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List of totally legit suggestions for NWN:EE

I know there are already quite a bit of interesting suggestions out there but to really make NWN "enhanced" I believe there are a few features lacking that need to be added:

~When 2 players enter pvp battle it should instantly turn into a fighting style game like street fighter or mortal combat.
~Completely ditch the current engine and remake the game with the unreal engine. It looks way better.
~Since you will be using a new engine we can now have flying and ride around on dragons and unicorns.
~Do away with builders having to make individual areas with transitions and just have one big open world that is approximately 24,000 square miles.
~Add guns and spacecrafts to the game.
~Instead of us having to manually script you should make the tool set connect directly to alexa. We just say what we want to happen and she will script it for you.
~Also if there is anyway you could add a side scrolling game mode that would be awesome.
~NWN Enhanced Edition sounds so you are just trying to "enhance" an old game. You should rename the game to "NWN:Exxxtreme Edition 2020!".
~I know most of the above suggestions are obviously very easy to implement but this last one might be a little trickier. Is there anyway we could get NWN:EE to make food deliveries to my if I script it or something?

Thank you for your consideration,


P.S. If you need any help with any of the above suggestion please feel free to email me:
wishfulthinking @ nope . com


  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited February 2018

    ~When 2 players enter pvp battle it should instantly turn into a fighting style game like street fighter or mortal combat.

    I just see the match ending and Fenthick reaching into Aribeths chest and ripping out her still beating heart.

    *Shao Khan voice*

  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    edited February 2018
    @voidofopinion I mean, to be fair, Fenthick didn't really betray her. As Nasher explains as soon as Desther does his "betrayal," he's an elf he (I'd say they but Aribeth was retconned into a Half-Elf to make my life suffer) think long term, so the fact that in less than a day Desther was actually evil affected in a way that made his emotional state to crash and burn as hard as my interest in Chapter 3 did once I remembered that the Snow Globe was hidden behind what most would think is a side quest and, like I did, easily missed, kind of make sense. Though granted that fact about the Snowglobe and more is only reminding me now that I just made a short defense of a character in the OC, where the writing ranges from "pretty neat" to "boring hack and slash," instead of doing my homework or working on that module I said I was making. I need better priorities.
    Post edited by DerpCity on
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340

    ~When 2 players enter pvp battle it should instantly turn into a fighting style game like street fighter or mortal combat.

    I just see the match ending and Fenthick reaching into Aribeths chest and ripping out her still beating heart.

    *Shao Khan voice*

    *waits patiently for this to go on the trello boards* ;)
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    DerpCity said:

    Reminding me now that I just made a short defense of a character in the OC, where the writing ranges from "pretty neat" to "boring hack and slash," instead of doing my homework or working on that module I said I was making. I need better priorities.

    You can always come and do data entry for me!

    Data entry is super super fun and so totally rewarding! Way better than working on your own module!


    ~When 2 players enter pvp battle it should instantly turn into a fighting style game like street fighter or mortal combat.

    I just see the match ending and Fenthick reaching into Aribeths chest and ripping out her still beating heart.

    *Shao Khan voice*

    *waits patiently for this to go on the trello boards* ;)
    You have my vote.

    If it can work for the Persona series then why not NWN?

    Deekin for top tier!
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    To be fair, I'd probably get closer to finishing my module doing that than what I've been doing with it recently. My module currently has, like, 10 areas and most of them aren't finished at all. In fact, the main town has a big encounter with all the enemies I've made stuffed into it that I've ran through with the two henchmen multiple times for no real reason. I should probably work on the quests and story, but nah, that black bear merchant standing next to the encounter that sells pretty much all the items I've made so far needs to stay in business somehow.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248

    I am right there with you.

    I want to build areas and quests but I need on going back and building new systems without actually having any content to show for it.

    No I don't need to build interiors for my main city... I need to replace every item in the game with my own and quadruple the diversification so I won;t have to make items for the next merchant I drop down or monster that needs loot.

    I know in the long run it's going to make things easier but for right now it has been a couple of months and I have no tangible progress to show for it. Nor am I any closer to finishing my areas :(
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    edited February 2018
    @voidofopinion How many items do you have? I have ~140 items if you ignore creature items, most of them being duplicates of other items. Hell, some of them are just things from the base game with a different appearance. That black bear's got everything you need and more if you take a look at his store, including a ring of Implosion you won't be able to afford by the time you find the shopkeeper in my module because it'll be in the starting town. Always needed that, right?
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577

    You can always come and do data entry for me!

    Data entry is super super fun and so totally rewarding! Way better than working on your own module!


    I've been starting to dig into 2da files and learning how to customize races and classes, and realized a lot of modding is data entry.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248

    That implosion ring sounds like fun!

    So far just for my basic loot system I have 4,597 items. Roughly 57 per weapon group and 100 per armor group. Plus all the Misc items etc.

    It's all scaled to player progression so certain item properties become unlocked at certain grades of weapon and ultimately itemization will take the place of level progression once the player hits 40.

    Items are divided into:

    +0 Base
    +1 Ancient
    +2 Legendary
    +3 Corrupted
    +4 Defiled
    +5 Enlightened
    6++ is Awakened (only unique items with unique names)

    For example. The base system for weapons has a variant for Bludgeoning, Slashing, Piercing, Fire, Cold, Electric, Acid, Sonic, Positive, Negative, Magical and Divine Damage as standard and all the rest (Keen, Massive Crit etc) being unique cases per item group.

    So instead of a boss dropping a +3 Longsword with 1d10 fire damage. On my PW you have a Corrupted Ignatius Longsword. A +4 Longsword with 2d6 Magical damage would be a Defiled Eldrich Longsword.

    I really, really hate +1 +2 +3 bonuses in item names and I don't want to see any forgotten realms flavor text in my custom world.

    I was also hoping that every weapon/armor user and class (looking at you monks) would have a standard set of magical items they can use while still having a set of unique items that made that group of weapons distinctive and unique.

    It has been a lot of work. It took me 3 weeks just to create the blueprints :(


    So right you are!

    Building areas and making encounters is hugely satisfying because you can immediately see you have created something. But almost everything else is data entry... Long.... Slow... Painful... Tedious data entry.

    The end result is so very worth it! But it can be very easy to get your tires stuck in the mud and your wheels spin while you do weeks, or months of mindless data entry.

    One of these days I am going to convince someone to do all the work for me so I can sit back and just create but only a mad man would be willing to do this sort of thing without pay.

  • MrDamageMrDamage Member Posts: 210
    edited February 2018
    So far just for my basic loot system I have 4,597 items. Roughly 57 per weapon group and 100 per armor group. Plus all the Misc items etc.

    What the...
    You are a Machine! That sounds like more then the entire original game has.
    I’ve gotta go look for my socks now as that just blew them off.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    MrDamage said:

    So far just for my basic loot system I have 4,597 items. Roughly 57 per weapon group and 100 per armor group. Plus all the Misc items etc.

    What the...
    You are a Machine! That sounds like more then the entire original game has.
    I’ve gotta go look for my socks now as that just blew them off.

    I think its around 4 times the amount of items in the original game + both expansions.

    At the moment I'm kinda regretting it because it's such a slog but I am so far deep in that if I don't finish then I will have wasted months of my life.

    I just keep on telling myself that when I am done with this I will be able to focus on building areas for the next year.

  • MrDamageMrDamage Member Posts: 210
    What you have achieved is nothing short of amazing! Being pro active in what ever you do in life is never a waste no matter what comes of it. sitting around and thinking about it and never achieving absolutely anything is. I take my hat off to you sir. Ok some fun facts about Mr D. In my late teens I started writing a novel which took about three years to complete. It’s about 700 pages long and is sitting in a draw in my garage. Every publisher I threw it at threw it straight back at me. And yeah, it ain’t that good for many reasons. I don’t regret it for a moment. Point is like great Sensai say, it is the journey and what the experience teaches you which never makes it a waste of time. Even if you don’t see it yet. As far as MASSIVE project management goes, all I could offer is have a plan and roadmap. Mine was at least 10 pages a day no matter what they looked like. It worked.
    Sorry for thread hijak

    Err... more rideable flying unicorns!
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    edited February 2018
    @voidofopinion Honestly, I wish I had your work ethic. It makes my meager 140 look like a joke.

    I know its probably too late to start considering this, but did you try to make a random item generation script when loot spawns? Infinite Dungeons managed to do it for both loot and stores, somehow, with unique names for the items made based on their item properties. I don't know if you can open up the Premium Modules in the toolset, I remember reading you could somehow, but I imagine a similar system could be made that does something like it for you, considering your naming convention for +5 and below items follows the same parameters. Not sure if it would mess with anything else important on the server, though, and I don't even know how the system works, so I couldn't help you if you asked. :sweat_smile:

    They also forgot to proofread their work because the game has given me about a billion piercing arrows. Not the good kind with +1d6 damage, just arrows with Extra Damage Type: Piercing. :neutral:
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    MrDamage said:

    In my late teens I started writing a novel which took about three years to complete. It’s about 700 pages long and is sitting in a draw in my garage. Every publisher I threw it at threw it straight back at me. And yeah, it ain’t that good for many reasons. I don’t regret it for a moment. Point is like great Sensai say, it is the journey and what the experience teaches you which never makes it a waste of time. Even if you don’t see it yet. As far as MASSIVE project management goes, all I could offer is have a plan and roadmap. Mine was at least 10 pages a day no matter what they looked like. It worked.
    Sorry for thread hijak

    Err... more rideable flying unicorns!

    If nothing else it's a wonderful writing exercise! Just like any skill you have to practice to get better and I guarantee your writing skill leveled up several times during the process and getting into the habit of writing 10 pages a day is not an easy feat. I tried doing NaNoWriMo one year and I utterly failed at being consistent. I can do big chunks at a time when inspiration strikes but that does not give repeatable results with a manageable timeline.

    I have a friend who started writing fan fiction. Just short stories at first. Then larger stories, then larger still. She just continued to hone her craft and after 7 years she went from being laughed at on reddit to publishing her first novel. The key was consistency.

    I have a huge amount of respect for your 700 pages regardless of weather it got published or not.


    DerpCity said:

    @voidofopinion Honestly, I wish I had your work ethic. It makes my meager 140 look like a joke.

    I know its probably too late to start considering this, but did you try to make a random item generation script when loot spawns? Infinite Dungeons managed to do it for both loot and stores, somehow, with unique names for the items made based on their item properties.

    This was something I considered at first as it would be so much easier to get up and running and there are even several scripts for it up on the vault already that can be easily customized. But ultimately I wanted more granular levels of control both in what items were created and when players would have access to them.

    If I know players are going into a level 10 encounter and they have access to X weapons with Y damage types it makes it easier to create more challenging encounters with boss battles that will drop loot that will build upon the next series of encounters and boss battles.

    This means I can intentionally control power progression for dramatic tension instead of having a random item drop that makes the next 7 levels worth of content a breeze.

    Still, random item generation would have been so much easier.

    I should probably start a thread in the PW forum about my ongoing project instead of accidentally hijacking this brilliant and important suggestion thread. I in no way shape or form wish to harm us getting the ability to build areas that are 24,000 square miles large. That would probably solve the 16k limit right there!

    Also I wouldn't mind Alexa doing all my future coding for me.

    ...Or food delivery. I live in a wasteland of food delivery services. It costs us $50 to just get a pizza delivered... and its not even good pizza. Yay Vermont!
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340
    With all this thread highjacking how is anyone supposed to take my totally legit suggestions seriously?
    (But seriously feel free to continue. Interesting stuff...seriously. I'm being completely serious.)
  • DerpCityDerpCity Member, Moderator Posts: 303
    edited February 2018
    @NeverwinterWights Thanks for being a good sport. :smile:

    @voidofopinion I'd like to create good bosses, but I'm unfortunately stuck in the mindset of trying to give creatures realistic stats for what they are instead of trying to make them balanced (Except the elemenetals, other than a simple 3 stage progression I dunno how I want them to get stronger lol), so in the town encounter I've gotten into fights that were just... a little bit too difficult as hell (creatures with about 18 AB when the party has 25 AC on average). Its probably also because I'm restricting players to +2 weapons if they don't have a wizard in the party. I've got a Half-Orc druid henchman who only has enough buffs for himself and an angel rogue, so we still get our butts whupped. Might have to go in and just change all the CRs manually. I also haven't made any weapons yet, so I've been relying on the default +1/+2 weapons with no elemental damage, which ATM might be a requirement for some enemies with Damage Resistance instead of Damage Reduction.
  • FardragonFardragon Member Posts: 4,511

    ~Add guns and spacecrafts to the game.

    This. Defiantly this. And replace all swords with lazer-swords, axes with plasmer-axes and all elves with mimbari. Pseudo-medieval fantasy is so old-hat. Space Opera is where it's at.

  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340
    edited February 2018
    Djinn said:

    I have some other, totally legit suggestions:
    My daughter, who is 3, really likes Peppa Pig. I would love for her to be able to wreak havoc in Peppa Pigs home town.

    I know Peppa Pig is hugely popular with kids these days, so I suggest that NWN:Exxxtreme Edition 2020 come with a Peppa Pig Mode that turns everything in the game and the OC into something Peppa Pig related. This would be easy to implement since the switch to an entirely different engine has already been done.

    Imagine the incredible sales boost this small addition would provide!!

    Just sitting here wondering why I didn't think of this. Excellent!
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340
    Fardragon said:

    ~Add guns and spacecrafts to the game.

    This. Defiantly this. And replace all swords with lazer-swords, axes with plasmer-axes and all elves with mimbari. Pseudo-medieval fantasy is so old-hat. Space Opera is where it's at.

  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    edited February 2018
    Fardragon said:

    ~Add guns and spacecrafts to the game.

    This. Defiantly this. And replace all swords with lazer-swords, axes with plasmer-axes and all elves with mimbari. Pseudo-medieval fantasy is so old-hat. Space Opera is where it's at.

    Forgotten Realms be damned...

    NWN3 needs to be set in the Shadowrun universe. Only instead of Shadowrun it's actually Flash Gordon. But only the 1940 version which is public domain despite the 1934-1938 versions still being under copyright because copyright law makes absolutely no sense.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Joking aside there are many settings and setting suggestions from various materials that get under utilized. Forgotten realms becomes too prominent even on pw servers that don't take place on Faerun ppl still talk about certain things that are only specific to that setting. There need to be more serious attempts at adventures in non realms settings.
  • NeverwinterWightsNeverwinterWights Member Posts: 340

    Joking aside...

    I'm not sure what you mean by this...
  • ildaronildaron Member Posts: 52

    I know there are already quite a bit of interesting suggestions out there but to really make NWN "enhanced" I believe there are a few features lacking that need to be added:

    ~NWN Enhanced Edition sounds so you are just trying to "enhance" an old game. You should rename the game to "NWN:Exxxtreme Edition 2020!".

    Marketing is important so I agree with this, however I also feel it should come with Mt. Dew and Cheetos.

  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    ildaron said:

    Marketing is important so I agree with this, however I also feel it should come with Mt. Dew and Cheetos.

    NWN:EE needs loot boxes.
  • themazingnessthemazingness Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 702

    ildaron said:

    Marketing is important so I agree with this, however I also feel it should come with Mt. Dew and Cheetos.

    NWN:EE needs loot boxes.
    And a daily login reward.
  • MrDamageMrDamage Member Posts: 210
    Exploding heads.
    More psyonic attack exploding heads such as in the little known movie scanners.
    Will save vs cerebral ignition psyonic attack.
    Your head explodes violently like a bursting balloon. Permadearh.
    This attack has no effect on halforc or creatures below 7 INT.
  • DrHappyAngryDrHappyAngry Member Posts: 1,577
    MrDamage said:

    Exploding heads.
    More psyonic attack exploding heads such as in the little known movie scanners.
    Will save vs cerebral ignition psyonic attack.
    Your head explodes violently like a bursting balloon. Permadearh.
    This attack has no effect on halforc or creatures below 7 INT.

    This should all be done with motion capture to get the spray and gib effects just right. You just need a head, fake blood, left over burgers, and a shotgun, like how scanners did it.
  • voidofopinionvoidofopinion Member, Moderator Posts: 1,248
    MrDamage said:


    It should be easy to back port from NWN2.

  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    I thought of making a fighter from NWN before but I couldn't think of a way to do it without 15 frames of input lag.
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