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New Game Update #2 Build 2009



  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    My comments on 2009:

    First: I'm glad that game issues are starting to be addressed. Thank you!

    Second: I've found some type of massive memory issue on Intel integrated hardware (doesn't do it on my primary system with NV GPU). Here is a link and picture of task manager.

    Third: I'm getting the audio stuttering while spell casting. Using Realtek integrated.

    Lastly: I also noticed an issue that causes severe slowdown, even on a high end system. What happened was I equipped Minsc with the berzerker 2HS to "experiment", walked into the bar where Volo is, and starting cleaning house. When several commoners left the building and bunched up outside while fleeing, the game starts hitching and lagging very hard. It does not do this when I'm playing normally.
    Post edited by bigdogchris on
  • DafojkDafojk Member Posts: 111
    So great to see that you are working hard on the bugs! Just 1 week in and already 2 patches, good work.
  • TrentOsterTrentOster Administrator, Developer Posts: 433
    Worldscar said:

    non-start issue still not fixed.

    Are you getting a crashdump? if so, could you please send it to us? **

  • TrentOsterTrentOster Administrator, Developer Posts: 433
    Sese79 said:

    Thanks. Keep up the good work!

    (No fewer-monsters-are-spawning-in-the-game bug fix?
    No Multiplayer-freezing-because-the-advertised-but-not-included-new-movies fix included?
    No fix-for-characters-not-doing-what-you-told-to-them, AI-overrides-the-orders-included?
    These 3 bug was the most important for me. Hoping for the new patch then.)

    The fewer monsters is likely due to the difficulty setting. I'd suggest a higher setting.
    We're working on the movies issue.
    The characters not doing what you told them is likely related to running with the AI on, so feel free to click the AI button (looks like a lantern on the lower right)
    If I am incorrect, please give us a little more info to go from. The best would be an breakdown on a few cases, listing expected behaviour and observed behaviour.


  • ZeckulZeckul Member Posts: 1,036

    The characters not doing what you told them is likely related to running with the AI on, so feel free to click the AI button (looks like a lantern on the lower right

    He might be referring to issue #878.

  • sebassebas Member Posts: 57
    Keep up the awesome job guys!
  • AzureblazeAzureblaze Member Posts: 22
    I couldn't launch the game at all, with this patch, I can.
  • BlackIvoryBlackIvory Member Posts: 75
    any reason to update if i had no crashes/problems with starting the games before? im afraid of bugs after the update
  • VolothampVolothamp Member Posts: 6
    Thank a lot!
  • BytebrainBytebrain Member Posts: 602

    You can make a backup of your entire games folder.
    Just copy the whole thing somewhere else and if the patch breaks something for you, you can always overwrite with your backup.

    Remember also to make a copy of your save games and ini files etc.
    They should be located in a Beamdog folder in your "My Documents" folder.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    I'm stuck in "Getting download info" for an hour now :-/
  • VaryahenVaryahen Member Posts: 224
    edited December 2012
    Hahahaha, same here. Too much people i guess. 97,8% in the last 2 hours
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    Sigh, if I knew it I would have waited 'til tomorrow before trying to download :(

    What if I close the window and shut down my pc while it's "getting download info"? may I mess with the game?
  • Little_p_braneLittle_p_brane Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012
    Lothander / Rasaad bug fixed

    ^ does that mean I can finish that quest? Lothander will spawn and Marek won't kill me? Because it was very annoying.
  • VaryahenVaryahen Member Posts: 224
    Pause the download. Close the beamdog client and shut down your pc. No problem.
  • SophiaSophia Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 581
    It's not downloading yet, it's still "getting download info", so I can't stop it. Well, I guess I'll wait a little more and if it doesn't change I'll close the window roughly and I'll try again tomorrow
    Anyway thanks for the help @Varyahen :)
  • VaryahenVaryahen Member Posts: 224
    If you haven't started downloading, better. You don't have to pause nothing. The next time you open the client will start the download.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862

    any reason to update if i had no crashes/problems with starting the games before? im afraid of bugs after the update

    Lots of scripting bugs have been fixed too.
    Just make a backup copy of all game files (766 is the name i think).
    Then just launch the upgrade. If you think it is worse, recover from the backup.
  • KharadorKharador Member Posts: 215
    Varyahen said:

    Pause the download. Close the beamdog client and shut down your pc. No problem.

    Thanks dude!!
  • porkchopsporkchops Member Posts: 6
    Since this patch I can finally start the game, it doesn't look great on my graphics card, but it's great to see it in action, stupid ATI and lack of support for opengl in legacy drivers....

    Now to wait till my main card comes back from the repairs.
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    edited December 2012

    Sese79 said:

    Thanks. Keep up the good work!

    (No fewer-monsters-are-spawning-in-the-game bug fix?
    No Multiplayer-freezing-because-the-advertised-but-not-included-new-movies fix included?
    No fix-for-characters-not-doing-what-you-told-to-them, AI-overrides-the-orders-included?
    These 3 bug was the most important for me. Hoping for the new patch then.)

    The fewer monsters is likely due to the difficulty setting. I'd suggest a higher setting.
    We're working on the movies issue.
    The characters not doing what you told them is likely related to running with the AI on, so feel free to click the AI button (looks like a lantern on the lower right)
    If I am incorrect, please give us a little more info to go from. The best would be an breakdown on a few cases, listing expected behaviour and observed behaviour.


    Thanks for answering me.
    I sent you a mail regarding this, and to Nathan too yesterday. It has the number of #1925.
    The best topic about few monsters is here:
    In the mail I sent to You there is a list with my reasonings for both of my main themes: old movies and few monsters in the random monster groups. If the mail is lost in the huge load I resend it to You again. Please read the above mentioned topic about the monsters. The bug is not about choosing another difficulty.
    Thanks again for your answer.
  • tenma147tenma147 Member Posts: 1
    I just wanted to say thanks, finally I've been able to play the game with my own character. I'm sure this week's been rough for the developers and it's good to see they're getting the hang of the issues the game has. I hope they keep up with the good work and they make even better this version of the game.
  • gabilturghgabilturgh Member Posts: 25
    I'm downloading the update now! Thanks from Brazil!!!!
  • Sese79Sese79 Member Posts: 478
    Dear @TrentOster,
    I sent a mail to You with the Subject: "Mr. Trent: What is the problem with the monster spawning? - Please find my answer here."
    Thank You again.
  • l1n00xl1n00x Member Posts: 1
    edited December 2012
    Since this update my journal entries are missing. Hitting "J" only reveals the "Important Events" quest on the prologue and chapters 1..3 pages in the "Quests" and "Done Quests" sections.

    I'm playing the game in german and switching to english fixes the issue. It would seem that the problem lies within the "Updates to English, French, German text".

    EDIT: Entries are missing again. Switching between german and english does not help, nor does loading different savegames.
    Post edited by l1n00x on
  • GeasyGeasy Member Posts: 1
    This patch deleted all of my quests, both finished and ones to be done, with the exception of the one main quest i'm on at the moment!!
  • AshlspiessAshlspiess Member Posts: 26
    Omg I can now adjust framerate woohoo!! 45 fps is perfecto.
  • doncrawdoncraw Member Posts: 9
    Update stopped downloading at 97.4% :(
  • ManwichTuesdayManwichTuesday Member Posts: 7
    I did 1 update today, in the evening about an hour ago. Afterward, I had messed up text for many items in the game, and lots of missing string references.

    After I closed the game out, I saw there was another patch for it too. Now that I have installed the other patch and the game won't launch anymore.

    So in the last 2 patches, the first one messed up a lot of string references, and the most recent is preventing my game from launching at all. I hit play from the beamdog client and when the window opens, I can an error sound and an error window that comes up and the game won't launch.
  • MetallomanMetalloman Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,975

    My comments on 2009:
    Third: I'm getting the audio stuttering while spell casting. Using Realtek integrated.

    We experiencing this problem are posting here:

    BTW: any update on this issue?
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