or so.

    Wouldn't be surprised if after such an "adventure" your morale and motivation for this mod took a huge drop.
  • IcecreamtubIcecreamtub Member Posts: 547

    Critiques are mean,
    My feelings are hurt,
    I'm sorry to say,
    I'm quite the flirt.


    Do you know how inspiring your waves of uplifting chords are? A joyous sight of true beauty! Bravo, I say!

    I'll take a gander at guessing you're a Bard? If not, reclass as soon as possible. The Swordcoast needs you.

    Could be that I'm mistaken, you have assuaged my doubts! I feel refreshed, reborn even, I'm right as rain!

    Knowingly or not, your natural charisma is breathtaking! You really do have an affinity for pleasantries~

    Worthwhile to note:

    No, my motivation has not dropped. (Noa is my baby) I just needed some time to get over losing said baby. When you've worked for so long and it's just gone, it sucks. I did not, however, sit here for months doing nothing. It was relatively recently (few weeks at most) and as soon as I'm done typing this up, I'm going to get back to where I was.

    I imagine y'all would also like to know where I've been for the last year as well, as I mentioned moving home. Self explanatory. On-top of that, all this constant forum editing was eating into hours of time that was better spent on the Project itself. If I was thinking more clearly, I would've notified. I apologise for irrationally rationalising my time management through forum inactivity.

    No, my PC did not crash. It was an entirely different matter of no importance.

    Yes, I'm a rookie at Modding, this has been made clear several times.

    This was never going to be a quick and tidy Mod project, it has 5 characters in it with a lot of roleplay elements and a lot of story.

    This was never going to be quick and I tried my absolute hardest to make it very apparent I've got to actually learn how to Mod first. I eagerly posted my draft to see the general response and if my ideas needed redirection. By that point, I'd already amassed a lot of attention that I wasn't expecting. People are waiting for this Mod to finish and I apologise profusely that I cannot deliver it in a mannerly time.

    However, it will be delivered someday, that's a promise.

    If you were hoping for a professional College Graduate with an extensive Computer Science education or someone with a backlog of content like other great Modders of our Community, then I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm just a random gal with no credentials but a flare for Modding that no rain can put out.

    I get there's reason to be angry at me for taking such a long time on this Mod, eventually succumbing to what you note as a "common error" - however, I owe you nothing and I'm not your employee.

    I'm sure you're thinking "Hah, that's a good thing, I wouldn't ever employ you!" - The point is, I'm not obligated to do anything. My obligation, if anything, is to see things through to the end, no matter what. If anything, I owe it to Artastrophe to make sure I finish this Mod. Her work deserves no less and I wouldn't dream of insulting the hard work she put into this portraits by giving up so easily.

    Yes, not making back-up files was a critical error. There's no excuse nor am I giving one. Something entirely out of my control happened that I was never going to expect. I did not prepare but I did and will learn from this.

    Yes, I made a really stupid mistake but you learn and you grow.

    Yes, this is my first project, yes I am doing it alone and yes I did shoot for the stars beyond my eager little hands but god dammit I'm going to space and living my dream! Maybe I'll even meet some of Boo's relatives, who knows?

    Mothor (being the Bard of Cyric that he/she/they is/are) attempted to cast a Doom Spell on me.

    Thankfully, as pitiful as a mixed heritage Drow's Magic Resistance is (if any), I got lucky and was impervious.

    Alternatively, Mothor (being the previously assumed Bard of Cyric they might happened to be) attempted to entice me with sweet nothings.

    I successfully save against the charming ways of this Bard of Cyric... Sadly, I do become fatigued from the hurtful misdemeanour.

    To get to the point, you're an ass. A seriously sinister one, at that.

    Also a seemingly contradictory one? Do you want me to succumb to despair or not? I'll gladly follow your mad God someday but you really need to make up your mind. Either you do or don't want me to venture forth to the land of despair! Especially when taking a Dagger +2 and going straight for an attempt at my jugular, whilst I'm attempting to get a save from grieving every round for the last 50something rounds.

    You got a rise out of me, congratulations. Question is, what's your next roll?

    As always, it's been a pleasure. If I missed anything, do let me know.
    Until next time on "Adventures with a Drow!"

  • MothorMothor Member Posts: 289
    Wow, I did not intend to sound mean or even blame you for anything. I admit after rereading my post that I might have sounded rather patronizing. My apologies for that.

    No pressure either. I realize that it is just a hobby and obviously I'm not your boss or anything. Just do it the way you can enjoy your time doing it.

    That is a bardy-style ass whooping that you delivered on me but I might have deserved it. Once again, my apologies if I hurt your feelings.

    I'm not sure if making promises is wise though as we all are dancing to RL's tune and even without disasters our plans often do not go the way we would want them to go. However, being optimistic is more healthy than being a pessimist so I guess its a good attitude to have.

    Anyway, I'm not good with words like bards are so I will just say: Good luck with modding and regardless of how this project goes I hope you will have fond memories of it.

    Thumbs up!
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    @Icecreamtub I'm sorry to hear about the loss, but glad your going to be working on it still. I know you put alot of thought and work into it. :)
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    @Icecreamtub From one green modder to another: don't refrain yourself from asking for help and instruction if you find yourself with some issue you can't solve. I've learned a lot this year by asking, reading and reverse-engineering.

    I have a big project going on, Deities of Faerun, that I basically restarted because I realize how bad it's coding was. The last two months I just polished what I did, creating very little.

    Will do the same with another mod of mine called I Hate Undead Kitpack.

    What I'm trying to say is: your project doesn't need to be something that drowns you. Ask around whatever is holding you back (if there is something holding you back) and let this awesome community positively surprise you.

    Good luck with your project!
  • RVNSRVNS Member Posts: 285
    I second this!
    @Raduziel himself is very knowledgeable and helpful. He helps me with my kit I am working on the once or twice a month I have free time to work on it.

    Good luck on this mod as I really like the premise! who doesn't love drow?
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