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Attention: Alora is now amazing.



  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    Quartz said:

    @IchigoRXC Quayle has an extra Dexterity point now. 15 -> 16 since 15 was very obviously an oversight. (Minimum for Illusionists is 16)

    Quayle also got wraithform, iirc.
  • leeho730leeho730 Member Posts: 285
    Rabbit's Foot seems ridiculously powerful... Checked the item file... Basically permanent luck spell with additional +5% bonuses for thieving skills...

    Luck means +2 TACH0 and +2 damage... Which means if Alora decides to dual wield she can do it like as if she has two stars in two weapon style... And potentially she is better archer than any other character save warriors... And with high dex she actually can hit like warriors... and +2 damage is same as specialization in bows save extra 1/2 attack...

    Wow., Way better than +2 ring in every aspect...
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729
    Tsyrith said:

    The best thief is Tiax because sanctuary.

    Though you can't backstab from Sanctuary and it doesn't last as long as Invisibility. Am not saying it's not useful (espc. as it's a level 1 spell), but it has some limitations
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    I have to admit, I've only picked her up in hardcore runs that went... poorly.

    I generally don't like single class thieves, as I feel that in the BG1 setting multis or duals end up a lot more effective.

    While she has gotten better, I don't think it's enough to tempt me away from Coran/Shar-Teel/Imoen/Safana/Monty (never was a big fan of Tiax, aside from his ability to summon ghasts). The only real benefit to a single class thief over multis is backstab, and even then monty and shar-teel (and Coran, to a lesser extent) are preferable to a single-class thief. Hell, Shar-Teel can still get x4 backstab and a decent thac0

    It's not the *only* advantage, single class thieves do level up more quickly and can have enough points to put into Set Traps (which actually gets more powerful after level 5) once they've got sufficient points in Find Traps/Open Locks, and don't have the tedium of dual-classing downtime. Hell, I don't even usually dual Imoen!

    On the whole though, I agree, I prefer fighter/thieves like Monty or Coran
    Actually I was wrong about Set Traps, this improves from level 6, the progression is like this:

    Level 6 Trap:
    Deals 2d8+5 damage to any enemies within the area
    of effect of the Trap when it goes off. This is non-magical damage
    so Magic Resistence can't stop it (as is the same for all initial
    damage of later Traps).

    Level 11 Trap:
    Deals 2d8+5 damage to any enemies within the area
    of effect of the Trap when it goes off. In addition, for the next
    three rounds, it deals 2d6 poison damage per round (hence
    resistence or vulnerability to poison also affects the damage).
    In addition, this extra damage also disrupts spell casting (like
    Melf's Acid Arrow).

    Level 16 Trap:
    Deals 3d8+5 damage plus 4d8+2 fire damage to any
    enemies within the area of effect of the Trap when it goes off.
    Like poison, any vulnerability or resistence to fire also effects
    the extra damage.

    Level 21 Trap:
    Deals 3d8+5 damage plus 20 poison damage to any
    enemies within the area of effect of the Trap when it goes off.
    Plus, enemies must Save vs Death with a +4 bonus or die instantly.
    Again, the poison damage can be reduced or increased according to

    And then there's the HLA Spike Trap, which is a whole new ball game... :-)
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853
    leeho730 said:

    Rabbit's Foot seems ridiculously powerful... Checked the item file... Basically permanent luck spell with additional +5% bonuses for thieving skills...

    Luck means +2 TACH0 and +2 damage... Which means if Alora decides to dual wield she can do it like as if she has two stars in two weapon style... And potentially she is better archer than any other character save warriors... And with high dex she actually can hit like warriors... and +2 damage is same as specialization in bows save extra 1/2 attack...

    Wow., Way better than +2 ring in every aspect...

    Yeah lol I used NearInfinity to check it out, that's how I got my facts straight. Too many damn modifiers to test it in-game and expect not to fudge some aspect of it up.
  • QuartzQuartz Member Posts: 3,853

    Quartz said:

    @IchigoRXC Quayle has an extra Dexterity point now. 15 -> 16 since 15 was very obviously an oversight. (Minimum for Illusionists is 16)

    Quayle also got wraithform, iirc.
    I'll have to check. Last time I picked him up he was at levels 3/3 so he didn't have it, but his 5/5 incarnation probably has it.
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