Project BG Next speculation

From twitter
Trent Oster @TrentOster
We've got a couple things in the works for after #BG2EE we have a longer term plan for a project we call #BGNext
This needs to be relentlessly speculated upon starting now? Is the similarity to DnD next a coincidence?
Trent Oster @TrentOster
We've got a couple things in the works for after #BG2EE we have a longer term plan for a project we call #BGNext
This needs to be relentlessly speculated upon starting now? Is the similarity to DnD next a coincidence?
I do hope they'll make BG 3. After playing the Enhanced Edition, I have all the trust they'd make a very, very, very, very, very VERY!!! ... good game.
For me, this would be a god send due to the fact I don't want another edition to the Bhaalspawn series. Also, has anyone played much DnD next yet? I have gone through all of the material, but I don't have any players nearby to give it a go, so I was wondering if people have much experience with it yet?
Online persistent world where you build Baldur's Gate city with the addition of DLC add-ons.
Multi-player deathmatch arena
Matching Object game based on BG locations
3d side-scrolling 'runner' game based on BG characters and locations
Hex-wargame based on BG characters
Am I getting close? ;p
Bonus : every newborn gets a sixpack of OD&O beer as a prize - all countries eligible!
Company defunct : 2013
BG Next ... D&D Next ...
I wonder if internally they are talking with Wizards/Atari over a BG project that releases alongside the new rules.
/rant on
I hope that Wizards stop with the cycling of editions. We went from decades between releases to 4-5 years between releases ... That does not show much confidence in their product if they keep changing it.
/rant off
I choose to be mildly expectant and moderately skeptic. Better to be happily surprised than sorely disappointed.
Nailed it!