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New Spell: Animal Friendship

ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
edited October 2013 in Feature Requests
A new 1st lvl druid spell, that is basically a divine version of Find Familiar.

Calls an animal to act as a companion for the Druid or Ranger. Must be used outside and in a wilderness area. Counts against the 1 familiar party limit. Only the PC can cast this spell.

Unlike Find Familiar, the type of animal companion is chosen at the time of casting.

Black Bear
Dismiss Companion

Unlike the mage versions, these pets are completely normal animals (lacking stuff such as magic resistance), the caster also does not gain any additional HP (but also never suffers permanent Con loss in the event of the companion's death), but as part of the friendship spell CAN converse with their caller.

The rabbit, Ferret, and Cat can be stowed similar to the mage familars and possess various skills to make up for their lack of combat abilities.

The Rabbit is a speedy animal with a keen sense for danger (5% Detect Illusion, 55% Detect traps-cannot disarm) (+3 speed).

The Ferret is a natural thief (30% Stealth, 65% Pickpocket) (+1 speed).

And the cat is makes an excellent scout (75% stealth) (+1 speed).

The Wolf is a moderate damage, but fragile speedster (+3 speed).

The bear is a tough and powerful companion, though a little sluggish compared to the other companions (normal speed).

The final choice is Dismiss Companion. When targeted on an animal companion, it dismisses them back into the wilds without penalty. A new companion cannot be called for 24 hours. Handy for updating a companion's stats at a new level threshold or for keeping one of the larger companion's safe when heading into a highly dangerous area.

While the animals all start with normal base stats for their type, for every 3 levels of the caster, they gain an additional +1 HD, resulting in higher hp, hit, and saves as normal. Small animals gain 1d4, wolves gain 1d6, and bears gain 1d8. Saves and thac0 by the fighter chart. Small companions gain +5% to their skills for every 2 HD they acquire. Wolves and Bears gain +1 AC for every 2 HD they acquire. Beginning at lvl 8, animal companion's can strike as if +1. This bonus increases by +1 every 8 levels (maximum of +3 at 24). Only applies with regard to hit-requirements, not hit/damage.



If an animal companion is slain the caster suffers a 40% Spell failure chance and -2 hit/damage/saves for 1 week due to their grief. A new companion cannot be called for the duration of this effect. Any attempt to do so results in the spell failing.


Changes to classes.

Beastmasters now gain 1 cast of Animal Friendship as an innate ability at lvl 1, instead of Find Familiar.


  • SlytherzSlytherz Member Posts: 45
    I like this idea, I also think maybe add a few more 'critter' options. Like some variant of a snake possibly? Or make Beast Master only pets like a Wyvern, Dire Wolf, Grizzled Bear etc.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited October 2013
    I'm mostly just going by the PnP version, which only works on natural, real-world animals.

    And technically the only mechanical difference between a wolf and dire wolf or black bear and grizzly bear is their HD, which is already accounted for, due to allowing the companions to grow stronger as the caster levels.

    I mean, hell you could add a panther to act a stealthy BSer, a smaller snake with poisonous bite (or a giant spider with a poisonous bite and can shoot a non-magical web once per day), or a larger one that on hit, can attempt to constrict (hold) enemies while dealing blunt damage per round until they manage to break free by making a successful save vs paralysis.

    Though I don't want to throw too much out at once. Further additions can be petitioned for AFTER the spell is already added, since adding new companions to choose from is the easy part.

    Truth be told, the smaller companions are actually the ones intended for the beastmaster, since they're already a very powerful melee combatant. The wolf and especially bear are more intended for the druid who is much less offensively gifted, especially in the early game. Though it's ultimately up to the player. They might want to play a bow-using beastmaster in which case the wolf or bear would make an excellent tank or assist.

    Technically speaking the wolf and bear would be similar to my revised druid forms versions.
    Post edited by ZanathKariashi on
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited August 2017
    Animal Friendship spell is already among the unused strings: BG2ee - #38565
    It should be actived.
    I mean, Wilson already improves Ranger/Druid role playing, but I would prefer an animal like a Mage familiar.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Take a peak at @ulb 's Animal Companions mod for Druids & Rangers. It covers about all of that and works great. B)
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    Yes I know. But I want it is a official feature.
    What has the animal companion got that ruins the game and the mage familiar hasn't got?
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    Nothing as far as I know in numerous uses of it. I always enjoy it and would feel a bit disappointed running my druids without it. :)

    The old 1st lvl Animal friendship spell for druids in PnP was one of my favorites though.
    Given that, I could also see it offered as a standard spell for druids, standard.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    rede9 said:

    Yes I know. But I want it is a official feature.
    What has the animal companion got that ruins the game and the mage familiar hasn't got?

    If you want it as an official feature, I'd suggest submitting a feature request on rather than necroposting in a 4 year old thread. You're more likely to get the Dev's attention that way.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    edited August 2017
    I did a research before posting in case the matter is already dealt. The age escaped to me.
    I hope necroposting is better than doubleposting.

    Do I really risk to be banned?
    Post edited by rede9 on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    You won't get banned for necroposting, but if you want the developers to see your feature request, you should submit it via
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    @Aedan can we update the unused BG2 string 38565... just in case... to keep hope alive....
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    Done :)
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947

    If you want it as an official feature, I'd suggest submitting a feature request on rather than necroposting in a 4 year old thread. You're more likely to get the Dev's attention that way.
    Done it.

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