Rolling with Aec'letec (spoilers I guess)

I took on Aec'letec last night. While I did win the fight (first try I might add) Safana got ghoulified. I considered reloading but I was just like 'screw it' and I went with it. I'm gonna clear the rest of the game with 5 people and won't be filling that last slot until SoD. My PC is a swashbuckler so I still having thieving covered until then. I intend to dual him into fighter at level 10 though so I will need to hit level 10 Swashbuckler right before (or after) beating Sarevok.
Anyway, does anybody else chose to not reload sometimes when a character dies forever?
Anyway, does anybody else chose to not reload sometimes when a character dies forever?
For most others I would reload, even if I plan to send them away at some time.
I never leave a comrade behind (except those above). Even when I exchange someone for another NPC, the one to leave keeps equipment and all like earned while traveling with me. I'm grateful that they risked their lives for my quest.
I will say it can become addictive after a while, playing like that.
Reason I ask is because I've done that dual and of course no thieving/trap skills in SOD (which I got round using Vic to just trigger everything as I didn't have a thief).
That's HDGTFTBMBCOY for short. It's more common than you'd think.
I killed Minsc and Dynaheir eary on in my game, resulting in their corpses appearing in the coalition camp. And, in the next coalition camp. Why the coalition are dragging two corpses around, I don't know, but its creepy and I'm starting to feel a little guilty.
Not that, you know, anyone has said this is happening. But I am somewhat hopeful.
And transferring your characters from 2e to 5e sounds like a really bad idea in general.
I mean when Beamdog starts their own original installment. I would expect it to take place in 5th edition, thus requiring entirely new characters and maybe a new story. I really can't imagine the power level if the game continued from after Throne of Bhaal... but I could try. I mean, what else are you going to do? You are either a god or a stupidly powerful mortal without god stuff. The kinds of things you would do in either type of adventure would be obscenely high end. It is an interesting thought though...
Mind racing. I have ideas now.
1. I killed them as part of Edwin's quest. If they die more "naturally" over the course of BG1, it would make more sense that they would reappear. They certainly wouldn't want to join the party if they were killed by the player as part of Edwin's quest, but I'm not certain if SoD takes that into account.
2. I later discovered that my modded installation was rather messed up, because I had used a deprecated installation option for Big World Setup (which has since been removed).
Some day I'm gonna get in on the action. It seems like a really fun way to play, and the overabundance of Thief NPCs in BG1 is for exactly that reason: the developers expected a lot of NPCs might die and people wouldn't take on the costs of resurrection, so a wide array of adventure-essential NPCs were included. I think we can all agree that BG1 without a Thief would be an absolute headache.
And that's a large part of what I like (for some weird reason) is dialogue. If I'm in an area with a character I've never brought there before I really wanna hear what they have to say. Taking Viconia with you in BG1 on Rasaad's quest is an absolute delight to me. Maybe it's because I get to see these NPCs actually become characters and interact. They aren't just some tool that I take out and put away for various situations. It makes it feel more like an actual D&D game with role playing. That's a thing I always liked and if I can manage to replicate that in the games that I want to make someday then that will make me very happy.