PSA: Weapon proficiencies selected In BG:EE: Do they bite you in the butt later?
Member, Moderator Posts: 8,268
I'm starting to think I have been somewhat hasty in selecting my warrior's proficiencies. I got around to thinking to myself:
"Self, there is a different set of weapons available in BG2." "Ya. So what, self?" "Well, self, I am getting a little worried we may have made some mistakes in not thinking long term here." "What ya gittin at, self?" "Well, that was never a problem before, self, but..." "Wait! Self! Are you suggesting that they may force you to keep the weapon proficiencies you selected for your character in BG1:EE when you import them to BG2:EE?" "Exactly, self! Before you had the benefit of selecting completely different proficiencies before starting BG2. But that was because the weapon systems were completely different! You had to for compatibility! That issue doesn't exist anymore! Now you are probably stuck with what you pick."
Needless to say my newly formed split personality is quite worried that it will be stuck with proficiency in weapons that are good in BG1 but will give me a hard time starting out in BG2. I currently have a fighter/thief with 2 pips in scimitar and 3 pips in 2-weapon fighting. Knowing the rarity of scimitars in BG2, I am quite worried that I will be stuck with some relatively weak weapons (probably Blem and Rashad's Talon, both only +2) for a while until I can pick up more pips in something else more common. I don't really post this because I want something from the developers (not necessarily anyway), but rather to find out if my fears are well founded and as a PSA for other players. I would also like some discussion started on this subject.
Also: Sorry about the crazy dialog up top. (Sometimes I start things on a whim and get stuck...)
"Self, there is a different set of weapons available in BG2." "Ya. So what, self?" "Well, self, I am getting a little worried we may have made some mistakes in not thinking long term here." "What ya gittin at, self?" "Well, that was never a problem before, self, but..." "Wait! Self! Are you suggesting that they may force you to keep the weapon proficiencies you selected for your character in BG1:EE when you import them to BG2:EE?" "Exactly, self! Before you had the benefit of selecting completely different proficiencies before starting BG2. But that was because the weapon systems were completely different! You had to for compatibility! That issue doesn't exist anymore! Now you are probably stuck with what you pick."
Needless to say my newly formed split personality is quite worried that it will be stuck with proficiency in weapons that are good in BG1 but will give me a hard time starting out in BG2. I currently have a fighter/thief with 2 pips in scimitar and 3 pips in 2-weapon fighting. Knowing the rarity of scimitars in BG2, I am quite worried that I will be stuck with some relatively weak weapons (probably Blem and Rashad's Talon, both only +2) for a while until I can pick up more pips in something else more common. I don't really post this because I want something from the developers (not necessarily anyway), but rather to find out if my fears are well founded and as a PSA for other players. I would also like some discussion started on this subject.
Also: Sorry about the crazy dialog up top. (Sometimes I start things on a whim and get stuck...)
Post edited by Tresset on
When BG2:EE is out or close to getting out I'll probably remake one of my favorite classes and select options planning for BG2.
If you don't have the time on hand to run another character, you could always shadowkeeper it.
On that note, Belm is going to be your best off hand weapon, and Usuno's blade +4 on the 1st level of watchers keep, so you can get that one pretty early in SOA with the right strategy.
In ToB you can buy the Yamato +4.
And on the 3rd level of watchers keep you can get the Spectral Brand +4, which can later be upgraded in ToB to Spectral Brand +5.
I don't believe you are gimping yourself by using scimitars. Actually, I made a Kensai that is using scimitars and two weapon fighting and I plan to continue that on into BG2.
Celestial Fury gives katanas a bit of an edge in my book, and there are a ton of good long swords in BG2... but I've done dual wielding katanas and I've done dual wielding longswords plenty of times.
If you wanted to see more information on the weapons I mentioned.
Edit 2:
To continue with what I was saying... the Spectral Brand +5 has a damage range of 6-13, where as Hindos Doom (katana) has a damage range of 5-14. Which I believe is extremely comparable.
Edit 3:
I also had the exact same internal dialogue with myself that you had, which is what lead me to look up scimitars in BG2 recently and realize there were some good options there I never really used that often so am looking forward to being a little different.
However, regardless of whether or not it's -2 or -1 being, say, a master in a weapon gives you +3, something you would obviously also lose by using a weapon you are not proficient with. So I don't think you can simply conclude that "oh look, the penalty is small so it's fine!". You would be missing a lot more and have 1/2 less attacks per round in addition to the damage per hit loss.
Edit: To be perfectly clear though, BG2 has a much greater variety of weapons than BG1, there's almost no weapon proficiency in the game that is particularly bad(I think long bows are the only real candidate for being "bad", at least until you start finding "upper tier" ammunition)
Regarding using a weapon you aren't proficient in: Sure, a fighter may be able to overcome the THAC0 penalty for using a strange weapon. However, you'd also be limited to a single attack per round with that weapon, negating your level 7 and 13 APR bonuses.
Maybe the Devs will add new magic longbows to BG2:EE? Those weapons they added to BG:EE make me think they try to compensate for the lack of weapons in the vanilla game for particular weapon proficiencies. For example, new mace and halberd drastically changed preferred weapon proficiencies for my fighter and cleric. It was great to see something new and I expect some weapons added to BG2:EE as well. Good longbows, for example.
Longswords are good for a second string tank who will take out speciffic swords that are matched to certain types of enemies. Daystar kills undead for example (it's Fantastic with a capitol F at killing undead in fact, but not that great on everything else) And the Dragon Slayer (Whatever it's called that hurts dragons) is a good pick for certain fights versus...wait for it...(SPOILER! =P) Dragons.
Flametongue is good vs trolls, etc. But overall...they just boost your chances when your main fighters are using some of the better weapons mentioned above.
Then again...Axe of the Unyielding is also quite insane. =/ Sometimes I like to have a high con character use that with Foebane for all the regeneration and minor drain action, so they rarely have to heal.
Staff might have been good if you were going two handed, there's a +3 staff that's easy to BUY in BG1...and later the staff of striking which is the strongest weapon in BG1 hands down in durlags could still have two ++ in Bows but you wouldn't have to swap things out...and in BG2 there's a +4 staff you can buy immediately which can hurt Kangaxx. Plus you can backstab with a staff.