How would you get out of this sticky situation?

I'm currently playing through multiplayer with a friend, and though only I've played it before, I let him be host as I wanted him to experience being the Bhaalspawn himself. We've just cleared out the Nashkel mines, and managed to get wiped out (save the main PC) in Tazok's camp.
Forgetting dropped loot doesn't stay on the floor indefinitely, I sent him back to the Friendly Arm to resurrect his fallen comrades, but on return to the camp our equipment had gone. And alas, due to his lack of experience he hadn't been using multiple save slots.
Somehow we've ended up with a reputation of 2, so we can't just saunter back into town to get companions or tool up. We've managed to buy some basic gear (the front-liners are wearing studded leather!) but it's obviously not good enough and we're getting our butts royally kicked, especially in ranged combat.
So, how would you go about continuing the game in a way that's not going to alienate a new player (like a restart or exploit), getting a little more gold and reputation and getting back on track?
Current party is CHARNAME (Thief), Me (Jester), Kagain, Neera and Viconia. We've tried to get Shar-Teel but just can't get through the basilisks. Bear in mind I'm playing with someone who isn't very experienced.
Forgetting dropped loot doesn't stay on the floor indefinitely, I sent him back to the Friendly Arm to resurrect his fallen comrades, but on return to the camp our equipment had gone. And alas, due to his lack of experience he hadn't been using multiple save slots.
Somehow we've ended up with a reputation of 2, so we can't just saunter back into town to get companions or tool up. We've managed to buy some basic gear (the front-liners are wearing studded leather!) but it's obviously not good enough and we're getting our butts royally kicked, especially in ranged combat.
So, how would you go about continuing the game in a way that's not going to alienate a new player (like a restart or exploit), getting a little more gold and reputation and getting back on track?
Current party is CHARNAME (Thief), Me (Jester), Kagain, Neera and Viconia. We've tried to get Shar-Teel but just can't get through the basilisks. Bear in mind I'm playing with someone who isn't very experienced.
And the diamond in the tree in the area just to the east of Candlekeep (the area where the Gorion ambush occurred). The diamond is located in a tree knot along the cobbled road on the eastern (rigth) side of the map
All over that diamond, thanks for the heads-up
On the second floor of an Inn in Beregost is a magical mace, The stupefier, you can sell that I think for 1500 or so. Of course, that involves going into Beregost.
To the east of the gnoll fortress, there is a cave that has a Halberd +1 in it. Thats good for some money.
Since you cant go to the cloakwood yet, since you didnt win in the Bandit Camp, you cant go Wyvern hunting.
Theres the suit of Ankheg plate in a field in the southwest of Nashkel, that sells for 2500.
Winter Wolves are fairly common to run into on the southernmost maps, like the outside of the Nashkel mines. Merchant in Nashkel pays 500 each per pelt.
Other ways to gain reputation without combat:
- Pick up Samuel on the map east of the Nashkel mines and bring him to the temple at the Friendly Arm Inn. This quest is timed, so head for the FAI as soon as you get him.
- In the area southwest of Nashkel, pick up the cat in the waterfall to the south and give it the crying girl.
Then you should be able to take back Viconia and still go to town without worries.
You're the more experienced player, you should've known to do easier stuff until you level and get some decent equipment
As things stand, other than roaming the countryside in search of loot, there's not much else you can do
That said i play avenger, assassin etc. myself, but i'm not getting frustrated due to inexperience, so i can afford it.
First playthrough for someone - me suggests a fighter or smght.
I know this post is a bit post-factum, so does not help...
That way should yield some much needed gold (there's a +1 Longsword in there I think) and should fit in with your Thief's role-play if you're into that.
You could also go to the Lighthouse with the Sirens nearby. Detail your best fighter and send him in on his own. Keep your party well out of harms way and well out of sight. The Sirens will dire charm the fighter but won't kill him as the fight is scripted so your fighter goes after the rest of your party, as your fighter can't see your party he will just stand there. In-between dire charms you should be able to eventually kill off the Sirens for good exp and pearls which sell for 100g each.
The Barge quest comes to mind. When you pick him up you get zinged right to the temple.
Still, plenty of stuff to try in this thread. We might reach Cloakwood yet!
Alternatively this could be a great now we've learned what not to do. Like pissing off the entire world.
Lets start over and try this again.
I've never noticed the path finding, but then I normally click to walk like an inch at a time.
Want to move to a point in an area you've already explored? (say you've entered the Bergost map and you want to head to Feldposts)
Press 'm' - brings up map
Click on Feldposts - view rectagle 'sanps'
Press 'esc'- now looking at Felposts, screen is dark cause not in charnames view
Click on the ground - charname/group begins to walk.
Now go top off your drink or whatever. When you come back to the game charname is there.
If you do this in the wilderness be sure to turn on the 'auto-pause on seeing enemy' in the options menu.
If you're trying to sell your friend on "This is an awesomely fun game!" then he needs to be having fun. If you're stuck, struggling to get unstuck runs a serious risk of being utterly frustrating and unfun. For every suggestion in this thread of "You can gain some rep/money by doing this," there's a task you have to do, and a consequence attached to that task, and often you're giving up valuable stuff just in the effort to regroup. That flies in the face of the natural game progression of "Do stuff, get stuff, do more stuff, get better stuff!"
Furthermore, most of the stuff you're going to have to do to get back on your feet is going to take you out of the main storyline, and will probably take a while. You're not going exploring under the best of circumstances, and this will be your friend's first exposure to that stuff... Is it going to be an enjoyable way for him to experience that stuff?
You should really ask him (if you haven't already). Maybe now that he's experienced a reputation of 2, and how difficult things can be with a thief/jester duo, he might want to roll a Ranger and use a longbow. You won't know if you don't ask. Don't make this your decision just because you don't want to do the mines again.
And loving even more how you are actually trying to get out of it, I wish I had a friend willing to play Baldurs Gate for the first time.
Although that situation in particular is pretty bad, it would be fun to be part of smaller stuff like that
I just power game and exploit my way through games, I've realised... Will wait another month for them to update this and then I'll go through it in proper roleplaying style, not hunting for everything hidden and always using the superior items... Although I still want to find the new companions quick, so I'll probably race to them just to have them around for longer.
Sorry I can't help much more than wishing you good luck with your quest
To be honest, I've no idea how the reputation got so low in the first place. Only overtly evil things we've done as far as I can tell remember is pick up Viconia, help Silke and we might have murdered that posh git from Neverwinter just before Nashkel.
You can kill the Basilisks easily if you use Undead to tank. Even easier if your Mage (Neera) has Protection from Petrification spell.