Dani the angel devil's drawings, doodles or whatever...

Since 2009 I painted my own portraits for Baldur's Gate I try learn paint digitaly from some tutorials. Here are portraits of my male Bhaalspawns:

Not 100% Baldur's Gate portrait, but I try my best.
So from left to right: Erran Neutral GoodElf Half-Elf Blade (Bard kit), Morzan Chaotic Evil/Neutral Evil Half-Elf Drow fighter/mage and my currantly play Roland Lawful Good human Undead hunter (Paladin kit).
If I say true I like my Evil character 'cause for +18 Charisma ok then +17 Charisma for him.

Here is my another portraits for Black pits/Icewind Dales that reminds me I should do new version for The Death Generals Fantasy Gijinka portraits 'cause old art. *facepalm*
Ok, some characters I drawed from my favourite books:

From left to right: my avatar form of half angel and devil or I'll pretend to be Elf/Half-Elf/Tiefling between class Thief/Ranger(Archer)/Bard(Jester) with Good side,
Bartimaeus from Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud I try make him looks like an Egyptian featuring him with pointy ears to make him looks like a djinni so he can be pretend to be Elf/Half-Elf and also between class Mage/Sorcerer or Multiclass whatever with True Neutral.
And my favourite dwarf from Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer: Mulch Diggums classing dwarf between class fighter or fighter/thief with Chaotic Neutral side. Still I like him his sarcasm and well farts scenes.
So here go my fantasy OC from my comic project Morhir the God of Darkness he is quarter vampire/demon/shadow/dragon so in my fantasy story he can change to the shadow form or to the Dragon form, but in game fantasy he is Chaotic Evil Half-Elf Blackguard.
Ok here is bonus strip featuring my friend paintings and unimpressed Baeloth Barrityl. On background is screenshote from game.

Some portraits I drawed with pencil sketch from headshot ref. pose, which I can't remember from where I see ref. pose in google and one is from my photo. All paintings was done in Medibang.
More my arts you can find on:
And here is my fan parody comic on Baldur's Gate called Baldur's Trousers
Meanwhile I paint portraits for my Female Bhaalspawns 'cause I've got them too much, which took me some time and energy.

Not 100% Baldur's Gate portrait, but I try my best.

So from left to right: Erran Neutral Good
If I say true I like my Evil character 'cause for +18 Charisma ok then +17 Charisma for him.

Here is my another portraits for Black pits/Icewind Dales that reminds me I should do new version for The Death Generals Fantasy Gijinka portraits 'cause old art. *facepalm*
Ok, some characters I drawed from my favourite books:

From left to right: my avatar form of half angel and devil or I'll pretend to be Elf/Half-Elf/Tiefling between class Thief/Ranger(Archer)/Bard(Jester) with Good side,
Bartimaeus from Bartimaeus Trilogy by Jonathan Stroud I try make him looks like an Egyptian featuring him with pointy ears to make him looks like a djinni so he can be pretend to be Elf/Half-Elf and also between class Mage/Sorcerer or Multiclass whatever with True Neutral.
And my favourite dwarf from Artemis Fowl series by Eoin Colfer: Mulch Diggums classing dwarf between class fighter or fighter/thief with Chaotic Neutral side. Still I like him his sarcasm and well farts scenes.

So here go my fantasy OC from my comic project Morhir the God of Darkness he is quarter vampire/demon/shadow/dragon so in my fantasy story he can change to the shadow form or to the Dragon form, but in game fantasy he is Chaotic Evil Half-Elf Blackguard.

Ok here is bonus strip featuring my friend paintings and unimpressed Baeloth Barrityl. On background is screenshote from game.

Some portraits I drawed with pencil sketch from headshot ref. pose, which I can't remember from where I see ref. pose in google and one is from my photo. All paintings was done in Medibang.

More my arts you can find on:
And here is my fan parody comic on Baldur's Gate called Baldur's Trousers
Meanwhile I paint portraits for my Female Bhaalspawns 'cause I've got them too much, which took me some time and energy.

So sit and read my comment about some strips.
Haer'Dalis with Splashmon I like sexy Elven guys.:3 Ok Haer'Dalis is Tiefling and Splashmon is humanoid Digimon, who can shapeshifting to other Digimons or humans. He is one member of the Death Generals in Digimon Xros Wars. Trust me his true Darkness form is ugly tiger.
Here I feature my Bhaalspawn half-Elven Thief Danae and another member of the Death Generals Zamielmon.
Here is 2 merry men Mincs, Boo with another 2 Death Generals Zamielmon and Olegmon. Now I think Olegmon should much more match with Voghiln from newest expansion 'cause I dunno I only say it. *shrughs*
Since 2011 I ship Zamielmon with hamsters 'cause both cuties.
Sarevok with Darkknightmon and me with Bagramon. Dunno if they match, but one think I hate the most: draw armor, seriously I hate draw armor. Like I hated draw Digimon Royal Knights 'cause hard design and armor.
I think this last strip say all. You know A Necromancer, A Clown, A Pinnokio and a Hobbit all walk into a bar.
Ok this wasn't funny.
Ok last picture is not comics strip, but a sketch.
I just like Aerie and from all Digimon I choose Patamon 'cause he is cute. X3
Took me sometimes to finished, but I am proud to myself.
Maybe I need little more improvission to learn more about painting.
And something not related to Forgotten Realms.
My OC Morhir the God of Darkness from my fantasy comic story The tales from Ashadia. He and Morzan are my favourite characters I dunno why.
Sorry for late post, but real life issues you know.
So here are some crossover strips:
Here is crossover comic parody on The Black Pits intro., which I work 2 weeks almost.
click on spoilerDunno If I should work on full comic story since I had hard job., playing Icewind Dale 2 and etc....I never put here sketch design of my Bhaalspawn. So here there are non alphabetic:
Daniela Lawfull Good human Fighter
Narya Chaotic Good Elven Archer
Danae Chaotic Good Half-Elven Thief
Enyana Chaotic Neutral Half-Elven Silverstar of Selun(cleric)
Lorelei Neutral Good Elven Sorcerer
Brumhilda Chaotic Good Dwarven Berserk
Niniel True Neutral Elven Mage/Thief
Morzan Chaotic Evil Half-Drow Fighter/Mage
Erran Neutral Good Half-Elven Blade
Roland Lawfull Good Human Undead Hunter
Not yet played Una Neutral Evil Half-Orcish Spirit Shaman
Here are comic strips:
based from game dialogs
Icewind Dale crossover team with monsters.
I just like chasing scene and don't ask me why the beholder with gauths are angered.
BTW the woman in white is my OC Nimwe Goddess of Light and Love.
On Christmas I did this drawing for Baldur's Gate Exchange gift on tumblr. I had 3 prompts, where I should choose one so I choose first one with Sarevok as Bhaalspawn and with Gorion.
I too much played first game and I was inspirated in ambush scene.
I had many drawing, but I'll upload next time.... *run and go do some drawings*
I still learn draw skull.
2 alternative drawings scene. One with Gorion & Charname no that baby is not my bhaalspawn:
Second with Gorion & and little Sarevok. I dunno how old was Sarevok 5 maybe 7 years old.
This week was Valentine's Day so here is my favourite scene from Haer'Dalis romance mod
Something not from Baldur's Gate. I made some fanarts. One from my favourite book Bartimaeus Trilogy:
Yep, Bart looks more other than ever I draw him here I draw him as Egyptian boy Ptolemy, which is his favourite transformation. With Bart there are from left Faquarl and from right Jabor. Last thing don't call them demons they are Djinns/Gennies.
I say before I am Digimon fan. So here is my drawings:
Angel vs. Devil redrawing from this 6 years old drawing. Yep I was inspirated from HOMAM 3 Art in that time.
Little sketch of Gatchomon from new Digimon anime Digimon Universe: Appli monsters.
I saw 8 episodes of this anime and it's hard to decide which applimon is cool.
Well time to go watch another episodes if I'll had time for that 'cause I just get through retraining courses until March 9th.
You must gather your lolwhut pear before venturing forth!
So here are animations of my 11 bhaalspawns:
Ok I made animation with Danae & Haer'Dalis:
I did also last animation, which need some practise
I like poking joke mostly poking some evil guys.
Damn! I hate draw armored guys since Digimon Royal Knights or Darkknightmon, whatever.
Thank you.
After that I did some watercolor drawings of Elements collections:
And here is funny cosplay on... you know
Here is my favourite ask characters question:
Ok here is another one favourite, but little perverted.
but this one are my favourites:
Zamielmon with Minsc's Boo.
Never ask this my OC's question ever:
I should be sorry that I make Dorbickmon stupid here, but I am not.
Now someone ask him about watching soap opera:
Angered Dorbickmon is easy to draw, because he is always angry from The 7 Death Generals.
Morhir's concept design for his second armor with coloured pencils:
I draw this since is today eh nothing importmant:
I made this comic strip some months ago. For those you are not confused Bhaal with Baalmon. This is Bhaal and this is Baalmon or in US version Reapmon. I think it's huge differents.
I had more strips but mostly with Death Generals from Digimon
FussionXros Wars from tumblr and deviantart for now. I'll put maybe next time.So I put here some ilustration for now.
My OC Morhir with second armor in shadow mode.
Ok here is a ilustration cover for fan comic what I am work.
Story it's inspirated from
Not death yet just busy this year and some PC issues, which PC is OK for now I hope.
So it's summer so I put special crossover piracy.
A pirate I was meant to be! Trim the sails and roam the sea!
Yeah Monkey Island song 3 This series game is really good. Guess who are this pirates?
KanalKarnage this last months here is some different style from his original, anime and today style:And here are strips how to make fun of him
characters designs
colored characters
Background for game
And little personal project...
Vampire brothers.