Which house to use as my loot base in Beregost / Baldur's Gate?

Hi - I've so far been stashing my loot in the chests in the Smithy in Beregost, but from a RP perspective would prefer to commander an empty house which has more than one container I could use and which isn't used at all by neutral NPCs, can anyone recommend one to use? Also one in Baldur's Gate as well, perhaps. Thanks!
Until you get to Baldur's Gate you will always approach this map from the south, close to their house, avoiding too much walking. The fisherman themselves are always outside until you finish their quest (and you will most likely kill them when you do).
It's two homes with enough storage space.
Relatively close to the city border as well, at least if you come from the south.
I really never had a money problem. I had 100K before I entered the cloakwood forest, and I'm now at 200K, back in candlekeep. Am I doing something wrong?
On that topic: the candlekeep guards are a bit harsh, aren't they? I got busted stealing something and they took all my money. 200K, that is.
I'm always going into the final battle with Sarevok wishing I had a whole lot more of all that stuff.
With the Potion Bag and the Gem Bag you should have a little more control over inventory slots. What happens when you need a certain item and it's all the way in Beregost?
Only part that forced some serious inventory management was Durlags tower because of the over 9000 wardstones you have to pick up