Hey @vierrae! I don't mean to rush you of course, but I am just wondering if you've made a start on that request, and maybe a rough estimate of when it might be ready? I am kinda waiting to start a Black Pits playthrough with this character
I have searched the internet in English and Chinese, and found these two that could suffice if you are too busy... they are pretty for sure, but don't really match the style of BG portraits... so I'd prefer to wait for u if it won't be too long.
That said, I know you are doing me a favour, so I do not wish to impose any pressure on you. It is absolutely fine if you just say "Sorry but I'm kinda busy..."
Ah, thanks! I can get started with my Black Pits playthrough now!
You guys are amazing! Thanks for the work you do for the community! If I do record and upload the playthrough as an LP, I will be sure to mention you. Actually... are you okay with me using the portrait in a more public way? And if u are... how do I pronounce your name? lol
@Heindrich You are very welcome Actually I'm not satisfied with the hair, but oh well... And you can use this image as you see fit, I don't mind at all. Ah... not sure myself, it was created several years back for my drow character using drow name generator. [vi-Er-rah-ə], I guess.
I am almost to timid to ask... If I placed an image of myself... Would someone be able to mummify it and place me in a red bathrobe (of Bhaal containment)?
My current avatar, although awesome, looks to healthy...
I can do some art... but I think I would need to scan it into the computer... never mind use a computer.
I have also messed around with photo editors with me in a red bathrobe (the wife does not understand fully the significance when I tell her I am donning the red robes of Bhaal containment "you have to contain them somewhere dear...") although I have fallen short of trying to wrap loo roll around me (Although sadly I have thought about it).
Anyway instead of looking like Mumm-Ra, I just look a bit pathetic.
On my phone at the mo. I'll pop up some piccie's later in a the progress of Anduin's avatar stylee, but won't get overly excited or upset if no one takes it on.
Okay as promised... A few pictures to show how my avatar has developed and how it could be splurged into a new avatar using a picture of me... Mummified... In front of a nice setting...
It all started with a picture of a sneaky Gnome...
Who then grew in stature when he got to wear the robes of bhaal containment...
Then the Gnome we all grew to love... frowned behind his glasses... @KidCarnival gets the kudos for finding this for me... I do not know the artist... Perhaps the beholden one can help?
I then went a bit evil...
But it was a bit too dark for me... I was accidently ressurected by a cleric waving his wand around so at present I am... Super Gnome! Just need a big S on the middle of my cloak... (another @KidCarnival find!)
Anyway... Now to supply the tools to recreate me... I have decided to include just interesting shots of myself through time...
At a conference... Maybe we can turn the person in the background into a fellow mummie, zombie, set him on fire...
Eating fish...
Acting aggressive... Oh so young...
Lastly for a background, could we use this? It is a wood near by where I live. Tolkien walked it (some say it inspired him) although it is more famous for being once owned by the Cadbury brothers and giving them the idea for the colour of their famous chocolate bar wrapper...
It is kinda nice doing this, for my own sake, to see how my avatar has progressed.
I am also aware that creating a picture may be impossible with what I have put up...
Then again it could be easy... I just have not got a clue... Lets say I will be extremely appreciative whatever happens.
@Anduin: The only hint about the bigger one I have is the file name: gnome_archscientist and that I found it after throwing random terms in Google images (gnome, fantasy, priest, necromancer, old...)
The second, smaller one is from my infamous old backup CD, and my best bet is that it's from NWN Vault or some other big Neverwinter archive.
Edit: Was wrong about the second one, it's from a WoW gallery and the artist is Christopher E. (or F.?) Appel. Still no clue about the first; I tried using the search tags again and got a ton of garden gnomes.
Here's one I thought you guys and gals might have fun with - herein lies an expression, at least. Whoever wants to work with it has my thanks in advance. [Spoiler][/Spoiler]
I'm soloing Icewind Dale with an old Character of mine, Arra. For this purpose, I revisited his portrait and, since he's now a Fighter/Diviner rather than a single-class Diviner, a slight change of attire occurred. Might not be the most practical choice for a stroll in the middle of a glacier, but I guess no formidable mage of STR 21 and CHA 25 warmed by high elven magic would care. Attached is a portrait in IWD dimensions (you'll need to resize them if you wish to use them in BG).
I had a hard time finding good portraits of characters with dark skin who weren't drow, so I made a couple for my own games. Most of them are cobbled together from normal photos (which I used for the heads) and fantasy art (for the bodies). I don't have Photoshop so I used a combination of Paint and an online photo editor to stick them together, paint on top of them and add various effects. Unfortunately I can't properly credit the people who the original art came from (other than the 2nd portrait...the body is from one of the BG portraits) because I just made them for my own private use. But here they are. Then the last one I did actually draw myself. It's not really in the style of the BG portraits (I made it for a Pathfinder game) but maybe someone wants to use it anyway.
Ah thanks so much @vierrae! That's much better! I'm not sure if u changed anything else, but toning down the lipstick really changed the 'feel' of the portrait.
And because I'm currently feeling creative, @jackjack I made you a character as well. Could be a rogue or a fighter of some sort. Don't ask me why I gave you blue hair and tattoos. :P
Thanks! I didn't do TOO much. I did "paint" over parts of it and go over some areas in detail with the smudge tool, but a large part of how it looks just comes from applying a pastel effect in Pixlr (sort of like Photoshop but online and free) and messing around with brightness/contrast. And it helps that @jackjack already looks quite roguish. Your approval warms my heart though .
Even though tailoring isn't my strong suit, and even though its not December, a hatmaker's work is never done. I stuffed that raccoon, @Silverstar, into new mage robes!
I have searched the internet in English and Chinese, and found these two that could suffice if you are too busy... they are pretty for sure, but don't really match the style of BG portraits... so I'd prefer to wait for u if it won't be too long.
That said, I know you are doing me a favour, so I do not wish to impose any pressure on you. It is absolutely fine if you just say "Sorry but I'm kinda busy..."
Thanks anyways
Ah, thanks! I can get started with my Black Pits playthrough now!
You guys are amazing! Thanks for the work you do for the community! If I do record and upload the playthrough as an LP, I will be sure to mention you. Actually... are you okay with me using the portrait in a more public way? And if u are... how do I pronounce your name? lol
@Crevsdaak: Thanks for the notification.
Ah... not sure myself, it was created several years back for my drow character using drow name generator. [vi-Er-rah-ə], I guess.
Ah u are online... actually... I love how u did the robes and the hair is okay in my opinion... but if u don't mind, can u tone down the lips?
The colour really stands out, and makes it look like she's wearing heavy make-up
My current avatar, although awesome, looks to healthy...
I am unable to help you, but I would love to see that
I have also messed around with photo editors with me in a red bathrobe (the wife does not understand fully the significance when I tell her I am donning the red robes of Bhaal containment "you have to contain them somewhere dear...") although I have fallen short of trying to wrap loo roll around me (Although sadly I have thought about it).
Anyway instead of looking like Mumm-Ra, I just look a bit pathetic.
On my phone at the mo. I'll pop up some piccie's later in a the progress of Anduin's avatar stylee, but won't get overly excited or upset if no one takes it on.
Some great stuff here already!
It all started with a picture of a sneaky Gnome...
Who then grew in stature when he got to wear the robes of bhaal containment...
Then the Gnome we all grew to love... frowned behind his glasses... @KidCarnival gets the kudos for finding this for me... I do not know the artist... Perhaps the beholden one can help?
I then went a bit evil...
But it was a bit too dark for me... I was accidently ressurected by a cleric waving his wand around so at present I am... Super Gnome! Just need a big S on the middle of my cloak... (another @KidCarnival find!)
Anyway... Now to supply the tools to recreate me... I have decided to include just interesting shots of myself through time...
At a conference... Maybe we can turn the person in the background into a fellow mummie, zombie, set him on fire...
Eating fish...
Acting aggressive... Oh so young...
Lastly for a background, could we use this? It is a wood near by where I live. Tolkien walked it (some say it inspired him) although it is more famous for being once owned by the Cadbury brothers and giving them the idea for the colour of their famous chocolate bar wrapper...
It is kinda nice doing this, for my own sake, to see how my avatar has progressed.
I am also aware that creating a picture may be impossible with what I have put up...
Then again it could be easy... I just have not got a clue... Lets say I will be extremely appreciative whatever happens.
The second, smaller one is from my infamous old backup CD, and my best bet is that it's from NWN Vault or some other big Neverwinter archive.
Edit: Was wrong about the second one, it's from a WoW gallery and the artist is Christopher E. (or F.?) Appel. Still no clue about the first; I tried using the search tags again and got a ton of garden gnomes.
Attached is a portrait in IWD dimensions (you'll need to resize them if you wish to use them in BG).
I look like I have walked straight off the set of a zombie flick. As soon as I'm in front of a computer, that is my new avatar.
You captured my eyes perfectly! I thought someone would just leave the red eye to make me look, well red eyed!
I do look very, very, very evil though... I look so evil... that now... You know what... I am going to become the new lord of murder after all.
Maybe I won't use this avatar if I decide to romance Aerie though... Maybe room for a cute Anduin to be made in the future.
Thank you so much @Kalesra it is better than I thought possible. You have blown my tiny gnome mind.
I feel like it's a little sloppy, but I'm impatient and lazy so I kind of rushed (especially with the shirt).