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Does Baldur's Gate EE slightly favors good aligment in comparison with the classic?



  • karnor00karnor00 Member Posts: 680
    To be honest, I think that BGEE slightly favours evil compared to the classic. The only significant gameplay changes are the introduction of the new characters, and evil Dorn is significantly more powerful than the others two.

    Hell, Rasaad is so bad he's pretty much a handicap to good aligned parties.
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Daelric said:

    This whole series favors good alignments. What if my evil character doesn't give a crap about the iron crisis and avoids the Nashkel mines altogether? The story never progresses.

    Xzar and Monty are Zhent agents who were sent to investigate the iron crisis.
    Enuff said.

  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621

    Daelric said:

    This whole series favors good alignments. What if my evil character doesn't give a crap about the iron crisis and avoids the Nashkel mines altogether? The story never progresses.

    Xzar and Monty are Zhent agents who were sent to investigate the iron crisis.
    Enuff said.

    Not to mention that the Mayor of Nashkel offers 900 gold to you for solving the Nashkel Mines issue regardless of alignment. For a fresh noobie out of Candlekeep, that looks like a pretty penny.
    Although, you do get 5000 gold for killing Bassilus, which is a much shorter and (arguably easier) conflict...
    Still, every gold piece helps.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    karnor00 said:

    To be honest, I think that BGEE slightly favours evil compared to the classic. The only significant gameplay changes are the introduction of the new characters, and evil Dorn is significantly more powerful than the others two.

    Hell, Rasaad is so bad he's pretty much a handicap to good aligned parties.

    Dorn is useful, I'll give you that. However, Rasaad is not fact, he is a very useful member of my party and I can't think of anyone who would do a better job in the party. Perhaps for your playstyle, but Good didn't get gimped on new NPCs, just different styles of NPCs.
  • Aron_TimesAron_Times Member Posts: 18
    One thing I don't like about most CRPGs is that you usually only get a Lawful Good path and a Chaotic Evil path. There rarely ever is any love for Lawful Evil, which is pretty much the most efficient type of evil there is. As mentioned before, the best villains do the right thing for the wrong reasons and maintain good PR.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    I'm not sure how BG:EE could favor good over what vanilla does. They added 3 new NPC's, 1 of which was evil, along with a new Evil only class. I don't see any favoritism there at all.
  • SirK8SirK8 Member Posts: 527
    I think the poll results are skewed based on the presentation and discussion of the topic:

    "Does Baldur's Gate EE slightly favors good aligment in comparison with the classic?
    Yes, Baldur's Gate EE favors good aligment more
    No, Baldur's Gate EE is not favoring good aligment"

    The initial question is accurate, if not very clearly stated. However the poll choices do not reflect the initial question. Many who picked option 1 may have done so, because yes, BG:EE (as well as BG classic) favors good alignment more. However, some people picking that option may not have if the choices were more accurately stated. That is why this discussion has become very confused.

    My opinion, and my vote, is that NO, BG:EE does not favor good alignment any more than BG classic. Very little counter evidence has been introduced. There was a comment that the reputation can be lowered if you kill the flaming fist guard South of Beregost and killing Marl (conflicting reports here) and some random bounty hunters (has anyone validated?). This does not necessarily make the game favor good any more. In fact, sometimes playing evil I am looking for more legitimate ways to lower reputation, so as not to lose my evil companions other than murdering and burglarizing innocents, which does not always fit my character role.

    Also, another nice thing is that sleeping people don't report you for looting chests anymore, which does help if you are playing a character that robs houses. When Dorn "investigates" houses, he can punch the occupants in the face and rob them blind and never get reported :)
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    I always thought the BG games in general favored non-evil types. Really how many quests are tailored for evil outcomes?
  • chebmehchebmeh Member Posts: 20
    BG has always been good-biased. You have to actively try to be evil *without* making the game unwinnable.
  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    Other. It still punishes evil, but it rewards good less than vanilla, at least in terms of shop prices.
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