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Custom PC & NPC Portraits



  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    Is it bad that I am using this thread as a place to upload portraits for someone else to download because I have not found any other website that uploads BMPs and keeps them as BMPs.

    Again not sure of the artist ... I'm bad this way. Thanks for clarifying the last one @Isandir, I don't mean to discredit the artists here I'm just absent-minded. :(
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited January 2014
    Quartz said:

    Again not sure of the artist ... I'm bad this way.

    The original picture can be traced back to Rainfeatherpearl at
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    edited January 2014
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    1. I am very impressed by isandir's work. That Hexxat is completely awesome
    2. I was wondering if anyone knows how to "baldurize" a photograph. I kinda wanna... make myself a cleric or a mage (don't judge me!) but don't know where to begin or how difficult it would be. I've seen this type of thing all over but just don't know where to even start this sort of process
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    @Isandir, do you have a link to your site? :-)
  • IsandirIsandir Member Posts: 458
    Yes: The first post in this thread lists mine along with several other artists. If you have a site up and running for your portraits by the way, I can add it there.
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    Ah... :-D

    I can easily see your progress - your more recent half really outshines your earlier work. Keep it up and continue to make us happy! :-)

    On a sidenote, three BG1 NPC:s that really need new portraits are Faldorn, Coran and Quayle. Faldorn looks old and ugly. Coran in no way looks like a charismatic Elf (he's clearly a human with yellow teeth and no chin). And Quayle... He looks like som kind of [insert swear word of choise] leprechaun! So if you ever get some time off, these could need your brushes. ;-)
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526

    Quartz said:

    Again not sure of the artist ... I'm bad this way.

    The original picture can be traced back to Rainfeatherpearl at

    Is it just me or are most of his women almost identical looking? I mean body type and face structure?
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164

    Thanks so much @Astafas and @Isandir! You guys were very helpful. Unfortunately I don't think I have the talent to do this :(. I may make an attempt though. You guys are awesome for taking the time to explain this
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Basically I'm gonna try and make this picture of myself I just took with mage robes and possibly some assortment of rings/amulet
    (awkward sharing a pic of myself, but I could use advice)
    If I was to add these things, what kind of models would I use? Also what kind of background do you think most appropriate?
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    You need a more professional photo (high resolution and with good sharpness) to start with. Everything else could be added later on. :-)
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    ooohhhh. I though since we were painting over it it wouldn't matter.
    So complicated! but still awesome, lol
    thanks man
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    I don't have the technical expertise to pull it off, but you'd need a much better quality picture as a basis. I sent @Isandir a good few versions before he had one he could kinda work with. One that includes natural shadow is also very useful.

    I'm not sure if having your hand in the shot like that is necessarily a good idea for a first attempt. It seems to complicate the picture for me. From my pencil drawing experience, hands are surprisingly tricky to draw convincingly.

    I imagine background is reasonably easy... maybe a bookshelves in the background for a mage? Robes... just find something you like that fits around your photograph. Quarterstaff is reasonably easy too, if u sling it behind your back like I've done with my sword, it saves you having to work out how to hold it with your hands.

    I've tried incorporating elements of a picture I want for a portrait using photoshop, and layering them, but I don't have the skill to make it look like art, i.e. Baldurise it.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    lol.... I was wayyyyy too ambitious... I was thinking some tapestries in the background with ornaments and extravagant rings with a cool magical amulet.

    I think I'll just use all the awesome pictures from the other closed thread. There were some I really loved. I adore the FTG386 ones that @Abel shared here, plus there is a baldurized version of James Purefoy that I'm currently using for my bard.

    So many good options from so many talented artists!
  • marcerormarceror Member Posts: 577
    @Isandir, I really love your Hexxat portrait.

    But wait, the previous portrait thread was closed? WTF?
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    edited January 2014
    Due to lack of maturity, respect, and common sense on the part of one poster, (I'm not one to name names), yes, the previous thread was closed.
  • soumasouma Member Posts: 3
    @Astafas & @Isandir

    Hey, I know that it is probably a huge thing to ask for, but do you think it could be possible for you to record the most important steps when making your next portrait and upload that video on youtube?

    I'm not asking for a full-fledged tutorial, mind you, I know that would take a lot of time and neither i ask for a full video of you creating that portrait (because creating them probably take at least several hours), but a few several minute videos with what you think are the most important steps would be very welcome.
    I've already tried several times to create a portrait but so far my results are pretty miserable. The one thing that gives me the most troubles are colors. I don't really know how to set contrast/saturation/shadows to make the portraits "baldurized", so they most often end up as a simple image that have oil painting feel.

    Oh, and i have one more question. So far i've tried to create portraits out of my characters from Skyrim, not from photos of real people. Do you think it is even possible to create proper portraits from them? They have quite nice resolution (2880x1620), and i made sure to make shadows noticeable in game.
  • HeindrichHeindrich Member, Moderator Posts: 2,959
    edited January 2014
    marceror said:

    But wait, the previous portrait thread was closed? WTF?

    If u really wanna find out, just go to the last page or two of the old thread. Basically, one individual decided that rules and laws were uncool, and when politely reminded of common courtesy and legal norms, decided to respond with distasteful immaturity, ruining it for the very people who had just done him a great favour by satisfying his portrait request.
  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    Astafas said:

    On a sidenote, three BG1 NPC:s that really need new portraits are Faldorn ... Faldorn looks old and ugly.

    Oh goodness yes. For some reason she looks like a witch.

    with mage robes and possibly some assortment of rings/amulet

    "I put on my robe and wizard hat"
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448

    I'm very sorry, but I can say right away that I won't be able to make that video tutorial. I will however start working with simple videos sometime during 2014 so that may change later on. On the other hand, there are many people out there with far more PS skills than I. If I succeed, it's only because I'm stubborn, I google tutorials and I try things out.

    There is no one way that always works for contrast, saturation and shadows. Simply put your portrait next to a few of the ingame portraits, and compare. Then adjust. If you have everything in separate layers, you may change only what doesn't work instead of the whole portrait (which could cause a new issue).

    I believe Skyrim uses 3D models? In that case, I would say probably not. At least BG2 has a very flat 2D-feeling to it, so I think it would be difficult. Then again, you can't tell very good 3D modeling from a photo, so...
  • soumasouma Member Posts: 3

    Not a problem, like I've said before, i did not expect any real tutorial, I've done one for Skyrim and i know how time consuming and tiring it is. ;)
    I thought of something more like you recording as you work and then uploading a few most important parts of it. Then again, every portrait is different so in the end it could prove to be not as useful as i would hope for it to be. ;)

    Anyway, thanks for advice, hopefully that and your previous post where you explained step by step what i should do will help me improve enough to post my work here (for now it looks way too bad, especially next to work of all other people from this thread). :D

    As for Skyrim, yes it uses 3d models, but i don't think screenshots from it look any more "3d" than real life photos do. I was more concerned about shadows not being as clearly defined as in the real photos (although that depends on the photo) and... well a "gameish" look of character. ;)
    Anyway, for now i will just try to find a real life model i like and work on that, maybe it will turn out better than my work so far.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    @Astafas I don't mean this in a weird creepy way, but I love the colors in your wife's eyes and hair.
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448

    Here is a little tool you may use for adjusting your portraits. The originals are straight out from the game (but saved on my computer as JPG, so it might be worthwile to make your own, just to be on the safe side with the colors - the JPG conversion doesn't like my darker greens for example, which is visible below but not at all in the PSD original).

    Anyway, as you can see I've put my tiefling in the middle, and it blends in more or less perfectly. The portrait of my wife though (bottom right) does need more work. Note that the fixes have to be made within the individual layers - there's no one fix that will solve the whole picture. For example:

    1) Her hair is to shiny. The skin could on the contrary need some more luster (I need to raise the opacity of the shadows layer and of the highlights layer - if they were all in the same layer I would be forced to adjust the contrast instead, but that would also force me to lower the saturation that would go up at the same time, possibly causing new problem areas).

    2) The green in her armor is too saturated. The same goes for her eyes.

    3) The color scheme is all wrong. I used a blue background to bring out her green eyes and red hair. However - and as I knew - that doesn't fit in well with the other, very well composed color schemes. When I made the tiefling, I was very careful with this, opting for the three dominant colors pink, green and arctic blue. It still stands out a bit, but hey, I'm the star of the show in my own game. :-D

    4) Far to much details in her equipement. It will have to be blurred out. And it feels a bit cramped as well, the portrait needs more space.

    5) Finally, note how the eyes of all portraits more or less align? I have my wifes head cropped in the top, but could possible lower it down a bit, making her eyes align with Jan's instead. The size is a good match though, as Nalia has one of the smallest heads/faces in the game.

  • SilverstarSilverstar Member Posts: 2,207
    That's really well done Astafas. Also, is that the Skyrim vampire armour?
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    nano said:

    @Astafas I don't mean this in a weird creepy way, but I love the colors in your wife's eyes and hair.

    Hehe, no problem. :-D She sends her regards to you!
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