I think it's more obsessive-compulsive behavior and stubbornness, and less skill in most cases. Here's your Baldurized bard, complete with lute. The clothing was shamelessly stolen from Game of Thrones. Just let me know if you would like any colors or details changed.
One last thing - I just wanted to say thanks again @Isandir and show off my new character, (complete with 8 extra points from "tomes"). Now I'll stop derailing this thread so we can get back to more amazing portraits by the artists: [Spoiler][/Spoiler]
Neera's portrait, used @Illustair's reference photo Sheesh. As usual, I can't get the shadowing on her clothes quite right without any reference for it. It's like my personal hell
@Illustair I've done a half-elf version for you. There's actually no tutorial, like @Isandir's said, it's more obsessive-compulsive stubbornness and less skill However, both he and @Astafas did give some useful tips and tricks. I commonly follow trial and error method, since I have zero Ps skill and slightly above zero skill, aquired from art school in my youth. Usually I finish working on something in BG stile with like over 30 layers, as I tend to do a different layer for almost everything, sometimes even seeparate strands of hair.
He's a chaotic neutral thief for BG1, and the character concept is refreshingly roguish.
That there most definitely screams rogue, yes.
Nah. It's screams "Major Richard Sharpe of the 95th Rifles ca 1810". Isandir, did you make this yourself (if so, why model a rogue on Major Sharpe?) or did you take it from someone else's webpage?
He's a chaotic neutral thief for BG1, and the character concept is refreshingly roguish.
That there most definitely screams rogue, yes.
Nah. It's screams "Major Richard Sharpe of the 95th Rifles ca 1810". Isandir, did you make this yourself (if so, why model a rogue on Major Sharpe?) or did you take it from someone else's webpage?
Christ... can you please post a comment on this forum that is *not* an insult? Also, this character looks *nothing* like Major Sharpe (I assume you are referring to the interpretation from the Sean Bean series) and he even stated in his post that he modeled it after Game of Thrones (Jaime Lannister in particular)
If you are going to troll on every thread, please at least try to be good at it
So please, I'd like to know how you thought it was "taken from another webpage"
Thanks, @booinyoureyes, but I think he's talking about the post before that one.
@egon: Wow. I'm not even sure how to begin this...
1: You are aware that I, like most other portrait-makers, use photo-manipulation to make all of my images, aren't you? In other words, I typically use real photographs of people, armor and clothing as a base, combine them and repaint them to resemble the Baldur's Gate style. It's not exactly a secret considering there have been discussions about the best way to do this for the past year on this forum. One of the points I raised on this page? "I tend to use real armor for most of the images I make."
2: "Isandir, did you make this yourself" Did you by any chance look through the rest of this thread or the 58 pages of the thread that preceeded it? If you do, you may notice that I post a lot of portraits. You may also notice that I have posted a few quick tutorials and explanations such as this one in this thread and this one in the old thread. Both contain images that I've used to make portraits, and the second one also shows the stages it went through. My question in that case would be simple: Why would I suddenly, after a more than a year of doing this, post something that I did not make myself, when I have never done so before?
3: "if so, why model a rogue on Major Sharpe?" He's not modeled on Major Sharpe. The clothes are Major Sharpe's (refer to #1). The model is David Gandy, which I explicitly referred to when I stated "The model I used was the same one I used for Conchobhair." Visit my website and look at the post for Conchobhair, and--sure enough--you'll see "Model: David Gandy" posted right there. Look at the post for Kerick and (surprise!), you'll also see "Model: David Gandy" posted.
Why did I choose him as a model? Perhaps if you look again at the exact post you're questioning, you'll notice that the very first sentence states that "My next one is another mod NPC being developed by Raven." I made him look that way because she asked me to make him look that way. Why the clothes? Raven specified that "His clothes should be cloth, or with perhaps a leather strap, something like that, as he is a Thief or Thief/Fighter type."
4: "or did you take it from someone else's webpage?" That would certainly be a brilliant move on my part considering I provide instructions on the very first post of this thread as to how to find images through Google: "If in doubt, go to Google Images and drag the portrait to the search bar. You may find the artist or source through that method." Go ahead and try that with the portrait in question and tell me how many results come up. Now do it with any other portrait I've made. Yep. That's what I thought.
Perhaps before being a jerk and making a fool of yourself, you might want to just send a private message and ask "Hey, I noticed that your portrait resembles/uses XYZ. Did you make that yourself?" instead of insinuating that I or any other artist on this thread is simply stealing art that others have made.
Nah. It's screams "Major Richard Sharpe of the 95th Rifles ca 1810".
In order for it to do that, I would have to have the slightest clue who Major Richard Sharpe is. So no. It looks like what is commonly referred to as a "rogue" in a high fantasy setting to me.
Christ... can you please post a comment on this forum that is *not* an insult? Also, this character looks *nothing* like Major Sharpe (I assume you are referring to the interpretation from the Sean Bean series) and he even stated in his post that he modeled it after Game of Thrones (Jaime Lannister in particular)
If you are going to troll on every thread, please at least try to be good at it
So please, I'd like to know how you thought it was "taken from another webpage"
Wow, someone has gotten his panties in a twist. I don't know why you are being so immature and hostile but if you aren't old enough to play on the internet without acting like a dick I think it's better for everyone if you just turned off the computer for a while.
Also, that picture looks nothing like Jamie Lannister which is why I asked if it was based on Richard Sharpe. Please stop trolling.
(As it is totally clear that you are unfamiliar with books I'll do you the favour of copying the description of tha characters from the books, as summarized by wikipedia: "He is described as being six feet tall, having an angular, tanned face, long black hair and blue eyes. His most obvious physical characteristic is a deep scar.")
Eh, dude. How about being able to hold a conversation like an adult? All I did was say that I thought he looked like a very famous character and asked if you based the portrait on someone else's picture. Nothing wrong with that, that's what this entire thread is more or less about.
Now, I thought it was a pretty good protrait of Sharpe as he is described in the books but I thought it was a bit weird to use him as a portrait for a rogue since everyone who knows the character knows he's a warrior and not a thief (at least not any more). The fact that you got all defensive and started acting all rude and immature however, suggests that you're ashamed that someone found out that you haven't done all of the work yourself. Otherwise you would be able to take a compliment without feeling the need to defend yourself. My apologies if I hurt your feelings and made you sad but in my experience adult people can hold a civil conversation without acting like children.
@Isandir has created dozens of wonderful Baldurised portraits, including very generous personal requests, for the BG community. His work, along with other artists, make the BG gaming experience all the more immersive and enjoyable.
What have you contributed?
If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say it.
that is perfect, thank you so much for taking the time to do it!
But if I were to critique... the model's expression seems too severe for a bard
Come on! Put some emotion into it! Is it a comedy or tragedy you're performing for us?!
That suggestion was in jest you know.
Sheesh. As usual, I can't get the shadowing on her clothes quite right without any reference for it. It's like my personal hell
How are half-elf eyes shaped btw? Just asking, I'm sure we can do that ourselves. And thanks!
I've done a half-elf version for you.
There's actually no tutorial, like @Isandir's said, it's more obsessive-compulsive stubbornness and less skill
@egon Christ... can you please post a comment on this forum that is *not* an insult?
Also, this character looks *nothing* like Major Sharpe (I assume you are referring to the interpretation from the Sean Bean series) and he even stated in his post that he modeled it after Game of Thrones (Jaime Lannister in particular)
If you are going to troll on every thread, please at least try to be good at it
So please, I'd like to know how you thought it was "taken from another webpage"
@egon: Wow. I'm not even sure how to begin this...
1: You are aware that I, like most other portrait-makers, use photo-manipulation to make all of my images, aren't you? In other words, I typically use real photographs of people, armor and clothing as a base, combine them and repaint them to resemble the Baldur's Gate style. It's not exactly a secret considering there have been discussions about the best way to do this for the past year on this forum. One of the points I raised on this page? "I tend to use real armor for most of the images I make."
2: "Isandir, did you make this yourself"
Did you by any chance look through the rest of this thread or the 58 pages of the thread that preceeded it? If you do, you may notice that I post a lot of portraits. You may also notice that I have posted a few quick tutorials and explanations such as this one in this thread and this one in the old thread. Both contain images that I've used to make portraits, and the second one also shows the stages it went through. My question in that case would be simple: Why would I suddenly, after a more than a year of doing this, post something that I did not make myself, when I have never done so before?
3: "if so, why model a rogue on Major Sharpe?"
He's not modeled on Major Sharpe. The clothes are Major Sharpe's (refer to #1). The model is David Gandy, which I explicitly referred to when I stated "The model I used was the same one I used for Conchobhair." Visit my website and look at the post for Conchobhair, and--sure enough--you'll see "Model: David Gandy" posted right there. Look at the post for Kerick and (surprise!), you'll also see "Model: David Gandy" posted.
Why did I choose him as a model? Perhaps if you look again at the exact post you're questioning, you'll notice that the very first sentence states that "My next one is another mod NPC being developed by Raven." I made him look that way because she asked me to make him look that way. Why the clothes? Raven specified that "His clothes should be cloth, or with perhaps a leather strap, something like that, as he is a Thief or Thief/Fighter type."
4: "or did you take it from someone else's webpage?"
That would certainly be a brilliant move on my part considering I provide instructions on the very first post of this thread as to how to find images through Google: "If in doubt, go to Google Images and drag the portrait to the search bar. You may find the artist or source through that method." Go ahead and try that with the portrait in question and tell me how many results come up. Now do it with any other portrait I've made. Yep. That's what I thought.
Perhaps before being a jerk and making a fool of yourself, you might want to just send a private message and ask "Hey, I noticed that your portrait resembles/uses XYZ. Did you make that yourself?" instead of insinuating that I or any other artist on this thread is simply stealing art that others have made.
But that's not the same as what other artists do?
I rest my case.
Also, that picture looks nothing like Jamie Lannister which is why I asked if it was based on Richard Sharpe. Please stop trolling.
(As it is totally clear that you are unfamiliar with books I'll do you the favour of copying the description of tha characters from the books, as summarized by wikipedia: "He is described as being six feet tall, having an angular, tanned face, long black hair and blue eyes. His most obvious physical characteristic is a deep scar.") Eh, dude. How about being able to hold a conversation like an adult? All I did was say that I thought he looked like a very famous character and asked if you based the portrait on someone else's picture. Nothing wrong with that, that's what this entire thread is more or less about.
Now, I thought it was a pretty good protrait of Sharpe as he is described in the books but I thought it was a bit weird to use him as a portrait for a rogue since everyone who knows the character knows he's a warrior and not a thief (at least not any more).
The fact that you got all defensive and started acting all rude and immature however, suggests that you're ashamed that someone found out that you haven't done all of the work yourself. Otherwise you would be able to take a compliment without feeling the need to defend yourself.
My apologies if I hurt your feelings and made you sad but in my experience adult people can hold a civil conversation without acting like children.
@Isandir has created dozens of wonderful Baldurised portraits, including very generous personal requests, for the BG community. His work, along with other artists, make the BG gaming experience all the more immersive and enjoyable.
What have you contributed?
If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say it.