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Bassilus / Instant Death of Undead Option

VarkalasVarkalas Member Posts: 24
edited March 2013 in Fixed
(Current behavior)
Pretending to be Bassilus's father and choosing the option, "It's not I who lies, but you to yourself! You rob others of THEIR loved ones to replace those you betrayed long ago!" results in none or some of the undead dying. They will usually remain passive, although occasionally will become aggressive.

(Expected behavior)
Choosing that dialogue option should result in all of the undead dying.
Post edited by Aedan on


  • AClockworkMelonAClockworkMelon Member Posts: 2
    edited December 2012
    I just fought Bassilus near Beregost and throughout the fight none of his dozen or so undead minions turned hostile. I'm not sure if it's a bug or not. I chose the first option in the dialog I had with him before the fight started.
  • InsIns Member Posts: 11
    in the original BG, all zombies will attack you unless you picked all the right dialogue choices; in which case all of the zombies/skeletons died.
    They should not be standing around randomly in either case.

    In my case they all died (picked the right options) but when I came back later there was still a neutral zombie standing around.
  • AClockworkMelonAClockworkMelon Member Posts: 2
    Yup, in my game they just stood there. Once the fight ended they started wandering around randomly, all non-hostile.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Sometimes in the original, if they weren't revealed when you spoke to Bassilus, or if you paused before they all died, it would mess up the script...though it just meant they didn't all die, they definitely went hostile when Bassilus did and attacked.

    I always made to sure to fully reveal the fog of war with a stealthed character before talking and resisting the urge to pause before everything died, which fixes that problem.
  • KirkorKirkor Member Posts: 700
    In my game they stood there too, instead of dying.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    In mine all but one died. The last one just stood there watching :)
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    edited December 2012
    I just played that portion and all of the undead turned hostile after the dialog of me saying to "feel my justice wrath", or something.

    Did you guys go through the dialog or just start attacking?
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited December 2012
    I followed the dialogue path that should destroy all undead.
    Post edited by mlnevese on
  • OverpainOverpain Member Posts: 6
    Same here - I followed dialogue that should destroy them, but they just stood friendly while I was fighting with Bassilus. After the fight I attacked one of them but ones out of sight turned hostile.
  • theleethelee Member Posts: 76
    Hm, the way I remember it (and did recently in BGEE), it's a different dialogue option that causes all the undead to drop dead, the one where you call him a coward.
  • DiscoCatDiscoCat Member Posts: 73
    In my BGEE playthrough it worked fine, I managed to instakill his undead through dialog. I don't remember which dialog options I chose though.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    The code was using shout to pass the status between the zombies & skeletons, which may or may not work beyond the fog of war. I updated it to use a global and it seems to work much better.

    Have a patch...just unzip it to your overrides folder
  • VarkalasVarkalas Member Posts: 24
    I chose that one. Sometimes (less than 33% chance) all of the undead will be killed. Oftentimes, most of the undead will be killed (save for some not within view). And rarely, many undead will be killed but some will stay alive to fight. This is with the same option you're both talking about.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    This was discussed in another thread, and I linked an unofficial patch.
  • WooWoo Member Posts: 135
    3 1 1 = Kill all his adds.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    Take a look at the other thread - that doesn't always work.
  • HunterOfBountyHunterOfBounty Member Posts: 38
    When I fought him only some of his skeletons died.
  • WooWoo Member Posts: 135
    Cerevant said:

    Take a look at the other thread - that doesn't always work.

    No issues, I've done it multiple times.
  • aldainaldain Member Posts: 332
    Isn't this supposed to be a reaction check? I've talked to him with low CHA NPC's, and despite selecting the correct dialogue options, this usually results in none of his cohorts dying, and all of them turning hostile.. which makes sense, you need to convince him of his wrongdoing, and that's hard with a chain-burping hairy monstrosity like Kagain doing the sweet-talking.
  • CerevantCerevant Member Posts: 2,314
    There is no CHA check in the code, it is strictly based on the dialog tree.

    As I stated in the other tread, the reason that not all of them die every time is due to oddities in how the shout action used by Bassilus and the undead propagates to others who are off screen and/or out of range. By the rules of shout, it should always work, but the reality is that it doesn't. My patch uses a global variable to handle the destruction of the undead instead of relying on shout.
  • AedanAedan Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 8,551
    It is fixed now.
  • MazhlekovMazhlekov Member Posts: 1
    Please tell me how is possible Bassilicus to make spells with Chainmail Armor ?
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