@reedmilfam Just because his avatar his super duper attractive, doesn't mean he is awesome. However, @Quartz is awesome regardless. Besides, I'd rather imagine talking to a very intelligent and likable Scarlet Johannson than imagine talking to a very intelligent and likable Dorn Il-Khan (his old picture). Oh, and if it wasn't evident, Scarlet Johannson as a profile picture is much preferred to a savage Half Orc blackguard.
@ op....This discussion is turning ugly and i'm fresh out of popcorn ;-/. The point has been made that items were NOT meant to be taken out of that battle tutorial, which means that anything taken out of there by any means is either a bug or an exploit. Congratulations on finding it and making a thread about it as now the devs can patch that little exploit. And as someone else pointed out and in gaming terms i agree, exploits are considered worse than cheating by many. The only issue seems to be your title as it is in fact an exploit but your title makes it sound legitimate. That may be why your post has attracted so much ire. (passes chill pills all around....yes i'm an old hippy damnit but i won't say what those chill pills really are lol)
you are making an error imo: it's precisely the exploits that *are* legitimate, that's the whole point of them, the part of the very definition of an exploit, and the only pertinent use of the term legitimate within the context of gaming.
that doesn't have anything to do with whether an exploit is a desirable thing - it most certainly isn't from my pov and the ideal gamer deity agrees with me.
Assuming that the gear and allies are NOT illisions, then using your familiar to pickpocket the items is perfectly legitimate from a rp standpoint? I mean, in a pen and paper game you can also steal (possibly) get away with it?
She is an actress, notably in a few high income popular movies such as The Avengers (where @Quartz 's profile picture is from), in which she plays a Marvel comics hero known as Black Widow (she wears skin tight leather throughout the movie if you want more heart palpitations @reedmilfam ).
@toanwrath Gotcha. I thought the picture was Charlize Theron as the ninja assassin person from an action movie. Don't remember which. There is a look-alike-thing going on sometimes.
I'm looking for Polymorph Self --> bouncy ball spell. It has to exist. It has to exist.
@reedmilfam My agree meant that nothing like that would ever happen to ME. Good luck to you man, but my girlfriend just scolded me for coming back to this page, even if it was just to reply to you (well....and maybe another reason...) EDIT: Also, WOW we are way off topic...hopefully those who visit here will enjoy our derailment.
In either case, those "people" and all their items are supposed to be illusions - so there's just no way to get them without "gaming the system", aka cheating. By all means do as you see fit, who am I to judge, but it's definitely cheating.
Not Ilusions! These are real people living in Candlekeep. You can find them all 5 in the game later on just with the same stats and same classes and same names :-)))
@IN1 BTW is there a way to bring some of this NPCs outside the building, just recruit them?
@DarkDogg I remember there being an exploit about talking to Obe really quickly and leaving the building with them (something along those lines, I don't remember the specifics) in vanilla BG1, but I am unsure if you can keep them. The Dwarf, Arkanis, has a notable 39 hp as a level 2 fighter (even with 19 con that's impossible), and the others aren't terrible. However, they don't have biographies, and weren't MEANT to be taken out of that area. It would be especially weird when you met Arkanis under Candlekeep later if he was in your party...especially since he says he is NOT a doppleganger lol
Not sure if someone else noticed this, but as I was plying with archer and export - imported stuff away from this area including plate armor, my archer is able to use it for some reason, maybe a bug as she can't use any other plate armor in game.
Not sure if someone else noticed this, but as I was plying with archer and export - imported stuff away from this area including plate armor, my archer is able to use it for some reason, maybe a bug as she can't use any other plate armor in game.
Yeah, that's likely just an oversight. The gear from the training hall is different from normal gear, so the game knows what to delete when you leave the hall. That unfortunately means it's likely to be missed when adding stuff like kits to the game (since you'd have to edit the training-gear separately).
In BG1 I always took advantage of the 'exploit' of taking the training characters out of Candlekeep. I kept Deder until Coran was available, Arkanis as my main tank for the whole game, but dumped the rest. That little trick doesn't appear to work with EE.
Let me play the masterful Grammarian that I am and correct you. An "Absolute Superlative" is-
dead empty nothing
there is no greater level of empty than empty nor is there a time where one dead man feels more pain from his liver being dissected than another.
However, I really do not give a flying rats cheeks if you steal everything kill each Palidin in the Game with a Backstab and then use the console to make yourself have a 20 reputation because you spent all your money on ale and removing curses at temples for constant cross dressing role-play.
The whole point is I want to thank yo all for buying the game in hopes the Enhanced Edition will let me do more happy training not tranny rp - in BG 2 Throne OF Baahl Enhanced Edition and I am not referring to any sort of physical Enhancement - I am referring to the imaginary BG2 TOB being enhanced with new battles, areas, and hawt training girls who know how to use wands of the heavens. Of Course, I hope this all comes in the climax to a sweet relationship complete with an epilogue about how I and the rp imaginary girl went about ruling the world by permission from Tiax after we ascended next to him. Come to think of it that is probably the main reason Tiax is.... oh no that is a spoiler... ok well anyway I am just hoping the enhanced edition BG2 allows for more role play and can even circumvent the past gmaes limitations...
but t be brief your whole argument is superfluous since basically any game you play and then have Tiax join you is axiomatically cheating since Tiax will in the end conquer victoriously all who oppose him...
btw Tiax needs to be able to backstab/smash with a hammer/mace I hope that can be fixed/flexedruled in the next game...
I must agree with the others stressing that the items weren't meant to be taken outside the house. However, I also agree with the OP saying it's legit since it can be done during the course of a normal game. While legit, it's not legitimate for the first reason. Deserves some congratulations for the finding though.
I'm not sure why anyone argues that it's "not intended, but legit" - in my opinion that distinction only matters if there was a consequence to obtaining these items, such as an impact on other people's gameplay, which there clearly isn't in a single-player game. As such, why does it matter if it's "cheating" or "an exploit" - what's the difference? You're doing something that goes against the spirit of the game in either case.
Oh and once again, for the record, everyone should and will play the game as they think it should be played. I'm just curious as to why people think the (supposed) difference between cheating and exploit matters.
What a treat for a little exploit, I don't why they try to fix this "bug" Its a fun exploit. Now i'm just shadowkeep all the stuf I like from both the tutorial.
Even the devs cant stop me to take the tutorial items, i'm the new lord of murder for Helm's sake.
Ever since one of the updates, I've found that trying to deal with the mess in Obe's lair is like watching a fight scene filmed by stop-motion animation school dropouts. I just tell the Gatewarden to bug off, now.
Even when things were faring better, I usually just set the mess of NPCs to attack whatever whilst my PC made the rounds of all the empty barrels, crates, and chests, because you never know where you might find a stray Ring of Gaxx or Silver Sword or Electrum Hot Pants.
Items, huh? Next you'll be telling me some of them have spells or a conscience.
Since this thread has not been closed or locked yet (it should be), I'll chime in with my own opinion. I believe cheats and exploits are one in the same. I applaud the creative thinking of the original poster, however, I don't understand why someone would go to so much trouble. CLUA codes are available for any and everything. Shadowkeeper can make anything in any amount. And if we go back to the original post, it is a bug because a Lawful Neutral character would never steal from friends, real or imaginary, so the whole premise of a "legit exploit" is flawed. And it wouldn't be tolerated if someone used a "legit exploit" in my home D&D game. And really none of this matters in a single player game.
Just because his avatar his super duper attractive, doesn't mean he is awesome. However, @Quartz is awesome regardless. Besides, I'd rather imagine talking to a very intelligent and likable Scarlet Johannson than imagine talking to a very intelligent and likable Dorn Il-Khan (his old picture).
Oh, and if it wasn't evident, Scarlet Johannson as a profile picture is much preferred to a savage Half Orc blackguard.
Oh man, I am so a cleric of that deity!
it's precisely the exploits that *are* legitimate, that's the whole point of them, the part of the very definition of an exploit, and the only pertinent use of the term legitimate within the context of gaming.
that doesn't have anything to do with whether an exploit is a desirable thing - it most certainly isn't from my pov and the ideal gamer deity agrees with me.
I'm looking for Polymorph Self --> bouncy ball spell. It has to exist. It has to exist.
Stoneskin+polymorph ooze? Or perhaps flesh to stone form ooze? (too many jokes there, I should probably quit it).
My agree meant that nothing like that would ever happen to ME. Good luck to you man, but my girlfriend just scolded me for coming back to this page, even if it was just to reply to you (well....and maybe another reason...)
EDIT: Also, WOW we are way off topic...hopefully those who visit here will enjoy our derailment.
These are real people living in Candlekeep.
You can find them all 5 in the game later on just with the same stats and same classes and same names :-)))
BTW is there a way to bring some of this NPCs outside the building, just recruit them?
I remember there being an exploit about talking to Obe really quickly and leaving the building with them (something along those lines, I don't remember the specifics) in vanilla BG1, but I am unsure if you can keep them. The Dwarf, Arkanis, has a notable 39 hp as a level 2 fighter (even with 19 con that's impossible), and the others aren't terrible. However, they don't have biographies, and weren't MEANT to be taken out of that area. It would be especially weird when you met Arkanis under Candlekeep later if he was in your party...especially since he says he is NOT a doppleganger lol
No comment.
Let me play the masterful Grammarian that I am and correct you. An "Absolute Superlative" is-
there is no greater level of empty than empty nor is there a time where one dead man feels more pain from his liver being dissected than another.
However, I really do not give a flying rats cheeks if you steal everything kill each Palidin in the Game with a Backstab and then use the console to make yourself have a 20 reputation because you spent all your money on ale and removing curses at temples for constant cross dressing role-play.
The whole point is I want to thank yo all for buying the game in hopes the Enhanced Edition will let me do more happy training not tranny rp - in BG 2 Throne OF Baahl Enhanced Edition and I am not referring to any sort of physical Enhancement - I am referring to the imaginary BG2 TOB being enhanced with new battles, areas, and hawt training girls who know how to use wands of the heavens. Of Course, I hope this all comes in the climax to a sweet relationship complete with an epilogue about how I and the rp imaginary girl went about ruling the world by permission from Tiax after we ascended next to him. Come to think of it that is probably the main reason Tiax is.... oh no that is a spoiler... ok well anyway I am just hoping the enhanced edition BG2 allows for more role play and can even circumvent the past gmaes limitations...
but t be brief your whole argument is superfluous since basically any game you play and then have Tiax join you is axiomatically cheating since Tiax will in the end conquer victoriously all who oppose him...
btw Tiax needs to be able to backstab/smash with a hammer/mace I hope that can be fixed/flexedruled in the next game...
Deserves some congratulations for the finding though.
Oh and once again, for the record, everyone should and will play the game as they think it should be played. I'm just curious as to why people think the (supposed) difference between cheating and exploit matters.
Even the devs cant stop me to take the tutorial items, i'm the new lord of murder for Helm's sake.
Even when things were faring better, I usually just set the mess of NPCs to attack whatever whilst my PC made the rounds of all the empty barrels, crates, and chests, because you never know where you might find a stray Ring of Gaxx or Silver Sword or Electrum Hot Pants.
Items, huh? Next you'll be telling me some of them have spells or a conscience.
I believe cheats and exploits are one in the same.
I applaud the creative thinking of the original poster, however, I don't understand why someone would go to so much trouble. CLUA codes are available for any and everything. Shadowkeeper can make anything in any amount.
And if we go back to the original post, it is a bug because a Lawful Neutral character would never steal from friends, real or imaginary, so the whole premise of a "legit exploit" is flawed.
And it wouldn't be tolerated if someone used a "legit exploit" in my home D&D game.
And really none of this matters in a single player game.