final boss*no spoilers*

What's the best way to stop the dire charm? My PC just gets dire charmed or feared, and I'm chugging pots to try and stop magic, but it isn't working. Pretty annoying to spend 90% of the fight where I can't ever control my PC.
1. Helm of Charm Protection
2. Potion of Clarity
3. Chaotic Commands (I believe you can purchase a scroll from Belegarm, if you have no level 9 druid or cleric)
4. Spiritual Clarity (Shaman spell, also cures charm)
5. Acclamation (Priest of Tyr spell, also cures charm)
6. Saving throw bonuses from Potions of Invulnerability, Potions of Stone Form, or Potions of Magic Shielding
7. Greenstone Amulet (10 rounds)
And there are several ways to get immunity to fear:
1. Potion of Clarity
2. Kiel's Helmet
3. Remove Fear (level 1 cleric spell)
4. Resist Fear (level 2 mage spell)
5. Saving throw bonuses from Potions of Invulnerability, Potions of Stone Form, or Potions of Magic Shielding
6. Greenstone Amulet and maybe also Acclamation and Spiritual Clarity
The charm and fear spells in question may be a special type that ignores magic resistance, which would explain why a Potion of Magic Protection might be failing you.
Bear in mind that all of these spells and potions can be dispelled, and Belhifet likes to start the fight with Remove Magic. If you cast your spells and drink your potions after Remove Magic hits instead of before, you should be able to keep the bonuses and immunities they grant.