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[GUI Mod] Archaic GUI for BG:EE



  • XathosXathos Member Posts: 11
    Put out what you have already, and let the community take care of updating it. I'm pretty sure someone here has the skillset needed to take it over.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Does Kickstarter or Indiegogo count as selling your mod? Technically you'd be asking for the funds to stay alive while making the mod, rather than money for the mod itself if the mod itself is freely distributed once development is complete. You can cite something like the below as precedent:
  • KamigoroshiKamigoroshi Member Posts: 5,870
    Kickstarter also asks for money from the community and thus isn't tolerated by Beamdog and the other parties either. That goes for donations via PayPal and any other kind of crowd funding as well. The only chance for @Archaic to officially sell this mod to the public is by making a contract with Atari, WotC and Beamdog. But of course, such a contract would cost Archaic a good deal of money in the first place. As such, it wouldn't really help him to earn anything from it.

    Again, asking for anything money-related in exchange for mod development (or mod support) is a no-go. And I'd like it to stay that way.
  • geminibrunigeminibruni Member Posts: 276
    It would not be possible to propose an entry of archaic in the development team? Or at least in the Group of modders recruited from Overhul?
    I make this proposal because the talent shown by Archaic is really great and it would be a shame not to put it at the service of this project. It would really be an added value in order to have as an option in the game to use its UI, not to mention the work of improvement that could definitely do as real designers in improving BGEE ...
    I hope that an solution is possible, you Archaic made during these months a job too important to be left undone.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    it would be really nice to have archaic be able work on the team and then he could be paid. i haven't seen any negative comments as far as I can remember on this thread. the people love this mod much more than what beamdog gave us. this should be official, not some mod. i still haven't updated just for this ui i might add. it really does enhance the game enough to be worthy of not updating.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    i should add to look at those replies and views. this can easily be identified as the favorite bgee mod. this thing can't die now :(
  • BelegCuthalionBelegCuthalion Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 454
    call this an unpopular opinion (and i don't want to talk bad about this mod), but lots of this mod renders a bit obsolete with the 1.2-UI and its views of character sheet, inventory, etc.
    what's left is the different visual style (which in fact i don't prefer to the original one, in perspective of how the very classic ui of BG1 looked like it is/was way too much Baldurs Gate 2 style)
  • CorianderCoriander Member Posts: 1,667
    I think it's more along the lines of modding taboo to ask for money. I don't think we've ever said anything about selling mods.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2013
    Note: I noticed fonts won't work in iPad v1.0.2012.
    Just a good thing to know.
    Tested again: It do not works, in any way. What is needed is another bunch of .chu file specifically for the iPad version, or that is what I think at least.
  • Aliard1806Aliard1806 Member Posts: 144
    @TrentOster *.* you are simply the best!!!this is what community need...a Director that listen the player!!!
  • DarkersunDarkersun Member Posts: 398
    Archaic I hope you and Trent find a solution. Great things seem to happen here.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781

    @Kamigoroshi is correct in that any attempts to raise money around the game or involving the game would require Wizards and Atari approval. Getting said approval would be cost prohibitive for an individual or external party. Proceeding without approval opens the author to numerous legal issues and we all know how those go.
    @Archaic PM me and we can throw some ideas around.

    I would like that a thousand times if I could! you listen like present day bioware doesn't. if archaic were in your team it would be amazing to have an option between ui so I could always use him and not put your current work to waste.
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    edited November 2013
    sitting here hoping archaic suddenly gets a shiny new post background.....

    I have a question too. I actually kind of like all the designs and stuff, which you don't get on the new minimalistic ui, I must admit. I guess there is no longer any way for BG2EE or after I finally update BG1EE that I will be able to use the full thing?
  • ChildofBhaal599ChildofBhaal599 Member Posts: 1,781
    this thread is inactive and it is killing me! I miss my archaic gui. not in BGEE though as I haven't updated that to continue using it :)
  • Excalibur_2102Excalibur_2102 Member Posts: 351
    I think Archaics work was great, however I dont believe everyone prefers it to Beamdogs UI. With V1.2 the UI was much better in my opinion, id just prefer a more grey stone colour ( like the original BG1) as opposed to the blue stone colour. It just comes down to a matter of taste now I think, and for me personally (I will say again though how awesome his work was on the UI) the Archaic UI seemed a little too much inspired by the BG2 UI as opposed to BG1s.

    On a side note I think beamdog did an awesome job with the UI for BG2EE. Fits perfectly.
  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    Would love to see your Wizard/Cleric spellbooks get into the game
  • EtaminEtamin Member Posts: 830
    @Archaic, does it mean you are back in bussines :)?
  • AlequeAleque Member Posts: 149
    Archaic - the whole community with sight problem (including me) are counting on you. I am awaiting an updated version of your mod for BG2:EE and I want to thank you in advance for your time and effort.
  • MoonHopliteMoonHoplite Member Posts: 6
    A mod adding the custom inventory arrangement for BGIIEE would be great. I like the square grid better than the 2x8 inventory slot arrangement (which feels too old and outdated).
  • EnterHaerDalisEnterHaerDalis Member Posts: 813
    Without having to go through 68 pages - Is this still in beta?

    Latest update on the first post is that the beta 80% as of June 2013

    If anyone can let me know the status of this I'd much appreciate it. Thanks :)
  • MoonHopliteMoonHoplite Member Posts: 6
    Since patch 1.2, and the new BGIIEE, the new UI has been improved by the official team. I think this means the mod would need to be redone.

    However, people like me like the 4x4 custom inventory arrangement (rather than the 2x8 in game). Hopefully, a version with this will be released.
  • ShadowSmugglerShadowSmuggler Member Posts: 44
    Archaic said:

    While I mentioned it wouldn't be tough to update my GUI to the new v1.2 interface. It would take a good deal of time to do so. I would also have to finish up the remaining screens which is more time then have to really invest at this point.

    At this time Archaic GUI is not moving forward. I might in the near future release separate screen mods like my custom inventory screen. But don't hold your breath. I'm not promising anything. If I get time to do it I will.

    This was the last post on the previous page. Sorry folks, the mod is dead until further notice.
  • kungfuhobbitkungfuhobbit Member Posts: 169
    even if we cant have the whole lot, would anyone else love to see releasing just the wizard/cleric spellbook pages?! :D
  • xiaoleiwenxiaoleiwen Member Posts: 200
    I know this is a great graphic UI Mod, but I prefer the default UI of BGEE.

    I would like to know is there anyway to increase the font size of this game without changing the default UI.

    Kindly help me, really appreciate it.
  • eLDeuseLDeus Member Posts: 8
    not working on mac BGEE 1.2, did all through the instructions, but the interface remains old, help!
  • ShadowSmugglerShadowSmuggler Member Posts: 44
    eLDeus said:

    not working on mac BGEE 1.2, did all through the instructions, but the interface remains old, help!

    There is no help. It's not updated for 1.2 and most likely won't be. Please read before posting.
  • eLDeuseLDeus Member Posts: 8

    eLDeus said:

    not working on mac BGEE 1.2, did all through the instructions, but the interface remains old, help!

    There is no help. It's not updated for 1.2 and most likely won't be. Please read before posting.
    Thank you.
This discussion has been closed.