Shadow thief cellar key

Hey ya'll, new to posting, long time lurker. So long story short, I was playing BG2: EE and got stuck and left the game alone for a few months. Came back today to try and meet with Aran Linvail of the Shadow Guild and discovered I don't have the key I need to get to him. Went to his number 1 man for the key and he said he gave it to me.
What can I do from here without the key in my inventory? I bought the game through Steam so cheats haven't been working.
What can I do from here without the key in my inventory? I bought the game through Steam so cheats haven't been working.
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
to activate the console (that assumes you're using game version 2.0 or more recent).
Alternatively you could use EEKeeper to add the key in to your inventory - I think it's KEY12.
I am having the same problem where I dropped the Shadow thief cellar key by mistake and can't find it anymore. So I decided to use the Console command to get it back by typing CLUAConsole:CreateItem("Key12"). However, the created key to be found in my inventory is called Key to Aran's Lair instead of Shadow thief cellar key as it is named in BGIIEE and it is not opening the secret locked door on the first floor leading to the third floor where Aran Linvail is. Am I doing something wrong?
Found my answer on STEAM forum. I guess I was using either a wrong or old code. The right code is MISC4S.
If you sided with Aran, of course, that door is unlocked from the start and you don't have to worry about a key for it.
A partial work around is probably to side with Bodi :P - but I actually ended up
reinstalling everything and starting anew, and then it worked, the key was
transferred. I am not sure what causes the key to not be transferred, but I
100% ran into this too. There is probably some akward explanation as to
why that happens, possibly some mod making changes that could interfere.
Although it may even happen on a vanilla installation, I am not sure.
to the game.
First, I ran into the bug again where the key was not transferred;
something seems to suppress the movement of the key-item into the
inventory of the main actor. (More on this in a moment; I believe
a mod is at fault for that.)
There are various guides available how to add a new key via the
lua console. Some of that appears to be outdated, e. g. when it
referred to an .ini file.
So, first, find the file called Baldur.lua. On my home system
this was at about this location:
C:\users\debug\documents\Baldurs Gate II - Enhanced Edition\Baldur.lua
(My primary user is often called "debug"; I carried that habit over
from Linux.)
So for your own file path, there is probably an alias called "documents"
pointing directly at the place where it is. I usually prefer full
absolute paths on windows (is easier for my brain to understand, as
I don't know all locations these "documents" or "downloads" or "music"
folders point at. Anyway, now that you have found Baldur.lua, just
open it, such as via notepad; then I appended this line:
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Saved it and simply opened the baldur's gate game by double clicking on
the desktop icon. At that point I was able to access the lua console
by hitting two keys, e. g. shift and space (does not matter to remember,
I kept on hitting two keys until I found the right ones :P).
This console expects some commands, but you can probably also click on the
above buttons (I think; I did not use them, because I only wanted to
add the missing key, not cheat my way forward; I also paid the 15.000
cost of course before cloning the key.)
For cloning the key I typed:
I think KEY12 is another key; I just wanted to add any key that may
fit. :P
I also verified that the key I cloned works, and indeed, the hidden door
could be opened. Hopefully that may be of help for future players.
Now, as for the bug itself - I do not know how or why it arises, but
in my earlier run with numerous mods, the bug did not manifest. I did
a recent test-run, really just to test a few things, and I think I
installed only two more mods - one was "every mod and dog" that adds
some keyring. There is some problem with this mod I think; I am having
display problems, and, lo and behold, the key was not transferred. It
may be that the code that handles keys, due to that mod with the keyring,
also messes up something else. I am not 100% certain this is the case,
but considering the fact that by adding two more mods only I suddenly
had that bug, I am slightly above average certain that there may be an
issue with that. Anyway, problem solved for me now.
PS: If anyone wants to incorporate a key-ring into their own item mods,
that would be great. I love the key-ring because I HATE having so many
keys. I usually drop them after use because they annoy me if I put them
into a bag (unless I really need them again lateron). So the key-ring
idea is nifty, at it makes item handling easier. Hopefully someone one
day may also incorporate a variant, although perhaps not the same code
1:1 as I believe there may be some issue (or, perhaps another mod also
interfering here; I have installed about 8 different item mods, so
things may be not ideal).