Archaic Custom Inventory Design Concept 2: I personally feel like the stat box was unnecessary because its the same info on the record screen. Only the core stats that I left in this screen are necessary on the inventory screen. Baldur's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale 2 did not have the full stat box either... Let me know what you think....
I like the idea, I agree that the additional info was unnecessary. However, I sort of liked having everything packed together, it felt efficient. Perhaps have the left side as it was before, but replace the stat boxes with your core stats and some artwork?
@Tome - The top header is for artwork. Adding any more artwork would be overkill and take away from the clean appearance. I will be rolling out some more design concepts and hopefully we can come up with a keeper!
Concept 4 looks very very good, I would say its the best one so far. Just out of curiosity, is it possible for the paperdoll to have some sort of background? Not that it looks bad as it is, just that every other element has a border around it and a darker background. Here's one I made earlier lol:
Im sure you could be much more creative or inventive than me, just my two pence on the design, although it all looks a million times better than the default GUI
Looks like Imoen has got a bit of a makeover for beta 6 as well lol judging by the new status screen (which also looks exceptionally good)
I think I might be the only one but I liked it better with the (mostly useless) text for the stats, the new ones look nice but they seem to have too much empty/"wasted" space for my taste.
Archaic Custom Inventory Design Concept 6: I tried to implement some of the excellent feedback from @Rasekov by utilizing the empty space better and @Requiem's idea of the background behind the paperdoll. I'm trying to get rid of having the full stats box on the screen - its pointless when you get the same info from the record screen. I appreciate everyone's insightful feedback including: @ShadowSmuggler, @cryocore, @neoesprit and @Tome.
I love your larger font mod however is there anyway to stretch the chat box <-all the way from side to side-> so that during convos it doesnt take up so much vertical space?
@Kenze - Thank you. That is a great idea. However, I don't think it will work due to other UI elements at play. It's something I will keep in mind and look into a solution. Did you use the standalone larger font mod or are you using the full Archaic GUI mod?
I'd say design concept 6 is better than the last few.
Not sure what it was specifically but they all seemed a bit off to me. 2 and 3 didn't seem to be utilizing the space correctly (largely due to too much empty space as mentioned by others) and 4 and 5 didn't seem to be organized well for some reason, but I really like concept 6, looks pretty perfect to me.
@ShadowSmuggler & @jaysl659 - Thanks for the feedback. It usually takes a few design concepts and some valuable feedback from you guys to get a winner. I will debut this new design for BETA 6.
@Archiac Concept 6 is looking great. Love the closed window look so much more, and the spacing is looking great. My only criticism is that its too brown. Maybe bringing out the green in the vines and a couple of with the gems in the border or adding in some floral aspects to it would really make it pop. At the moment its looking more Fallout than DnD color wise.
@Kenze - Thank you. That is a great idea. However, I don't think it will work due to other UI elements at play. It's something I will keep in mind and look into a solution. Did you use the standalone larger font mod or are you using the full Archaic GUI mod?
using the full Archaic mod which is very nice but without that font mod I doubt i could play the game with my poor eyesight. thanks!
@cryocore - Thanks, I will keep these suggestions in mind while I create the final version. The Design Concept is just a sketch up in Photoshop and not an in-game screenshot. There will be more polish and optimizations to the final version.
@Kenze - You're welcome. The Larger Font Mod is not perfect. It does not have the dash character and thus breaks a small amount dialog. Its not very often but there is nothing I can do about right now until the font restrictions are removed by overhaul. Thanks for the support.
Archaic Custom Inventory Screen Design Concept for BETA 6 - With Artwork:
Archaic Custom Inventory Screen Design Concept for BETA 6 -Without Artwork:
Let me know what you think of the full borders and artwork options...
I personally feel like the stat box was unnecessary because its the same info on the record screen. Only the core stats that I left in this screen are necessary on the inventory screen. Baldur's Gate 2 and Icewind Dale 2 did not have the full stat box either... Let me know what you think....
Im sure you could be much more creative or inventive than me, just my two pence on the design, although it all looks a million times better than the default GUI
Looks like Imoen has got a bit of a makeover for beta 6 as well lol judging by the new status screen (which also looks exceptionally good)
I tried to implement some of the excellent feedback from @Rasekov by utilizing the empty space better and @Requiem's idea of the background behind the paperdoll. I'm trying to get rid of having the full stats box on the screen - its pointless when you get the same info from the record screen. I appreciate everyone's insightful feedback including: @ShadowSmuggler, @cryocore, @neoesprit and @Tome.
What does everyone think of this design?
Not sure what it was specifically but they all seemed a bit off to me. 2 and 3 didn't seem to be utilizing the space correctly (largely due to too much empty space as mentioned by others) and 4 and 5 didn't seem to be organized well for some reason, but I really like concept 6, looks pretty perfect to me.
@Kenze - You're welcome. The Larger Font Mod is not perfect. It does not have the dash character and thus breaks a small amount dialog. Its not very often but there is nothing I can do about right now until the font restrictions are removed by overhaul. Thanks for the support.