PST:EE Patch 3.1.3 And What's Next for Beamdog

Hello, cutters!
3.1.3 for PST:EE is out!
See the full list of patch fixes on our blog -
You have been asking about what’s next and the answer is… lots!
Our team of translators have already started work on PST:EE in multiple languages including Czech, Ukrainian, Italian, and more! Because these are volunteer-driven projects, we do not currently have a release date for any new languages. The new Beamdog Localization Coordinator is currently assessing each of our translation projects on our other Enhanced Edition titles and as projects are completed, we’ll add them to upcoming patches.
Our fans on iOS will be pleased to hear that we’re aware of the notification you’ve all been seeing regarding 32-bit applications and can rest assured that we will have all of our Enhanced Edition games upgraded to 64-bit as part of our 2.4 patch series. The Beamdog team has already started on the 64 bit update for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and plans to address the same issue on Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition afterwards. Expect to see more details on these iOS patches later this summer.
Once the 2.4 patch series has been completed, we will bring those improvements to desktop and Android versions of BG:EE, BGII:EE, and IWD:EE alongside more bug fixes and feature requests submitted by the community, including Steam achievements for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.
As we get further into development, fans who own Enhanced Edition games on Beamdog will be able to opt into available betas through the Beamdog Client. Beta availability will be announced on all of our social channels, so stay tuned!
We’ve got a few other projects in the works including Steam trading cards.
More details on the blog.
3.1.3 for PST:EE is out!
See the full list of patch fixes on our blog -
You have been asking about what’s next and the answer is… lots!
Our team of translators have already started work on PST:EE in multiple languages including Czech, Ukrainian, Italian, and more! Because these are volunteer-driven projects, we do not currently have a release date for any new languages. The new Beamdog Localization Coordinator is currently assessing each of our translation projects on our other Enhanced Edition titles and as projects are completed, we’ll add them to upcoming patches.
Our fans on iOS will be pleased to hear that we’re aware of the notification you’ve all been seeing regarding 32-bit applications and can rest assured that we will have all of our Enhanced Edition games upgraded to 64-bit as part of our 2.4 patch series. The Beamdog team has already started on the 64 bit update for Baldur’s Gate: Enhanced Edition and Baldur’s Gate II: Enhanced Edition, and plans to address the same issue on Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition afterwards. Expect to see more details on these iOS patches later this summer.
Once the 2.4 patch series has been completed, we will bring those improvements to desktop and Android versions of BG:EE, BGII:EE, and IWD:EE alongside more bug fixes and feature requests submitted by the community, including Steam achievements for Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.
As we get further into development, fans who own Enhanced Edition games on Beamdog will be able to opt into available betas through the Beamdog Client. Beta availability will be announced on all of our social channels, so stay tuned!
We’ve got a few other projects in the works including Steam trading cards.
More details on the blog.
I noticed an annoying bug on GOG with 3.1.3. When I start the game my Windows Task Bar stay upfront. It's the only game in my GOG library that behave like this
One of Beamdog's advertised selling points for EEs was cross-platform multi-player, but that only works when the different platforms have the same version. Personally, I'm not interested in multi-player, but they sold the game on this promise and are therefore bound by it.
It's already been untrue for well over a year (while they haven't been able to get v2+ working on mobile platforms, so it's good news that this is about to be fixed for iOS even though not yet Android), so bringing versions into line across platforms should be the top priority. In particular, version alignment should be more urgent than developing v3 improvements, more urgent than adding requested features, and more urgent even than non-critical bug fixes.
Furthermore, once they've got the versions into line across platforms, they should then keep the versions aligned, not releasing any updates for any platform until they're ready to release for all platforms. Minor timing differences (a few days, say) are acceptable where the reason is merely that one distribution channel (e.g. AppStore) is slow to update (i.e. not Beamdog's fault), but the recent situation that the current version doesn't even exist for some of the supported platforms is a disgraceful mess which must not be repeated.
BG patches are not available through App Store as you want to go through that process once for macOS and iOS.
BG 2.4 patches will appear first for mobile devices, and later for mac/PC.
So the next window for a macOS update through the App Store is to hope for a simultaneous release if you decide to do a 2.5 patch after the IWD patches, but don't hold my breath?
Some acknowledgement of actual concrete plans to ship an App Store update would be helpful to restore confidence at this point. It's not like the work for Mac patches has not been done (ships through other App stores) or that Apple have put onerous new requirements into the approval process (like mandatory 64-bit support on iOS), or that we are demanding an actual release (yet). Just news that real plans exist for a bona fide patch at some point in our future, with road map to getting there (i.e., after 2.4 hits iOS, and then 2.4 hits IWD, and then 2.5 brings the PC/Mac up to parity with a few more fixes, and then 2.5 adds Steam Achievements and more fixes to IWD on PC/Mac, and after another round of iOS/Android updates for parity at 2.5, and a similar bunch of PS:T:EE patches, THEN finally submitting an existing patch to Apple will become a priority?)
...yet. That's coming in June 2018.
I'm amazed that 2.x BGEE and BG2EE aren't available in the Mac App Store yet. Are there issues with the current 2.3 versions that prevent approval?
EDIT: Hmmmm, command-line tools and Activity Monitor report BGEE is already a 64-bit app. Nevermind about the phase-out then.
YOU are discriminating against those of us who chose to GIVE YOU MONEY through a specific distribution channel that YOU actually chose to use to extend your ability to sell units. You should accept the consequences of your distribution choices as we are a damaged party, at your hands, in this respect.
They simply can't.
As for giving us all access to the BeamDog version? BeamDog simply have no way to verify that you are an App Store customer, and it is not in Apple's interest to share that information. There is simply nothing that BeamDog can do on this front - and that assumes that those of us who bought through the App Store want additional app stores running on our Macs. I deliberately chose the MAS distribution in the first place, knowing that patches would be delayed by the approval process, for the security of having only one online store to interact with.