Let's talk Mazzy
What is the most effective way to play Mazzy?
I just picked her up and she came with 5 points in Bows and 1 in Shortswords. I have the Tuigan bow but I believe it's only a +1 weapon and can barely hit anything. She is kind of lackluster on the front line also.
I keep reading everywhere how she is the most amazing NPC since sliced bread but I must be missing something.
How do I use her effectively?
I just picked her up and she came with 5 points in Bows and 1 in Shortswords. I have the Tuigan bow but I believe it's only a +1 weapon and can barely hit anything. She is kind of lackluster on the front line also.
I keep reading everywhere how she is the most amazing NPC since sliced bread but I must be missing something.
How do I use her effectively?
I think the most common build is to ignore the shortsword proficiency point and put her points into dual-wielding and war hammers. With a strength-boosting she just tears through everything at high levels.
You can use her as a Melee Tank with her Shortsword in the offhand since it is one of the very few items in the game that grants Stun Immunity, she also has 18 Dex so doesn't need the Gauntlets of Dex, which lets her use various other items in that slot. Plenty of Girdles have Giant Str so that negates her lowish Str compared to most fighter NPC's plus she has 16 con with Halfling saving throw bonuses. On top of that there's a couple of paladin-esque abilities she has which are handy.
It's certainly true that the large number of spec points in Shortbow are somewhat annoying since by and large they are a weak choice compared to Melee and magic is way more effective for range attacks in the latter parts of the game, but by the time her ranged attacks start to seem weak she should be high enough level to have at least specialized in a preferred melee weapon plus have 1 or 2 pips in 2 weapon fighting. Being Stun immune is absolutely amazing for some encounters too, stun completely wrecks front line fighters Vs mind flayers and some other nasty encounters.
To get ***** in shortswords and *** in two weapon fighting she needs to reach lvl 30. That's end game Throne of Bhaal right there.
Then again, up until Throne of Bhaal shooting the Shortbow of Gesen or the Tuigan Bow with the right ammo is more than sufficient. Only at the very end will it not be that good. At that time, do as Karl_maulder says. Give her Shortsword of the Mask and Kundane. With 10APR and high strength (easy enough to get) she'll be a complete monster.
you also absolutely don't need the third pip in dual wielding (general rule)
so she can become a master of any weapon late-game, and use any of the best weapons, not just the short sword of the mask (not that great)
Personally I think dual wield is a bit overrated and often prefer to give my tanks shields instead, like shield of harmony, which is an excellent shield. Almost at the same time as you get her into good dualwield, you will also start getting HLAs and can just use ww/gww instead of dw+ih. Pure fighters get more HLAs then needed anyways, so there's enough for both plenty of gww's and hardiness.
One a sidenote though, I have been known to keeper her into slings instead of bows. Even though it may be proper lore for a follower of Arvoreen to use shortbows, slings just fits so good!
using those gauntlets makes her just as good of an axe-user as korgan, who usually wears the gauntlets of dexterity (although he doesn't have to)
big advantage with mazzy if she goes the axe route is having access to both the axe of the unyielding and azuredge, which korgan doesn't
She's a really good hearted person without being naive. It also helps that CHARNAME for me currently is a paladin, it's like we are partners in arms.
I just think it's better to leave her as a ranged character since there is 5 pro slots used for shortbows And I'm just leveling up short swords as I'm going.
But seriously so far she's the best/OP NPC I've seen so far. Korgan being a 2nd on that list.
Half-Elf Bard (Longbow, Ranged Utility)
Viconia (All Cleric melee weapons, shield, Tank)
Aerie (Sling, Ranged Utility)
Nalia (Crossbow, or Shortbow, Magical Artillery)
Minsc (Dual-Wield, Axes, Melee Damage)
Mazzy (Shortbow, Shortsword, Ranged Artillery or Tank)
Given that it's the one thing I haven't done for her, I might consider moving Minsc back over to two-handed weapons and having Mazzy dual-wield. No other party member is covering them, save for Quarterstaves which all my Arcane party members can use if I so desire. In BG1, Shar-Teel was dual-wielding daggers for my party to great effect, so with a few more proficiencies perhaps I can slot Mazzy into the same role with Short Swords and, in time, Daggers too!
Mazzy's personality is great, in my opinion. She has plenty of comedic moments in between displays of her virtue and her humanity. She isn't a Mary Sue and can be defined by her positive qualities without arrogance. Plus her voice acting is great and her sidequest in Trademeet is short, sweet and a pleasant change of scenery. Few other NPCs ever interact with that quaint little settlement!
She has earned it in my eyes. Also, racial restrictions are one of the worst things about 2e and I am so glad that it has changed later on. So yea, my paladin wields Carsomyr and I will yank it from that pillar in the Watcher's Keep. And then I will give Mazzy a sword worthy of her exceptionally loyal service.