Abdel thinks to himself, given his reload and character recreation "I should probably skip katanas for now and go with the more practical dagger as proficiency"
Abdel selects a dagger crafted of the finest Sword Coast iron, a suit of sturdy studded leather affording a modicum of protection while still allowing him to move in relative silence, and one of the modest bucklers Winthrop has laid out.
He then grabs a second dagger, "just in case" he thinks to himself, and an unadorned pot helmet. "That old coot Firebead is giving me that I-have-a-fetch-and-carry-job-for-you look, I think I better get out of here"
Having bought everything he needs, Abdel walks over to Firebead and proceeds to engage him in an lengthy, if annoying conversation. Out of sheer desperation to be rid of him, Firebead gives Abdel 300 gold and asks that a scroll be picked up for him from Tethoril.
OOC: This post (prior to this note) appears as two lines on my screen. Not sure if it will for everyone else.
Abdel dons his helmet, straps on a brace of throwing daggers, tosses Winthrop a spare purse of coin (precisely the amount owed) and walks out into the sun. Turning defiantly south, he heads to the Barracks to see if Fuller needs anything.
OOC: My bad. I ignored the part where Shandyr confirmed that Abdel was the human male fighter archetype, so I bought him studded leather, assuming he was a sneaky-type. He's stuck with it now! Har! At least I double-checked before making him do halfling-ish things.
Stepping into the barracks Abdel scans the room for Fuller. He sees Fuller standing, though just barely from the looks of things, to his right. He strikes up a conversation with Fuller and determines that Fuller is in need of someone to fetch him bolts from Winthrop.
OOC: We can always make Abdel dual to a thief later to make up for the whole armour thing.
Fuller also requested that someone take Hull his longsword, Abdel figures he might as well take the long way around Candlekeep and pick up the Identify scroll too. He grabs the potion of antidote from Hulls chest too, just in case.
While on his way to deliver the sword to Hull Abdel drops by the Clinic and convinces one of the priests there to provide him with a potion of healing for his journey. He then gives Hull the sword, who while surprised still only gives Abdel 10 gold for the effort.
Walking past Alaundo's chanters, Abdel mimics their droning prophecy: "The Lord of Murder was Imoen's father. So sayeth the wise Alaundo." His mimicry is met with sullen sidelong stares as he passes the chanters, chuckling, then spying Tethtoril rushing to meet him in the garden.
OOC: Somehow he avoided triggering Imoen while walking from Hull to the chanters and then past them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
Tethoril pulls out the scroll of identify and hands it to Abdel, mumbling in the process about how he has no more need of it. Abdel puts the scroll in his inventory and heads back to Winthrop's inn.
Entering the Inn, Abdel converses with Firebead who in exchange for the scroll casts a spell of Protection from Evil on him. He also purchases some bolts for Fuller and heads back outside.
Abdel decides to check the bunkhouse, just in case anyone in it may need errands run. Upon entering he notices a stranger who turns his head just as Abdel walks into the room. "That's odd" he thinks to himself, "what is he doing in here?".
OOC: Poor Abdel. He's being run about like the typical Candlekeep excursion, half-forgetting quests and forgetting to collect rewards. He probably hasn't even saved his game!
Carbos takes a swing at Abdel. Startled by this sudden aggression, Abdel manages to deflect the swing with his newly bought buckler. He unsheathes his dagger and makes a quick and successful counter attack against Carbos's extended arm.
Abdel stares numbly at the rivulet of blood running down the hilt of the broken dagger in his hand. How did that happen? he wonders, dropping the ruined weapon and continuing to stare at his emptied hand, a small remnant of blood seeming to flash brightly as it traces a path along his fingers.
OOC: [ @MERLANCE , @Dragonspear , @LadyRhian, @belgarathmth , @Aristillius @Nukenin this is up again if you are interested]
OOC: How are we going to have him bug Firebead for 300 extra golders without taking 30 posts to do it?
OOC: This post (prior to this note) appears as two lines on my screen. Not sure if it will for everyone else.
OOC: My bad. I ignored the part where Shandyr confirmed that Abdel was the human male fighter archetype, so I bought him studded leather, assuming he was a sneaky-type. He's stuck with it now! Har! At least I double-checked before making him do halfling-ish things.
(OOC: studded leather saves money at least)
OOC: Somehow he avoided triggering Imoen while walking from Hull to the chanters and then past them. That's my story and I'm sticking to it!
OOC: Easiest edit ever! *caresses Ctrl, C, and V keys*
OOC: Candlekeep has gutter scum? How could they afford the entrance fee?