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Games You Would Like to See Enhanced

Ok, not counting the Baldur's Gate Series, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1&2 and the Icewind Dale series (because they're all so similar and familiar it's sort of a no duh to add them), what game or games would you like to see Enhanced?

My List in No Particular Order:

1) Master of Orion 1 and 2. (Master of Orion 3 does not exist)

2) Master of Magic

3) Colonization

4) Quest for Glory 1 through 5 (there were only 5 right?)

5) Temple of Elemental Evil could use some serious help.

6) Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura


  • DaelricDaelric Member Posts: 266
    I've never heard of any of those except Arcanum...

    However, I'd like to see that Star Trek game from the 90's remade. That was a helluva lotta fun.
  • bigdogchrisbigdogchris Member Posts: 1,336
    I think ToEE is a game that could of been executed better. It was still a decent game but I would like to see that type of D&D game done right.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    @Daelric The first three are "Four X Games". eXplore eXpand eXploit eXterminate. Master of Orion 1 and 2 are available off of Impulse (GameStop's online distribution program) for pretty cheap. Other games are available elsewhere either for purchase or having been remade by fans in free versions (Like FreeCol).
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    TOEE already has's very well made. But if it can still be enhanced by a professional game dev team, why not.

    I personally would like to see Neverwinter Nights 1 and 2 enhanced. They don't do well with multi-core, esp the latter since it demands more resources. Arcanum is a must if they could change the lousy combat mechanics. Lionheart: Legacy of the Crusader also had great potential, but falls flat after you get out of the city and because of the crappy animation. Not to mention, it has a directly blasphemous storyline...too bad they went overboard in that aspect.
  • Bash_MendleBash_Mendle Member Posts: 2
    atcDave said:

    Gold Box games, especially the original Pool of Radiance from 1987.

    PoR Remastered
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    i'd like to see HoMM3 enhanced with higher resolutions, remastered graphics (with mostly same visuals, only with a greater color palette, if possible), high quality audio (most importantly), and some small tweaking and rebalancing. maybe some new skills too.

    also, arcanum. would need a lot of work and additional content to become a truly great game.

    septerra core with some more content (and less linear character progression) and less tedious combat. bigger resolution et al. but it's a minor game relatively few people have played

    and system shock 2, redone in a new engine, with modern graphics, and an improved action component of gameplay (which is lame in the original, but the rest of the game is incredible).
  • atcDaveatcDave Member Posts: 2,448
    Bash thanks for the link! I actually played some of that a while ago. I am more of an AD&D guy, but that is a really nice effort at bringing an oldie back to life. It always makes me happy to see others remember the classics!
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    CaptRory said:

    Ok, not counting the Baldur's Gate Series, Planescape Torment, Fallout 1&2 and the Icewind Dale series (because they're all so similar and familiar it's sort of a no duh to add them), what game or games would you like to see Enhanced?

    My List in No Particular Order:

    1) Master of Orion 1 and 2. (Master of Orion 3 does not exist)

    2) Master of Magic

    3) Colonization

    4) Quest for Glory 1 through 5 (there were only 5 right?)

    5) Temple of Elemental Evil could use some serious help.

    6) Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura

    Colonization remake by Firaxis already exists and ToEE has CoE which is probably better than any remake anyway.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Pool of Radiance....I could never get that game to work for more than 10 minutes. Probably a poor venture commercially though.
  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    There is a Colonization Remake using one of the newer Civilization engines. I don't like it though. I also disagree with its politics.
  • MessiMessi Member Posts: 738
    CaptRory said:

    There is a Colonization Remake using one of the newer Civilization engines. I don't like it though. I also disagree with its politics.

    What do you mean disagree with its politics ? :o

  • CaptRoryCaptRory Member Posts: 1,660
    Eh~ I really don't wanna get into it on a Baldur's Gate forum XD
    I will say it comes down to writing your constitution which has, at best, only a tenuous connection to the reality of those option.
  • CoryNewbCoryNewb Member Posts: 1,330
    Metal Gear Solid (never had a gc to play twin snakes)
    Also, old FF game remakes r fun.
    Wayne gretzgy 3d hockey 98
  • MitchellMitchell Member Posts: 28
    CaptRory said:

    @Daelric The first three are "Four X Games". eXplore eXpand eXploit eXterminate. Master of Orion 1 and 2 are available off of Impulse (GameStop's online distribution program) for pretty cheap.

    The Master of Orion games are also on, which has just launched its Christmas sale, so most of their catalogue is 50% off (and they'll also be doing daily deals). You can currently get Master of Orion 1 & 2 in a bundle for $2.99.

    I'd recommend GoG for all of your old gaming needs. All of their catalogue is DRM, and well-priced even when they're not having sales.
  • CoM_SolaufeinCoM_Solaufein Member Posts: 2,606
    This of course, Arcanum of Steamworks and Magic Obscura. That is a great game but the graphics sucked even for that time.
  • CutlassJackCutlassJack Member Posts: 493
    Arcanum definately. But not enhanced BGEE style but rather a full graphic overhaul. Loved that game so much despite the graphics.
  • raywindraywind Member Posts: 289
    Ultima online (i know they still do it but make it flashier), THe only real Diablo aka. Diablo 1, Warcraft 1 and 2 the only real warcrafts, Dragon age with AD&D rules and spells and weapons and locations, and many many many more.
  • AnduineAnduine Member Posts: 416
    edited December 2012
    On the top of my head:

    1. Crusaders of Might and Magic. (Excellent game!)

    2. Arcanum, as has been previously mentioned.

    3. Lords of Magic.

    4. Final Fantasy VII.
    Post edited by Anduine on
  • SilySily Member Posts: 91
    edited December 2012
    1. As two far above have already said; Temple of Elemental Evil

    2. Rainbow Sixes 1 -> 3 (Dont turn them into modern Vegas crap, just "enhance" them!) and why not Ghost Recon 1 too?

    3. System Shock 2

    4. Medieval Total War (1 & 2)

    5. Original Alien Swarm (mod for UT2004)

    OP says not including Fallout 1&2 and IWD series? Well, I would like those most after TOEE.
  • KenjiKenji Member Posts: 251
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308

    Arcanum definately. But not enhanced BGEE style but rather a full graphic overhaul. Loved that game so much despite the graphics.

    arcanum has great graphics and pretty decent animations. one of the nicest looking isometric tile-based games.
  • DriftwoodDriftwood Member Posts: 9
    Like others already have mentioned, I would like to see Arcanum and the gold box games, especially Pool of Radiance which for some reason always gave me the "Guru meditation" screen at one particular location in the game on my old Amiga...when I swapped disks, oddly enough.

    Oh yes, and Ultima 7.
  • AndrasteAndraste Member Posts: 78
    Like a lot of people, I vote for Arcanum. A great game in many ways with a multitude of annoying flaws that could use fixing.
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  • szbszb Member Posts: 220
    Fallout 1 & 2.
    They are amazing games but they look so bad with todays eyes.
  • BortazBortaz Member Posts: 2
    Lords of Magic
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    Ah yes, Fallout also. I don't know how different their game engine is to IE, but the style is somewhat comparable...maybe the developers would feel comfortable enhancing the said game. And like I mentioned earlier, Arcanum also...nevermind the graphics, it's tolerable; the problem is the combat, it's one of the worst IMHO, I wish it has the combat mechanics of BG.
  • NukeninNukenin Member Posts: 327
    Seven Cities of Gold.

    The original, not the 1993 "Commemorative Edition".
  • IllustairIllustair Member Posts: 878
    How about Rage of Mages 1 and 2?
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