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Question about character setup

Hi guys,

I have a quick question regarding my class choice.

I've created a gnome character with the intention of multiclassing as a fighter/illusionist because I have never done it before. But it seems to only offer me the option of fighter/mage. I tried selecting fighter/mage assuming it would default me to fighter/illusionist but it didn't so now I've apparently started the game as a fighter/mage.

Did I miss something obvious in the creation process allowing me to select fighter/illusionist? I have installed some of the recommended mods, is it possible I broke the fighter/illusionist creation process somehow with my bungling around with mods?

Thank you in advance for any help!


  • KelsperKelsper Member Posts: 2
    Odd. Gnomes should automatically be set to Illusionists on any multi-class, including showing you while picking it. It's likely your mods have broken it in some way, I'd imagine.
  • gibbozagibboza Member Posts: 6
    Thanks for the help! It seemed odd to me, so I'm glad you've confirmed it. Time for a reinstall I guess. Thanks again for the info!
  • OrlonKronsteenOrlonKronsteen Member Posts: 905
    I had a similar problem with Tweaks Anthology v4. I had removed the racial class restrictions etc and it wouldn’t allow me to create a gnome illusionist thief.
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