What does "Non-Detection" really do?

I've never found a use for Non-Detection. The spell description is:
By casting this spell, the wizard makes the creature or object touched undetectable by divination spells such as Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Locate Object, ESP, and detect spells including Invisibility Purge. It also prevents location by such magical items as crystal balls and ESP medallions. It does not affect the Know Alignment spell.
However, I've never known a situation where Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Locate Object, or ESP has been used by an enemy. Any ideas?
By casting this spell, the wizard makes the creature or object touched undetectable by divination spells such as Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Locate Object, ESP, and detect spells including Invisibility Purge. It also prevents location by such magical items as crystal balls and ESP medallions. It does not affect the Know Alignment spell.
However, I've never known a situation where Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Locate Object, or ESP has been used by an enemy. Any ideas?
In that game, every mage and cleric worth their salt will always cast True Seeing if you try to sneak a cloaked character (whether hiding in shadows, or invisible through other means) near them.
True Seeing is a nasty spell that undoes any illusion for a few minutes after being cast, so it's not really worth it to wait around for it to go away. Especially when they just cast it again.
Where non-detection really shines is the cloak. Give it to your thief, and they are immune to True Seeing. The spellcaster will keep casting True Seeing, but it won't do anything to you. Then you're free to backstab them to death.
EDIT: ninjad by @luigirules
I have the tingly feeling that if I'm wrong, someone just might, maybe, let me know.
In the final battle of BG1, you can invisibleded a theif and then scout the temple, disarm traps, and plan your am-boo-scad.
If your invisibleded character is wearing a cloak of non-detection, the dialog will trigger w/ Sarevok, but he and his cronies will not attack. You can continue about your business.
If you are not wearing the cloak, you are detected and the battle begins.
IIRC this is also true of the final encouter w/ the demon kinght in Durlags. So there are two instances in BG1 where the cloak has a benefit.
The effect of non-detection is to block spells. IIRC it should NOT prevent monsters that can automatically see invisible from doing so.
Just remember though: The cloak IS valuable as it blocks ALL illusion killer and invisibility remover spells.
Edit: This spell (including the cloak) is bypassed by the thief skill.
Edit Again: Further research reveals that the cloak does not protect spells from illusion killers as per @ZanathKariashi 's post. (which I originally decided to disagree with. How Mr. Heart Eyes knows, I swear, ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING about the game is beyond me! I am starting to get to the point to where I should just stop arguing with him. If he outsmarts me one more time I will PM him relentlessly until he divulges the source of his ungodly amount of knowledge.)
(Testing of all these facts was done in BG2. They have been thoroughly researched!)
Playing the games of the series for 12-ish years, and soloing as every class WITHOUT abusing rest, trap cheese, engine exploits and the like. Though it's not 100%, there are some classes I've only run with once or twice, because they were very 1 dimensional and/or boring (Monks, Beastmasters, stalkers, Wizard Slayers, Archers, Inquisitors, plain druids, shapeshifters). I particularly enjoy mages, rogues of all types, and pure Kensai, so my knowledge of those and their mechanics is always pretty much spot on.
Unfortunately, it also makes me hate the game to an extent because I also see all the differences, large and small, from PnP and it bugs me a lot.
But yes...I'm something of a video game savant, for what it's worth. I love pretty much all games and play them all the time. My collection includes just about every system from an Atari 2600 up to PS3's and 360's. Including some of the more obsure systems like 3DOs, 64DD, Jaguar, Neo-geo AMS, Lynx, several custom handhelds for things like game-cubes, N64s. I also enjoy PC games.
The only systems I refuse to let be part of my collection is the Wii, Wii-U, DS, and 3DS. I have just about everything else, including several variations of some systems.
The biggest problems are simply time, and space. I only have room to hook up 5 systems at once, and it's hard to decide what to play given there's only so many hours in the day, and I have to get in my daily exercise routine, meals and squeeze in work as well.
PnP is pretty fun. I haven't been able to play much recently, since I had barely enough close friends to get a game going, but school, work, families, etc, have pulled things apart, so it's hard to get them all together at once these days. It's pretty fun though if you can make it happen.
It seems like there are several elements at work here, and everything is still pretty fuzzy with all the conflicting information in this thread.
Non-Detection the spell vs. Cloak of Non-Detection
Stealth vs. magical Invisibility (the spell) vs. magical Invisibility (from an item)
Divination spells to dispel illusions
Thief ability Detect Illusion
Some creatures' innate ability to see through illusions
Infravision? (haven't seen this mentioned)
So that's a lot of combinations as to how this might work. Can anyone please clarify?
1. Spell vs. Cloak: The effect from the spell is removed by illusion killing spells; where as the effect from the cloak can't be removed (only bypassed).
2. Stealth vs. various invisibilities: Non-detection will not protect invisibility cast from SPELLS against anti-invisibility spells. It will however protect invisibility cast from magical ITEMS and the STEALTH SKILL from effects that would otherwise negate the invisibilities.
3. Divination spells to dispel illusions: these kinds of spells are what non-detection was made to protect against. It is only effective against those spells which ONLY remove invisibility(glitterdust, detect invisibility, invisibility purge). If a spell removes other illusions as well as invisibility(detect illusions, oracle, true seeing), then it will also remove non-detection if cast by a spell. Non-detection only protects "invisibility" like effects (and furthermore, only invisibilities that come from certain sources; see #2). Spells like mirror image are not protected by non detection.
4. Thief's detect illusions: The thief skill used to detect illusions always ignores any form of non-detection.
5. Creatures with the innate ability to see invisible creatures: The ability of certain creatures to see invisible creatures is not affected in any way by any form of non-detection.
6. Infravision makes things glow red. That's all it does. It, in no way shape or form, impacts the game other than that.
I hope that sheds some light on this spell. Please let me know if I need to clarify any of my statements or further explain why this spell is pointless.
EDIT: I forgot creatures that can see through invisibility. I assume you aren't revealed, but they attack you. Can these creatures also see through Stealth?
Yeah, Kuo-tua are innately able to see through any form of stealth or invisibility (but unlike most other creatures like that can still be backstabbed, if you're willing to set it up).
And yes vs those creatures, your stealth/invis isn't dispelled, they simply ignore it. Other creatures that might be present remain unable to see you until something drops you from hiding/invisibility.
Invisibility specifically mentions it foils infravision. All it does is allow you to see heat signatures in dark areas, though technically, it SHOULD reveal stealth, unless the hider is wearing a cloak of non-detection or under the effects of the spell or taking measures to specifically foil infravision (covering themselves in cold mud, etc).
Edit: What is the creature ID code for that thief in the prison you mentioned? I would love to use that to test...
Further Edit: @ZanathKariashi Wait... I remember there being a yuan-ti mage in the planar prision. Yeah! He casts true seeing too! I remember clearly now! Perhaps you were mistaken about the source of the illusion remover? Or did you take that yuan-ti out first and then test?
Though bare in mind, in the unmodded game only 2 thieves in the whole game will use DI against you (the prison one, and the one in that adventurer group in the underdark), the rest, like those rune assassins can simply see through illusions by default (but don't dispel them), or not at all.