There are several powerful items that you can get even more easily, but still I would welcome any change that would make more challenging to get the Elven Chain.
@agris Sorry about the rant. I guess I'm starting to get a bit paranoid about the nerfer crowd. I still don't think it is that wonderful for early on. I also think some of the power Items were placed WAY to late in the game. Most notably the Throwing Axe +2 and especially the Full Plate +1. I usually created those far earlier If I had use for them. That way I could actually get some real use out of them instead of have them for just the last couple of battles.
Heh, 2.5e at its best. Yea, those thieving skill mods are penalties but the -2 vs. slashing is a bonus, and +2 crushing a penalty. The problem with the 2.5e rule set is that it almost standardizes bonuses as +'ve and penalties as -'ve (and you apply the correct sign convention depending on if high or low is better), except when talking about certain modifiers (saves, AC, etc).
It's worth noting that the elven chain comes with -5 to find traps -10 move silently -5 open locks
and most relevantly, -20 pick pockets.
Additionally, the normal -2 vs slashing bonus and +2 crushing penalty for chainmail.
You can offset the crushing penalty with one of the belts that gives a -4 bonus against crushing attacks. Or you could just use the Shield Amulet instead :-)
OK, I misunderstood your post.
There are several powerful items that you can get even more easily, but still I would welcome any change that would make more challenging to get the Elven Chain.
-5 to find traps
-10 move silently
-5 open locks
and most relevantly,
-20 pick pockets.
Additionally, the normal -2 vs slashing bonus and +2 crushing penalty for chainmail.
To avoid confusion with the different sign conventions, I just want to confirm that those are penalties for the thieving skills.
You are not alone.