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Maybe one day: NWN2:EE



  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    German or English Wikipedia? Which article? What is it's source?

    Persobally I have never seen the Renaissance be described as any thing except the age after the middle ages.

    For example, the contemporary Swedish ages is summed up as Iron Age, from I don't know when exactly to roughly 1000AD (the Viking Age ending the Swedish iron age but still being a part of it), the middle ages lasting 1000-1500, and the Rennaisance starting in 1500's. Yeah, we were a few hundred years behind the rest of Europe at the time.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    German Wikipedia :V

    Either way, the European Rennaissance is also overdone at this point, regardless of wether or not you count it as part of the Middle Ages or not. My point was that I want a fresh (enough) setting that hasn't already been done to death within the RPG genre. Tyranny was a very nice suprise in that regard, with it's late Bronze Age inspired setting. Personally I am partially at the time to an Arabian Nights inspired setting or maybe Wild West.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I would personally enjoy a prehistoric setting for an rpg. Did someone say, "Dinosaur mounts?" No? Well they should.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    edited December 2017
    I want more steampunk settings for RPGs. Like, there are a few options, but NOT ENOUGH. And it is such a nice aesthetic.

    Another thing I'd like to see more settings based on is just. Medieval periods anywhere OTHER than Europe. Medieval Japan in particular, Heian or Edo period, would be pretty fun. Heck, even some periods after the medieval one in Japan would be fun. A cRPG with a setting based on Bakumatsu-era Japan would be super neat, with all its political twists and turns. One with a setting inspired by the history of an African country would be awesome too, so long as the people making it did their research and did it right instead of falling into the myriad of stereotypes surrounding pretty much every African country but Egypt. Ooh, ancient Egypt would be fun too, though.

    @Buttercheese if you enjoy old school jRPGs and want an Arabian Nights setting, Defenders of Oasis is neat. But, if you only want western cRPGs then I don't know of any with that kind of setting. I don't know any wild west inspired ones, period. Both sound like great settings to explore, though.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Oooh what a clockpunk or *gasp* an oceanpunk setting? Those are really underrepresented.
  • scriverscriver Member Posts: 2,072
    Hard West, a game released a few years ago, is set in what really reminded me of the Deadlands rpg setting. It's more of a squad-based tactical strategy game than an rpg, though, but it has some good stories. Definitely worth picking up if it goes on Christmas sale.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    Oh hey back to the possibility of an NWN2:EE, I just thought of an excellent Unrealistic Request.

    One of the things that was great about this game is a ton of options and choices and stuff would open up depending on your stats, and you could really influence the outcome of certain events by thinking fast enough, or knowing the right thing to say, or being strong enough, etc. depending on the situation.

    My Unrealistic Request: Make the whole quest where you meet Ammon Jerro one of those times. Put in some stuff to make it possible to resolve/avoid a misunderstanding quickly enough that Ammon doesn't end up killing his own granddaughter without realizing who she is. Give me two possible outcomes - the one where Ammon ends up killing Shandra, and a new alternate storyline where he doesn't and ends up becoming a sort of awkward mentor figure who is like, still very much evil but also trying to figure out this whole grandpa thing. Shandra also takes some time getting used to her new Weird Warlock Granddad. The two would have such an interesting dynamic. In this alternate storyline, it could also explore different reactions to Ammon from the other characters, because like what he did to Shandra was a major cause for their distrust - it certainly gave Zhjaeve pause.

    But yeah. Give us an option to save Shandra Jerro, with all the story differences that entails.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @LadyEibhilinRhett Ugh, that sounds good, but I'm conflicted on it. What happens to Shandra is such a central part of his character development that I'm afraid Amon would be less developed because of it.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    @ThacoBell I don't think he'd be less developed so much as his character development would take a much different path. Having Shandra around as an influence on him and having to learn how to, you know, have a family, would be just as much of a central part of his development as unknowingly killing her was.

    And like I mentioned before, I just want it to be an option. A possibility. I want both outcomes to be possible.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511
    edited December 2017
    Agreed. This a horrible bit of railroading that makes the player feel more like they are reading a novel rather than actually being able to influence the world.

    Ammon Jerro dies should be another possible outcome.
  • GreenWarlockGreenWarlock Member Posts: 1,354
    Other than modernizing for current hardware, my biggest request would be one more expansion. SoZ made some great additions to the engine, but had a very lackluster campaign, as the focus was on the engine. It is very observable how brief all of the dungeons and explorable areas are. A campaign of similar length to MotB, but using the SoZ overland map as a key mechanic, would cap the game off wonderfully for me.

    Minor request would be to unlock the half-celestial race after completing MotB. It is unlockable today through a hack on one of the startup files (forgot details) so I could live with it being unlocked from the start now too - but I feel dirty every time I re-enable them! Would also be nice to rebalance a little, so the more broken racial feats unlock at higher levels.
  • SkatanSkatan Member, Moderator Posts: 5,352
    edited December 2017
    Playing through NVN2 OC for the first time and I gotta say I have a hard, hard time becoming invested in the story. I don't know why, but I just can't give a shit about "my"/charnames background, his mother, his father, the big bad enemy, etc. I have a love/hate relationship with the 3E+ editions though. I love the many ways you can go, the many prestige classes etc, but I hate that I can never feel satisfied with my choices because there's just so many different things I want - all at the same time.

    But the camera.. oh lord the abomination that is the camera. If there's ONE thing that must be enhanced, it's the camera. I have never ever during my 20+ years of PC gaming EVER encountered a worse camera than in NVN2. So, if I should bang on pots and advocate one thing, then screw romances, screw Sand, screw new modules, just fix the broken camera angles :)

    edit: To explain, I cannot feel invested in my character in 3E+ since I can never feel like I am actually a class. This is because I rarely play on class, often ending up with 1 or 2 main classes and 1 or 2 prestige classes. To make me invested and feel content with my charname I need them to be a class. I don't know why this is, this need for tagging the charname with a class, but it's there and it's the same in 2E where my multiclass character feel diluted and not defined.

    So, my suggestions are now:
    1: fix the camera
    2: add a text box in the character screen where I can add my own custom class name so even if I play a rogue/swashbuckler/bard/RDD I can call my charname a "Draconian Buccaneer" or whatever.
  • thatone90skidthatone90skid Member Posts: 1
    Bake it from scratch.

    Also, what about a modern day dnd withi a twist? You can set the date and time to make it as "modern" as you want, as well as the local, to set it wherever you want.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited February 2018
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  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577

    TStael said:

    If you have not seen any of the fan-fics around Sand, Bishop and Neeshka, do go and see. If Beamdog wants to pursue original content, it can any time.

    I am reasonably sure that I saw more of that than most fans of the game.
    I love the characters. And I love the story. But I am also very willing to admit that NWN2's writing has some very deep flaws, especially when compared to BG2. Many of the main characters are way too flat and stereotypical, the main villain of the OC is just laughably lazy. The setting (medieval fantasy europe) is also hopelessly overdone at this point.

    I don't want a NWN3, I want something new that carries on the legacy.
    That was one reason I loved Tyranny so much, since it was set at the early Iron Age. Also, you get to be a bad guy >:) I'd definitely rather have something new, in the same vein.

    Side note on medieval vs renaissance, a lot of historians are dropping the word renaissance anyways, and referring to around 1453 (Fall of Constantinople to the Turks) onward as the early modern period. Kind of like how most of them dropped the word dark ages, since in China, India and the Arab world, it wasn't a dark age, and there wasn't really a rebirth after. I suppose you could make the case for China having a rebirth around then, after they kicked out the Mongols, but they didn't go through that long period of lost knowledge like western Europe did. Even then, a lot of people don't agree on an exact start date for the renaissance/early modern era, and some will say it started at different times for different regions. Most people will still understand accept the word Renaissance, though.

    No matter what you call it, it's kind of an arbitrary line drawn in history, and the reality is, many things were shared across that artificial boundary. So, referring to a lot of fantasy settings as Medieval/Renaissance is reasonable. Fantasy staples like Plate Mail didn't really come into heavy use until the 15th - 16th centuries. Burning witches didn't take off until the renaissance/early modern period, either.

  • BelleSorciereBelleSorciere Member Posts: 2,108
    My objection to the usage is more a matter of implying that fantasy societies are feudal in nature, when they're only feudal in name only.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    The gulf in quality between NWN and NWN2 is bigger than Minsc!

    I really hope they make a NWN2:EE
  • loudentloudent Member Posts: 40

    Now that NWN:EE is about to be released, lot's of us are of course getting our hopes up for a Neverwinter Nights 2: Enhanced Edition.

    - STABLE MULTIPLAYER (even with mods and tools, multiplayer is broken to the point of unplayability at this date)

    As someone who played a lot of NWN2 MP back in the day I'd have to disagree with that statement. Perhaps this was true early on, but the dev team did eventually fix it and, in my opinion, it surpasses NWN1

    Well, those are all the thoughts I am currently having, feel free to add your own.
    Also, I don't wanna see any arguments about unrealistic demands here. This is meant to be a constructive thread :P
    I would forgo the changes to the OC and the changes that are doable via mods. I'd rather they focus on things like UI scaling which can only be done in the engine.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    UI scaling can be done through a mod (vault's down right now, but nexus is up).

    It's targeted at 1080p, but I at least find it readable at 4k.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    loudent said:

    Now that NWN:EE is about to be released, lot's of us are of course getting our hopes up for a Neverwinter Nights 2: Enhanced Edition.

    - STABLE MULTIPLAYER (even with mods and tools, multiplayer is broken to the point of unplayability at this date)

    As someone who played a lot of NWN2 MP back in the day I'd have to disagree with that statement. Perhaps this was true early on, but the dev team did eventually fix it and, in my opinion, it surpasses NWN1
    That's bs, I tried to do multiplayer of NWN2 literally less than a year ago and it was a f***ing nightmare. Frequent crashes, connection issues, vanishing inventories, all that jazz. It wasn't fun. Great for you if multiplayer ran stable for you, but it didn't for us.
  • loudentloudent Member Posts: 40
    edited March 2018

    loudent said:

    Now that NWN:EE is about to be released, lot's of us are of course getting our hopes up for a Neverwinter Nights 2: Enhanced Edition.

    - STABLE MULTIPLAYER (even with mods and tools, multiplayer is broken to the point of unplayability at this date)

    As someone who played a lot of NWN2 MP back in the day I'd have to disagree with that statement. Perhaps this was true early on, but the dev team did eventually fix it and, in my opinion, it surpasses NWN1
    That's bs, I tried to do multiplayer of NWN2 literally less than a year ago and it was a f***ing nightmare. Frequent crashes, connection issues, vanishing inventories, all that jazz. It wasn't fun. Great for you if multiplayer ran stable for you, but it didn't for us.
    The original statement was that MP was broken to the point of un-playability. I was merely asserting the fact that the statement doesn't apply universally. I'm sorry that you had such trouble but its been my experience that it usually happens in modules that aren't meant to be played MP. That's not really fault in the game.

    I spent years building and running an PW in NWN2 (did it in NWN1 as well). At times we had dozens of players all doing their thing and it stayed up and ran smoothly.

    P.S. Although, I have to admit, currently, with gamespy and the master server no longer in existence, it does make MP a bit dicey. Anyone planning to join a PW or playing MP I would strongly encourage you to get the client extension. It clears up some bugs that have reared their heads and makes the whole thing a lot smoother.

    Since I had free hosting available, Just for fun I put my PW back online. It ran great with the exception of a random crash on connection. The client extender fixed that and I've logged maybe 10 hours in my PW. Still runs great. Leaving it up for the time-being.

  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i've seen many complaints about the camera in NWN2, am i the only person out there that doesnt mind the camera at all? although i do recall a time where they switched it up and it was terrible, but at least they had the decency to have multiple camera options, so whatever i have going on is just peachy ( as far as i recall it plays just like the NWN 1 camera )

    although one beef that i do have, is this nonsense where if you want to select an NPC or monster or item or whatever and to "examine it" you have to hold shift AND right click, and my question is; why? in NWN 1 all you had to do was right click and boom, everything you needed to know was there, it baffles me as to why they had to complicate it up a little more, completely unnecessary

    the whole point of sequels is that you keep the things that worked, and you fixed the things that didn't, and sometimes companies just dont understand that it seems
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited March 2018
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  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    speaking about NWN 2 i was reading one of the monster manuals..... 3 or 4? and it memtioned clockwork roaches and i was reading their bio and it was said that they were released into the jungles of Chult, so koodos to the NWN team on SoZ on actually making an effort to have an accurate enemy in the game that makes sense lore wise
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    So I fired up the Path of Evil module again. I just love killing adventurers. I just love the gnome Kvas, he's totally the anti Jan Jansen "Why does every gnome have an insane uncle named scratchy or smelly? I don't have a crazy uncle!"
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    I plan to run Path of Evil after I finish Bedine.

    I've been playing through a lot of custom modules and so far I've loved Trinity, Black Scourge of Candle Cove, and Misery Stone.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Frankly I see no need for a NWN2 EE, I think the game works just fine as is. It has some flaws but doing an EE make over isn't going to improve very much. I'd rather see them do an Icewind Dale 2 EE, that would be a lot more productive.
  • VallmyrVallmyr Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 2,459
    Well, I think NWN2:EE and IWD2:EE are both probably never going to happen since with the former, Obsidian owns it I think and with the latter the source code is still missing.

    NWN2 does have technical issues though such as even when using click to move sometimes my character will just teleport around, or using WASD controls the character will revert back to a previous location.
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  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Vallmyr said:

    NWN2 does have technical issues though such as even when using click to move sometimes my character will just teleport around, or using WASD controls the character will revert back to a previous location.

    That's never happened to me, and I've put in a fair amount of hours into the game. So it doesn't sound like a big enough problem to do a remake over. Every game has glitches, but there's no need to redo them all.

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