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Multiplayer without Password = Bad Plan

You would think I would catch on after the first time...but hey, I'm 69 years old and ya know, I figured the first time it happened, it could have been a glitch in the game but, not over 15 minutes ago, I put up a multi-player game with "No Password" - some guy with a weird name pops I let him grab a slot...and I launched the game (Jons beginning dungeon) hadn't been in there maybe 5 minutes and Wham... the screen goes black - nothing works.... "Flash-Back" to 3 days ago, when a different player came in and something similar happened. So, its apparently something they can do to corrupt your game. I had to do a CTRL - ALT - Delete to shut the game down. When I attempted to restart the game...Black Screen popped up - again, CTRL - ALT - DELETE ...Uninstall game...Redownload game and re-install. GRRRRR . . . I learn slow but once I do learn..I learn it for a long No More Multi games from me "Without" a Password" - a Good one to boot ~!

Any one else ever experience nonsense like this or am the very first one??


  • Borg_DealerOfDeathBorg_DealerOfDeath Member Posts: 79
    CORRECTION: The Ctrl - ALT - DELETE did NOT shut down the did Nothing at I had to do a Hard Re-boot to restart the comp...then I had to re-install the game and re-set up Near Infinity. At least I kept the old Single Player saves. Why in the world would someone come into your game ..and lay waste to your game so you have to do a complete Re-Install is beyond me.
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    Hi @Borg_DealerOfDeath, unfortunately it is unlikely the person coming into your game is generating anything that will force your game to crash. If you do a search on 'multiplayer' in the forum, you will see that the Multiplayer component is riddled with bugs. There are some work arounds (like turning off cloud saves, not using quick saves etc) but in essence, it is a problem.

    The developers are working on fixing the problems and it is hopeful that 2.5.x will be stable enough to play good sessions of MP...

  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    69 yo and playing BG.

    You, sir, are my hero.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    Please, provide more details (which version of the game you play (2.3 or 2.5), which platform, etc), attach the files in the same manner as made here - - and report it on (the crash dump, the exe file, the pnb file, the jingle logs). There're A LOT of reasons why it's happening for you.
  • Borg_DealerOfDeathBorg_DealerOfDeath Member Posts: 79
    Julius, the very next time it happens, I will be happy to do that. Oh yeah, so where do I find "the crash dump", the jingle logs? I think I can find the .exe file and the pnb file
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,775
    The crash dumps for the version purchased from Beamdog can be found in the Documents\Infinity Engine\crash folder
    For Steam the crash minidumps are in the game folder.
    The jingle logs are collected in the game's folder in Documents.
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