Black Pits: pvp option?

Would you like to have a Player vs Player option in the Black Pits?
The location seems to fit perfectly and it would satisfy us, pvp-lovers.
I think it won't ruin the game to ppl that doesn't like to fight other players, they can just ignore this possible dialog.
The location seems to fit perfectly and it would satisfy us, pvp-lovers.
I think it won't ruin the game to ppl that doesn't like to fight other players, they can just ignore this possible dialog.
- Black Pits: pvp option?79 votes
- Yes, I'd like it69.62%
- No, don't wanna see anything like that30.38%
I would not mind other people having the option though as it in no way affects me, unless of course the developers listened to said whines about "balance".
Nor would any other infinity engine game
2nd, if you don't mind about this option why would you vote "No"? lol
The sad fact is that the devs have a limited amount of time to work with, so it's more a matter of if it's worth the developers' time & effort compared to the other things they're working on.
Did you like the fights vs the bounty hunters party, Prat's one or Sarevok's?
What if they were controlled by real people and not easy scripts?
Isn't the Challenge one of the most important factors that kept the game alive?
Then that's why pvp makes a LOT of sense to me.
PvP in Baldur's Gate would require a more complex battle system than what is in place.
* For one, we would require real-time combat, not turn-based combat with the action delays known in the game.
* Secondly the current game is unbalanced between classes and races, with a small group of choices dominating over all others, greatly reducing the possibilities of a good range of PvP class/race.
* Thirdly the current combat system employs spells that are basically one-hit killers, greatly limiting the interest in PvP. A charm person, a sleep, a hold spell, etc hit and you might as well call it quits.
"PvP is not currently in our near-term plans. We looked into it and the amount of hardcoding in the engine is shocking.
I wouldn't want to see PVP in the game because there are many other things more important to code, which have a higher payoff, than rebuilding the engine from the ground up so it is robust enough and balanced enough for PVP. It would be a black hole of lost labor cost, I feel, and involve RE-building much of what they've already built.
Also, if this does come out, I won't be upset. I just don't think I would try it. Personally, I didn't like the Black pits. Of the supposed "Over 6 hours of additional gameplay", I got only 1 hour and it was an hour of running at the enemy's magic user and crushing them with a Kensai and a Stalker (my mage was utterly useless except for throwing out glitterdust in some of the bigger fights). The 'running' I mentioned was only enhanced (ha, enhanced edition? get it?) by the fact that you can buy 3+ boots of speed after about halfway through.
Also, Baeloth is just annoying. His one redeeming quality: he didn't chunk all over my Cleric when I killed him (my Priest of Talos respects shiny clean armor).
With regard to the Black Pits I lost interest in it about 6 fights or so in. I think I beat the fight where
Too easy to cheat.
It isn't balanced.
And if you attempt to balance it, it becomes more luck than skill.
As regards the pvp system, I played daoc, guild wars, lineage2, and many others just for the pvp.
Baldur's Gate doesn't need anything like that, the fact that a player has to choose carefully his/her actions makes it totally different.
As I said, it is exactly the same as PvE but with a person using the enemy, saying that BG isn't good for PvP is like saying the same for PvE.
As regards the last sentence... well where you probably would fail your saving-throw, another would have used a potion/item to avoid this incovenient
Side note: I finished them in solo with a sorcerer with Core Rules. Hahahah xD that can be fixed since they can prevent us to have debugmode activated. Oh lol man! You don't even know what you're talking about, aren't you?
FARMing is for no-lifers, pvp is for people who install each kind of mod (SCSI/II, Tactics, Ascension, etc.) to have a decent AI to fight vs. PvP in BG2 can be compared to chess, if any.
But the only thing I realize by reading the posts of the "No"-side is that you are opposing to something you never tried.
It would also be cool if you could summon up past foes to face off. Like a Tazok or Sarevok for some target practice. Sometimes you just want to have a 5 minute quick fix of a game rather than half hour/hour game sessions.
If there are problems that arise from other human players cheating. Then either restrict it versus people you know or just have a computer generated tournament. I would die if you could chose one of the NPCs to play as, as you verse a massive tournament against the other to be crown king of the NPCs.
If it was a tournament of the NPCs, then they could balance things out by altering equipment or the levels of the NPCs. So no single NPC is overpowered. They could also make it that you could pit lv1 characters against each other or up to lv9 characters.
I don't judge the class/equip/spell choices/lag, just jope it will help to understand the dynamics of a pvp in this game.
(I don't know what language is that, probably Polish.)
PvP would be awesome for this game, tactics all over! And with a friend, you could easily set the "rules".
When playing against online opponents I can only imagine them using cheasy tactics.
May as well present the players with an option to PVP if they really wish too.
The level of strategy and tactical elements involved with an opposing "human" player would be phenomenal.
As for saying PvP is something we've never tried? That's a silly assumption. If you're talking about PvP in Baldur's Gate spesifically, you may be right, but when it comes to RPGs in general I doubt it. People who play one RPG tends to try other RPGs too and also MMORPGs which almost always have PvP crammed in to draw a bigger playerbase. For instance, I personally I have over 60K player kills in one that I accumulated over a couple years as it was the only way for me to acquire some sweet-looking armour sets.
Balance? What do you care about balance if you're not even interested?
Not even mentioning that your concept of "balance" may be different from mine or someone else.
Or you presume to know all possible build, their weak/strong points, items combinations, etc? I'm right then, ofc I'm talking about BG.
Here, I will make it easy for you: I do not oppose using The Black Pits for PvP, I could simply not use it. I do not think Baldur's Gate is well-suited for PvP. I think adding PvP would break the main game when the developers started making adjustments to spells and abilities in order to balance things for the PvPers. The last point there illustrates why -I- would care about -balance-; because something I myself do not use (PvP) would still inadvertedly hurt me (my spells getting nerfed because they were useful in PvP).
Whether or not you or me or anyone think PvP works or doesn't work in BG allready doesn't matter as the game would most certainly be altered in its entirety to cater towards the people who would not be satisified with it.
I think for it to work well, the game would have to be set-up to auto-pause after each round to allow both parties to assign orders more precisely. Real-time might be a bit much to handle...although it would reward those with more knowledge, skill and quick thinking--which is a huge boon in PvP games, rather than gear determining the winner.
I'll try to do better this time.
Here we go... Thanks, my lord. Make up your mind bro. You DO care if you VOTE. Else you would have simply avoid voting and move to the next thread, weren't you interested.
I beg to differ, as you yourself stated: you have no experience of BG pvp. How can say so? Really? We are talking about a game that has been so since 12, almost 13 years and you think someone would agree to change something for a pvp-purpose?
None wants that.
They can put simple rules as: no Time Stop or Transformation: Mindflayer allowed. Easy.
Enjoy it or leave it, I say.