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[GUI Mod] Archaic GUI for BG:EE



  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Looks great, too bad it doesn't work. At least not for me. I tried installing it and got a number of error messages on start-up. Finally my game crashed completely after trying to load a saved game.
  • ShadowSmugglerShadowSmuggler Member Posts: 44
    Belanos said:

    Looks great, too bad it doesn't work. At least not for me. I tried installing it and got a number of error messages on start-up. Finally my game crashed completely after trying to load a saved game.

    Probably because it's not updated for 1.2 and you failed to read.

    @Mods can we lock this topic please? It's just going to cause problems.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    edited January 2014
    @ShadowSmuggler: Which kind of problem? I can't see any.
    You're not obliged to answer to every user that complains without reading this topic, at least the last few pages... let them post and when they'll see that nobody will answer them, they'll start to read some posts above and they will understand.

    Surely we could close this thread as for now is dead, but surely not because of "problems", as a post every now and then with no need of answer is not a problem, no need to get angry or annoyed...

    The only sensate thing that I feel I could do is to summon @Archaic asking if he wants this topic closed, then for future reopening he can ask to every moderator and administrator here in the forum.
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968

    Probably because it's not updated for 1.2 and you failed to read.

    Yeah right, I'm going to read all 68 pages of posts for a mod that doesn't work. I have better things to do with my time, like actually playing the game.

  • ShadowSmugglerShadowSmuggler Member Posts: 44
    Didn't even need to read past this last page. :)
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968

    Didn't even need to read past this last page. :)

    And I'm supposed to magically know that? Just drop it already. You complain that a post like mine might cause problems, yet you've been the one instigating it.

  • AranthysAranthys Member Posts: 722
    Rather than close the topic, the first post should be updated saying that this project is currently on hiatus, and that the latest beta won't work with the latest iterations of BG:EE and BG2:EE
  • BelanosBelanos Member Posts: 968
    Aranthys said:

    Rather than close the topic, the first post should be updated saying that this project is currently on hiatus, and that the latest beta won't work with the latest iterations of BG:EE and BG2:EE

    In addition, the mod link should be removed from the available mods list. It's such a good looking piece of work that other people are bound to try it out, to their dismay. Fortunately it proved to be easy to remove.

  • ArchaicArchaic Member Posts: 924
    I wish I had the time...
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    Archaic said:

    I wish I had the time...

    that seemed like a really random post. I had kind of forgotten I had this bookmarked. I really wish you had the time truly. I kinda like the BG2 UI, but I still wish I had your UI for BG1. it is a lot better than the dull default one.
  • SelabocSelaboc Member Posts: 64
    Archaic said:

    I wish I had the time...

    I wish you had the time as well.... You did some fantastic work, shame it will remain unfinished....
  • Dark_AnsemDark_Ansem Member Posts: 992
    I do wish you've had the time...
  • SchopenhauerSchopenhauer Member Posts: 36
    Oh man, why did you leave us. Im horrified by the quality of the GUI in BGEE. Yours was pure art.... :(
  • Fire_FoxFire_Fox Member Posts: 1
    Not work link... :-(

  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    ^if you read the previous post you'll see that Archaic mod is no longer compatible with the newer builds of BG:EE, actually @Archaic‌ has stopped developing this GUI, and even he himself doesn't know if he will ever be able to continue his work due to real life.
  • PeccaPecca Member Posts: 2,222
    Working link would be fine, though. Just to get to the art assets. :)
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    @Pecca well... I still have an override renamed that had his mod in it from back then. would somebody be able to work with such a thing and, even then, would @archaic mind if somebody continued his work? the only problem would be that only the settings I had installed would be in my override to use so all the other options would still be lost.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975
    I think he removed the download because the mod was compatible no more, but if someone is interested to continue his work it would be better to send him a PM.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I think it's time to close this thread... if @Archaic‌ ever wants to reopen it he may just PM one of the moderators.
This discussion has been closed.