There's no more favourable to being good in BGEE compared to the original. It's the same story as the original. I don't understand what the OP is getting at.
As people have said, BG always favored a good alignment. That hasn't changed in EE. In fact the addition of Dorn and the Blackguard class could be seen as an attempt to help give something extra to evil characters.
It would really, really help if you gave your reasons for thinking that BG:EE is particularly favored for good characters, because I have seen no evidence of that.
Yeah, pretty much. Even the most evil individual must realise that there are consequences to their actions. Guards must be bribed, society in general must remain ignorant to your existence, and there's simply no benefit to slaughtering an army of peasants anymore than there is for a Good character to hang around kobold dens (no, not commandos collecting fire arrows) reaping the rewards of 7 xp.
A low intelligence evil character knows only impulse, and acts on it, like a rabid animal. Society will reject them and they will be put down unless they are quite literally too powerful to be stopped. A lot of the monsters you put down are Stupid Evil, and they are rarely more than a momentary threat.
An intelligent evil character will apply their evil in the same way that an intelligent good character applies good - selectively where it will do the most benefit. The best villains are Clever Evil. They will be charming and polite when required, and apply their villainy like a scalpel to the heart.
* OP has been asked before why he felt the game favored good aligned characters more than the original. Never answered. * OP was confronted with the fact there's been no changes to the reputation system, but denied reputation had anything to do with it. * OP claims to have completed the game twice already, playing all maps with both an evil and a good party. * OP claims BGEE was developed anew.
Frankly, this thread is being given an importance it doesn't deserve.
Nah. Reputation is much more strictly enforced (Marle and the aggressive flaming first mercenaries, for example) Good characters used to be able to kill them with impunity, and that is no longer the case.
Sorry, poorly constructed sentence on my part. I was referring to separate incidents. Killing Marle now inflicts reputation loss, and so does killing the flaming fist mercenary on the road to beregost.
The question is if it favors a good party more than the classic one, not if it favors it in general. Or in other words if it punishes the evil party harder and not balanced.
the problem is your choices do not reflect your actual question. you questions reflect does it favor good over evil not does it reflect good over evil to a greater degree than the original.
That being said since BGEE is just the original cleaned up and with a few 3 more joinable pcs (1 good 1 neutral and 1 evil) and once new area ( not counting the small ones for the new character quests) it should have the same slant as the original
Good Alignment = you don't get harassed by flaming fists mercenaries.
Evil Alignment = you get harassed by flaming fists mercenaries. (Only if your rep drops to -1)
Its because when you are evil and do evil things it drops your reputation, and when you help others it helps you gain reputations i try to be like -6 to 10 and try never to go over 10 in the reputation department.
As with general society dungeons and dragons holds people to basic standards of morality. Nobody likes an ass hat. Those who play their alignmemt to perfection soon realize this in a well balanced dnd game and in real life. The game is perfect, just like it was years ago. I still have all the original discs.
- Killing nameless bounty hunters makes you lose reputation.
I can't say that I made the same experience. Having Edwin, Viconia and Dorn in my party I need to keep my reputation at a rather low level. But I really needed to do something evil to drop the reputation level - like killing some random commoners. Killing nameless bounty hunters didn't affect my reputation at all.
But I'm not through the game yet - just entered Baldur's Gate.
I only troll when i feel that the other will rage, or when i want to enjoy long posts of criticism against me. Its actually funny to get attacked for what you seem to believe And basically to be able to have a proper conversation like a human be… in Are you a troll? Comment by iasson November 18
More examples are to come, but i wanna see if any other has already noticed them. Goodbye for now
In terms of the spoken reactions of party members, BG:EE is perhaps somewhat more biased towards good parties as compared to the original game.
BG:EE changes the party reaction table so that neutral-aligned party members now react to party reputation in a manner similar to that of good party members. They now sing the praises of a high reputation party in a way they didn't do before. See here for the discussion on this:
The change doesn't really give a gameplay advantage to good parties, but in such parties neutral companions will certainly complain a lot less than before.
Even killing innocent halflings who just want their 200 Gold back doesn't cost me Reputation, I certainly haven't encountered any bounty hunters whom I didn't murder for the sake of it diplomatically remove as sources of potential competition. Maybe it's a Rasaad questline I missed.
This whole series favors good alignments. What if my evil character doesn't give a crap about the iron crisis and avoids the Nashkel mines altogether? The story never progresses.
*looks at Dorn's stats*
*looks back to thread*
Uh...I'm gonna go with "no" on this...
It would really, really help if you gave your reasons for thinking that BG:EE is particularly favored for good characters, because I have seen no evidence of that.
Yeah, pretty much. Even the most evil individual must realise that there are consequences to their actions. Guards must be bribed, society in general must remain ignorant to your existence, and there's simply no benefit to slaughtering an army of peasants anymore than there is for a Good character to hang around kobold dens (no, not commandos collecting fire arrows) reaping the rewards of 7 xp.
A low intelligence evil character knows only impulse, and acts on it, like a rabid animal. Society will reject them and they will be put down unless they are quite literally too powerful to be stopped. A lot of the monsters you put down are Stupid Evil, and they are rarely more than a momentary threat.
An intelligent evil character will apply their evil in the same way that an intelligent good character applies good - selectively where it will do the most benefit. The best villains are Clever Evil. They will be charming and polite when required, and apply their villainy like a scalpel to the heart.
BG2 has the best healer (Viconia)
BOTH have the best magic-user (Edwin)
* OP was confronted with the fact there's been no changes to the reputation system, but denied reputation had anything to do with it.
* OP claims to have completed the game twice already, playing all maps with both an evil and a good party.
* OP claims BGEE was developed anew.
Frankly, this thread is being given an importance it doesn't deserve.
Are the flaming fist supposed to show up when you kill Marle? That has never happened to me. His buddy always threatens, but nothing ever happens.
Sorry, poorly constructed sentence on my part. I was referring to separate incidents. Killing Marle now inflicts reputation loss, and so does killing the flaming fist mercenary on the road to beregost.
That being said since BGEE is just the original cleaned up and with a few 3 more joinable pcs (1 good 1 neutral and 1 evil) and once new area ( not counting the small ones for the new character quests) it should have the same slant as the original
Evil Alignment = you get harassed by flaming fists mercenaries. (Only if your rep drops to -1)
Its because when you are evil and do evil things it drops your reputation, and when you help others it helps you gain reputations i try to be like -6 to 10 and try never to go over 10 in the reputation department.
If you had asked, "is good favoured over evil in BGEE?" your poll would receive a resounding YES.
Ah ok, I understand. Even then though, killing Marl has not made me lose reputation yet. I've killed him every single game I think.
- Killing nameless bounty hunters makes you lose reputation. -
More examples are to come, but i wanna see if any other has already noticed them.
Goodbye for now
But I'm not through the game yet - just entered Baldur's Gate.
I only troll when i feel that the other will rage, or when i want to enjoy long posts of criticism against me. Its actually funny to get attacked for what you seem to believe
in Are you a troll? Comment by iasson November 18
More examples are to come, but i wanna see if any other has already noticed them.
Goodbye for now
BG:EE changes the party reaction table so that neutral-aligned party members now react to party reputation in a manner similar to that of good party members. They now sing the praises of a high reputation party in a way they didn't do before. See here for the discussion on this:
The change doesn't really give a gameplay advantage to good parties, but in such parties neutral companions will certainly complain a lot less than before.
I'm not too keen on the change to be honest.
murder for the sake of itdiplomatically remove as sources of potential competition. Maybe it's a Rasaad questline I missed.You can be the napkin for my *lad* if you know what i mean
If your weapon breaks you will go down to the mine to butcher the guilty
then your aligment must be Stupid Evil, cause proper steel doesnt break on bones whatever the force of the swing.