Assuming that the gear and allies are NOT illisions, then using your familiar to pickpocket the items is perfectly legitimate from a rp standpoint? I mean, in a pen and paper game you can also steal (possibly) get away with it?
Assuming you actually use the skill to pick pocket.
But you just go into their inventory and take the items out.
>But you just go into their inventory and take the items out.
Well, there's not much truth to it, like to the majority of your statements
The whole point is to pickpocket your teammates with the ferret, not to 'go into their inventory and take the items out' (and even if it were -- I assume you never manage recruited NPCs' inventories, as it's not RP enough, right?). Alternatively, you can kick them out of party after training, and pickpocket them then. That's hilariously dumb, if you ask me, but it definitely sounds like something that fits your definition of RP.
Guess I'm the oddball and say what the OP IS doing is fine. I hope the devs don't fix this. What he found was a "legit" (however you want to interpret that term idc) loophole. Clearly it's an oversight, but high-five for finding it. Not sure why people are actually getting upset by it (or the difference between 'exploit' and 'cheating', seriously just use a dictionary) since you can play the game however you want. CLUA, import/export, Shadowkeeper, all 3, not sure why people get bent out of shape about it.
Gonna roll myself a LN mage now to see what it's like with the extra items. Not trying to sound like a jackass there, but I wanna do it before it gets patched. -_-
This isn't WoW. There's no GM to "punish" you for "cheating". That's why there's no difference between exploits and cheating. Go ahead and use it if you want, but if you're Lawful, why are you stealing in the first place? Do it if you want, but don't try to justify it (you don't need to justify it either, just do it - it's your game you're doing it in, not mine).
Heh. Amazingly enough, they didn't get to patching the corresponding ferret exploits in BG2 (both for the Rift Device, and for the Underdark items) in all those countless community patches in a dozen years, so with all due respect to CamDawg (no irony here -- I'm a great fan of his UB for IWD), I'm a wee bit sceptical.
I like threads like these. Here you can tell the people who actually play PNP role playing games from those who just play computer RPGs.
I also like your straw man arguments. You're nothing but a troll, that much is obvious now.
I'm making two statements here 1. from a game design point of view you're not supposed to get free items, especially of that value, out of that training room 2. from a role playing point of view the NSCs would certainly object to you taking their items from them and leaving.
Neither of these statements can be disputed, yet you disagree with me anyways for the sake of arguing.
The meddling with the inventory of the NPCs really speaks for itself as to "how I have no clue what I am talking". If you watch the video, it's exactly what he does, takes off the armor and throws it to the ground so his familiar can't PP the wrong stuff.
The Familiar pickpocketing is another flaw in itself, as 1. you're pickpocketing characters in combat, which frankly I am more than surprised does work 2. you're pickpocketing your own party members, which also is more than questionable as the inherent risk of PP is obviously removed as the victim will not retaliate.
Also interesting, on page 1 you already decided that this discussion between us is "over", yet you've come back thrice to insult me on it again.
No, I'm correct. No, I'm correct. No,.... I'm Correct! What were we arguing about again?
Well said :-). Seems my chill pills worked for a few posts at least as jokes and off-topic stuff ruled. But the chill pills must have run out after that.
Calling an original poster a troll after you came into his thread and, basically, ruined any semblance of constructive discussion with your arrogantly negative approach is mildly amusing
It's also quite entertaining to see how you take pride in being a 'true PnP gamer'. FYI, I have nearly 6 years of DM'ing under my belt (mainly AD&D 2nd ed., some 3rd ed. as well -- sadly, not much time to play/DM these days due to real life obligations).
It's just amazing that you somehow fail to recognize one cold hard fact: CRPG is not PnP, nor is it supposed to be one. Your arguments all stem from an apparently false position. Namely, that there is such a thing as a correct way to play BG:EE. Now, if you opt to, dunno, dance salsa during each gaming session -- be my guest. But don't try to say in such an arrogant, self-righteous tone, that it's the only possible way to play, and whoever doesn't dance salsa while playing BG is some kind of weirdo.
I agree that there is definitely no "right" way to play the game, but to be honest, I think it's your claim that your method is (in your own words) "legit" that suggests that there's a non-legit (ie, wrong) way to play the game. In the end, the whole thing comes down to semantics I suppose, had the title of your thread been something along the lines of "another method to keep the items..." I'd have no quarrel with it whatsoever.
Assuming that the gear and allies are NOT illisions, then using your familiar to pickpocket the items is perfectly legitimate from a rp standpoint? I mean, in a pen and paper game you can also steal (possibly) get away with it?
I am going to say that from a roleplaying perspective, it probably isn't legit to have a lawful neutral character stealing from other people inside of Candlekeep. If the character was CN, that would be different but isn't a LN character the last guy who would steal from innocent teammates?
Once stolen, however, I don't buy that the people "wouldn't let you leave with their stuff." The whole point of pickpocketing is that the target doesn't realize you just stole their stuff and don't get the chance to object.
I respectfully disagree. Had the title of my thread been something else, you would have found another reason to object to this post. For example, you would have spotted some veiled arrogance in my phrasing, or lack of respect for, dunno, Trent Oster's hard work. It's not the first forum I frequent, so I know the rules of the game -- generally, it's a mistake to formulate your thoughts as non-offensively as possible: if the hypothetical reader wants to get offended by the post (and oh, he does, if there is a slightest hint that X did something our reader didn't think of), he will manage to get offended anyway
I agree that there is definitely no "right" way to play the game, but to be honest, I think it's your claim that your method is (in your own words) "legit" that suggests that there's a non-legit (ie, wrong) way to play the game. In the end, the whole thing comes down to semantics I suppose, had the title of your thread been something along the lines of "another method to keep the items..." I'd have no quarrel with it whatsoever.
"legit" doesn't mean "the right way" in a moral sense. it just means "without cheating". that's all it is a non-legit way is cheating. a legit way is: a) playing the game using neither cheats nor exploits, altho making this explicit is obviously redundant; b) using exploits
IN1's claim that his method is legit is 1/1 logical and consistent with his admission that it is an exploit. He never said that it's a "great way to play the game".
altho finding creative ways to exploit the rules can be an also-fun unconvetional style of play for some people.
I guess it'd help if I were a manufacturer of those foil-covered pans you can pop on the stove, also. Or loose kernels you can toss in your old air-popper. However you'll pop it!
And of course for the folks who look fervently for the directions on how to boil the water, nice bags of pre-popped, ready to scarf-whilst-perusing-forum-brouhahas popcorn. With bacon salt! And nacho cheese!
Basically, a popcorn tycoon. Preferably with a monopoly on the business.
Oh, and I have a totally too legit way to deal with Obe and his goons (the so-called "combat training" party).
But you just go into their inventory and take the items out.
>But you just go into their inventory and take the items out.
Well, there's not much truth to it, like to the majority of your statements
The whole point is to pickpocket your teammates with the ferret, not to 'go into their inventory and take the items out' (and even if it were -- I assume you never manage recruited NPCs' inventories, as it's not RP enough, right?). Alternatively, you can kick them out of party after training, and pickpocket them then. That's hilariously dumb, if you ask me, but it definitely sounds like something that fits your definition of RP.
Gonna roll myself a LN mage now to see what it's like with the extra items. Not trying to sound like a jackass there, but I wanna do it before it gets patched. -_-
Heh. Amazingly enough, they didn't get to patching the corresponding ferret exploits in BG2 (both for the Rift Device, and for the Underdark items) in all those countless community patches in a dozen years, so with all due respect to CamDawg (no irony here -- I'm a great fan of his UB for IWD), I'm a wee bit sceptical.
I like threads like these. Here you can tell the people who actually play PNP role playing games from those who just play computer RPGs.
I also like your straw man arguments. You're nothing but a troll, that much is obvious now.
I'm making two statements here
1. from a game design point of view you're not supposed to get free items, especially of that value, out of that training room
2. from a role playing point of view the NSCs would certainly object to you taking their items from them and leaving.
Neither of these statements can be disputed, yet you disagree with me anyways for the sake of arguing.
The meddling with the inventory of the NPCs really speaks for itself as to "how I have no clue what I am talking". If you watch the video, it's exactly what he does, takes off the armor and throws it to the ground so his familiar can't PP the wrong stuff.
The Familiar pickpocketing is another flaw in itself, as 1. you're pickpocketing characters in combat, which frankly I am more than surprised does work 2. you're pickpocketing your own party members, which also is more than questionable as the inherent risk of PP is obviously removed as the victim will not retaliate.
Also interesting, on page 1 you already decided that this discussion between us is "over", yet you've come back thrice to insult me on it again.
Don't give him the food?
Alas I play PnP D&D but since BG isn't PnP, do whatever you want with no consequences.
Calling an original poster a troll after you came into his thread and, basically, ruined any semblance of constructive discussion with your arrogantly negative approach is mildly amusing
It's also quite entertaining to see how you take pride in being a 'true PnP gamer'. FYI, I have nearly 6 years of DM'ing under my belt (mainly AD&D 2nd ed., some 3rd ed. as well -- sadly, not much time to play/DM these days due to real life obligations).
It's just amazing that you somehow fail to recognize one cold hard fact: CRPG is not PnP, nor is it supposed to be one. Your arguments all stem from an apparently false position. Namely, that there is such a thing as a correct way to play BG:EE. Now, if you opt to, dunno, dance salsa during each gaming session -- be my guest. But don't try to say in such an arrogant, self-righteous tone, that it's the only possible way to play, and whoever doesn't dance salsa while playing BG is some kind of weirdo.
I agree that there is definitely no "right" way to play the game, but to be honest, I think it's your claim that your method is (in your own words) "legit" that suggests that there's a non-legit (ie, wrong) way to play the game. In the end, the whole thing comes down to semantics I suppose, had the title of your thread been something along the lines of "another method to keep the items..." I'd have no quarrel with it whatsoever.
Once stolen, however, I don't buy that the people "wouldn't let you leave with their stuff." The whole point of pickpocketing is that the target doesn't realize you just stole their stuff and don't get the chance to object.
I respectfully disagree. Had the title of my thread been something else, you would have found another reason to object to this post. For example, you would have spotted some veiled arrogance in my phrasing, or lack of respect for, dunno, Trent Oster's hard work. It's not the first forum I frequent, so I know the rules of the game -- generally, it's a mistake to formulate your thoughts as non-offensively as possible: if the hypothetical reader wants to get offended by the post (and oh, he does, if there is a slightest hint that X did something our reader didn't think of), he will manage to get offended anyway
edit: "legit" doesn't mean "the right way" in a moral sense. it just means "without cheating". that's all it is
a non-legit way is cheating.
a legit way is: a) playing the game using neither cheats nor exploits, altho making this explicit is obviously redundant; b) using exploits
IN1's claim that his method is legit is 1/1 logical and consistent with his admission that it is an exploit. He never said that it's a "great way to play the game".
altho finding creative ways to exploit the rules can be an also-fun unconvetional style of play for some people.
Well, my popcorn. And butter. Movie theater style, soaking those popped kernels of corn. Mmmm tasty!
And of course for the folks who look fervently for the directions on how to boil the water, nice bags of pre-popped, ready to scarf-whilst-perusing-forum-brouhahas popcorn. With bacon salt! And nacho cheese!
Basically, a popcorn tycoon. Preferably with a monopoly on the business.
Oh, and I have a totally too legit way to deal with Obe and his goons (the so-called "combat training" party).
Unfortunately, contract limitations.
So sorry.
Sprinkle liberally over Obe's quasi-illusionary adventuring party and voila! Totally legit!