You'll be fine. Scimitars is the easy choice for dual wield.
I wouldn't put the second pip into longswords until the end of SoA though, when you go evil and get Blackrazor. And then also there is the Answerer +4 in ToB. Aside for those two none of the longswords are that hot, especially the ones you get in SoA. One pip will be enough to use Flametongue on weapon switch to finish off trolls.
In SoA start off by getting 2 pips into Staff. Crushing damage is must have for certain monsters. You can dual wield Staff Mace +2 in those occasions or switch to 2H staff, there are some with high enchantments even in SoA.
Once you get close to Greater Whirwinds, put a pip into Two Hand weapons. Then you'll have the choice of going ape with Staff of Ram, or dual wielding all those cool scimitars and blackrazor.
Or you can just go Flails instead of Staves, to dual wield full time. FotA is okay throughout the game.
Hammers not worth it, if your char is half-orc, I assume 19 STR, so you can get to 25 STR if evil, making Crom unnecessary.
Hmm I've always been tempted to have a fighter with a dagger... The trowing daggers in BG2 do 2d4 and the star dagger is no joke (especially in the hands of a F/T).
@Tresset Oh...hrmn...didn't think of this...what about Dagger for BG1 instead of longsword? For the Dagger of Venom? You'd get poison damage which destroys mages.
True daggers are great in BG1, so are Short Swords. That dont shine as much in BG2/TOB. As was mentioned earlier: Scimitars, Longswords, War hammers, Axes would be better choices for the whole series.
@Arisillius Equalizer is meh to me. It is a bit too variable for my liking. That and I have no way of knowing my enemies EXACT alignment. As to Blem I know it is an awesome off hand weapon but it is too bad its +2 only. I remember once I got the Use Any Item HLA on my old F/T (named Tresset) I switched to the Scarlet Ninjato which was much better (and also good for a beginner monk). *sigh* If they only put the Scarlet Ninja (or equivalent) in BG1 maybe people would stop whining about monks.
I wouldn't put the second pip into longswords until the end of SoA though, when you go evil and get Blackrazor. And then also there is the Answerer +4 in ToB. Aside for those two none of the longswords are that hot, especially the ones you get in SoA. One pip will be enough to use Flametongue on weapon switch to finish off trolls.
In SoA start off by getting 2 pips into Staff. Crushing damage is must have for certain monsters. You can dual wield Staff Mace +2 in those occasions or switch to 2H staff, there are some with high enchantments even in SoA.
Once you get close to Greater Whirwinds, put a pip into Two Hand weapons. Then you'll have the choice of going ape with Staff of Ram, or dual wielding all those cool scimitars and blackrazor.
Or you can just go Flails instead of Staves, to dual wield full time. FotA is okay throughout the game.
Hammers not worth it, if your char is half-orc, I assume 19 STR, so you can get to 25 STR if evil, making Crom unnecessary.
As to Blem I know it is an awesome off hand weapon but it is too bad its +2 only. I remember once I got the Use Any Item HLA on my old F/T (named Tresset) I switched to the Scarlet Ninjato which was much better (and also good for a beginner monk). *sigh* If they only put the Scarlet Ninja (or equivalent) in BG1 maybe people would stop whining about monks.