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Dorn vs Sarevok. * New players be warned this thread contain some spoilers.*

ToxicToxic Member Posts: 30
If these two bad ass mother.. shut your mouth.. were to meet on the battlefield who would win?
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  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598

    Dorn is fake and gay hahaha
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2012
    Sarevok outclasses him in every way, with the exception of Strength and Wisdom. Sarevok has Deathbringer Assault. Dorn does have Blackguard's awesomeness, but I still have to go with the original.

    If it weren't for Dorn's comparatively weak Constitution, I suspect that it would be a closer battle.
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  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    It's all relative to what they were using :P Sorry to be devils avocate. If Dorn had full plate and and spiderbane/his sword and Saverok just shouted, laughed, did that 'urgh' sound and used a quarterstaff. Dorn wouldn't sweat and vice versa.

    If you take it from the two chars:

    Big Sav has

    Str :18:00
    Dex: 17
    Con :18
    Int: 17
    Wis: 10

    Dorn has:
    Str: 19
    Dex: 16
    Con :14
    Int: 10
    Wis: 15

    Dorn is stronger, is more wise and is smoother with the ladies and leading.
    Sav is better at dodging/faster, has a better immune system/bowels/hp, and smarter.

    Plus Sav is a child of bhaal and gets bhaal powers etc in TOB ( I think...) I know he does in Ascension.

    In my opinion Sav would win overall, unless it was in an arm wrestling contest....
  • ToxicToxic Member Posts: 30
    This may sound silly but how do I add a poll to a topic already created? I am new to this whole forum thing.
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    You might want to add a spoiler tag to it aswell if poss :). Regards to the poll, no idea dude sorry. Maybe try the edit options?
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  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Just going to add a little more detail to my argument:

    Dorn Il-Khan


    Strength: 19
    Dexterity: 16
    Constitution 14
    Intelligence 10
    Wisdom 15
    Charisma 16

    Advantages: Unbeatable strength, as well as the Blackguard advantages. You get him way earlier, and he's pretty cool.

    Disadvantages: Poor constitution. Cannot max proficiency, as well as all the other Blackguard disadvantages. Furthermore, CHA, which is tied for his second highest stat, isn't really useful for him IMO.



    Strength: 18/00
    Dexterity: 17
    Constitution 18
    Intelligence 17
    Wisdom 10
    Charisma 15

    Advantages: Great constitution and superior dexterity. Vast intelligence is pretty cool, even if it's not strictly useful. Deathbringer Assault is powerful and has no drawbacks. Can max proficiency. Also, he's arguably even more bad-ass than Dorn.

    Disadvantages: Low Wisdom. You get him very, very, very late. He may make your main character jealous/accuse him of min-maxing. :P
  • RagingOrcRagingOrc Member Posts: 63
    Tome's post basically is what my post should of been :P Nice job mate and indeed Sav is far more badass, spes with that laugh in TOB...
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Thanks man, to be honest that's exactly what I thought when I saw that you had posted your post while I was typing. :P
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    to be fair, the difference between 18/00 and 19 is 1 damage. And Sarevok will have...about...2 1/2 times Dorn's hp once they get to similar levels.

    Also Sarevok could dual-class to a mage or thief, if you REALLY want to, so no the high int isn't really wasted unless you're running a maxed party...and there's just something ridiculously awesome to see a lvl 14 mage Sarevok get a Deathbringer assault with a thrown firetooth (dagger) and one shot chunk someone, up to a fire giant. (His Deathbringer backstabs are also something to behold).

    That deathbringer assault though is hard to compensate for....I've seen him get them several times in a row before...200-700 damage in the space 1/3 of a round is pretty...well...ridiculous.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2012
    @ZanathKariashi: True, but I had to make it look like I wasn't a massive Sarevok fanboy. :P

    Also, I really don't see the point of dual-classing so far in.
  • ZanathKariashiZanathKariashi Member Posts: 2,869
    edited December 2012
    Nothing fanboyish about stating the facts. He's a beast...hell..if anything killing him made him WAY more powerful...seriously..if he busted out the crap he can do in ToB in BG1, even taking into account being 4 levels lower (OOOh 12 more hp and 4 less thac0 and 1 more prof point) he'd rip through a few HUNDRED of the player himself...and he's supposedly much weaker then he used to be.

    It's not too bad for a thief, if you don't use his initial level up...though I don't recommend a mage unless you're just doing a family run.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Maybe brotherly love was holding him back? Perhaps his apparent weakness was his awkward attempt at trying to make peace with us? Oh gods, what have I done!?
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Shandyr said:

    Well in my playthrough it was Dorn.

    And mine, albeit with a little help from his boyfriend and a well-placed fireball. :)
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  • RedGuardRedGuard Member Posts: 672
    Shandyr said:

    Dorn has an awesome underbite and fangs! He can simply chew Sarevok to pieces!

    So does Sarevok's helmet. Clearly he's roleplaying as a half-orc in BG. :P
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    Oh, that Sarevok. He's so meta! :P
  • tyl998tyl998 Member Posts: 144
    Supposedly, what level is Sav when you fight him in BG1? I mean, you're bringing a full party of 6 people all around level 7 or 8 or so against him to kill him.
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2012
    I think he's level 15.
  • ToxicToxic Member Posts: 30
    And pretty much immune to a everything!
    Well, not literally but during my 1st ever playthru my party consist of 3 mages, Charname, Xan and Edwin. If your party is reliant on heavy magic user then you are going to have a "Fun" time.
  • KortokKortok Member Posts: 165
    Sarevok would rip that sissy Dorn apart. One deathbringer assault and goodnight little orc.
  • tyl998tyl998 Member Posts: 144
    Tome said:

    I think he's level 15.

    So I guess it's a fair fight for a 6v1 XD
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    In a non-BG1 setting? Probably Dorn.

    1: Dorn wields Carsomyr. He's a Paladin, after all.

    2: Also, it's been awhile, but I believe that Baldur's Gate kept the same rules as regular ADnD, namely that Constitution bonuses only apply for the first 9 levels. The difference at level 40 and level 10 is exactly the same: 36 HP. Since Dorn, by level 20, can absorb 40 HP and heal himself with it (even if it's against an unattended item), I'm pretty sure that's a point in Dorn's favour.

    3: Dorn has spells. Included in these spells is Death Ward, which protects against Death Effects, including Deathbringer Assault. Problem?

    4: Dorn hits harder, can poison his weapon for 2 damage/second, including ranged, and has his Aura of Despair, giving him an effective +4 to hit and a -4 AC. I haven't even gone into the wide array of buffs a Paladin can pick up, such as Prayer, just plain wear the guy down with Summons, or cast Power Word Lay There And Take It and then stick his poisoned +5 Holy Avenger where the sun don't shine.

    Enjoy your extra 1.5 Attacks per round and useless death ability Sarevok!
  • TomeTome Member Posts: 466
    edited December 2012
    Do we know if Dorn can equip Carsomyr yet? Doesn't the description say it's pretty much Good-exclusive? Using that logic, Sarevok is now equipping his 100% magic immune armor. :) Enjoy Power Word Lay There and Take It now!
  • DeucetipherDeucetipher Member Posts: 521

    Seriously though, there are a lot of variables, including at which level this is done. If this is done at the ToB cap, Sarevok could hypothetically be a powerful mage, and battle-changing eq aside, it is hard for a Warrior to take down a high-level mage on his own. He could also be a thief, with all the nasty thief HLAs to go with it.

    Gear is such a massive variable, we have to strap them into all non-magical gear to get a good baseline, I think.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    edited December 2012
    Tome said:

    Do we know if Dorn can equip Carsomyr yet? Doesn't the description say it's pretty much Good-exclusive? Using that logic, Sarevok is now equipping his 100% magic immune armor. :) Enjoy Power Word Lay There and Take It now!

    Carsomyr doesn't restrict based on Alignment, it restricts based on class. It might change for BGII:EE, but that's a bit too Schroedinger's for the discussion at hand; should Dorn be able to get into BGII, then Dorn would be able to use Carsomyr under the current rules, and is busting out with a +6 sword by the time he and Sarevok might have their rumble.

    However, even assuming it is the case that he's able to use his magic immunity armour, then he's still not immune to Summons, still does less damage, still can't heal or buff himself, still can't get Deathbringer's to work, and still not immune to poison. I would be interested to know where to find it in-game however, the lazy cuss never has it on him when I search him.

    And yes, Dorn does enjoy Power Word Lay There and Take It, he enjoys it very much. Perhaps inappropriately so.
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