What is the point of bard?

Ok I really have issues with bard because I like the idea of playing one but I am not the kind of player
that dual classes melle with magic, and wearing robes sounds lame compared to armour but I lose spellcasting (usually go for the mellee). That said the bards song does not seem very useful other than balancing out morale.
in the description it mentions being a jack of all trades also and having no pick lock annoys me as I am not fond of picking pockets when everyone becomes an enemy if you fail.
So please convince me why a bard is even remotely useful.
that dual classes melle with magic, and wearing robes sounds lame compared to armour but I lose spellcasting (usually go for the mellee). That said the bards song does not seem very useful other than balancing out morale.
in the description it mentions being a jack of all trades also and having no pick lock annoys me as I am not fond of picking pockets when everyone becomes an enemy if you fail.
So please convince me why a bard is even remotely useful.
Also they are pretty good backup casters, specially in BG1 since they are able to reach level 8.
Which is a shame, because Skald's song is pure awesomeness.
In BG2 that is
1) The blade provides a variation on fighter/mage, with a rogue's fast xp progression table.
2) The skald provides the best buff in BG1, and SoA. He will shine a bit less in ToB, but will still have the highest level in the party, plus the Use Any Items feat. He can even delay the taking of Enhanced Bardsong in favor of taking Use Any Items first, and maybe even a Magic Flute, or some other HLA, since his default bardsong is almost as good as Enhanced Bardsong.
3) The jester has a song that amounts to a constant casting of the fourth-level spell Confusion on every round. What's not to like about that?
Anyway, the only bard kit that loses out on lore is the Blade and he makes up for it by actually being a powerful class in hi s own right. Seems worthwhile to me.
I don't know...IWD had a lot of weird stuff also...bard spellcasting up to 8th level (under 5th they actually become as good as mages capacity-wise, just require a lot more levels for the same power), all those extra songs as levels went up. I think they're from Complete Bard...but I'm not sure since I don't have a copy of that one.
I'm more irritated that the song doesn't have the proper radius and duration. It's supposed to be 10 ft/level and 1 round/level duration...meaning your bard just sings for 3 rounds to start the effect, then can go contribute to the fight. Below lvl 3, it's worse then now, at level 3 it's basically the same as now, and above level 3 you start getting some free rounds to do other things. At lvl 10, you'd have 7 rounds of song up time before you had to start singing again.
At current, only the jester song and improved bard song have a significant radius. Skalds and Bards have to basically be right in the middle of combat to effect everyone. While Improved bard song hits the whole screen.
Rogue-rebalancing fixed a lot of the issues I have with rogues in general, but they didn't correct the duration for bard song (or change two-weapon style to the proper values), and instead added lingering song as an HLA, which while sort of nice, ISN'T the way it should be. On the other hand, they did overhaul the epic songs to be specific for each kit (and removed the blade's entirely giving them whirlwind attack instead), so Skald's continue to have a purpose in the end-game.
- You still have arcane spells when needed.
- They might actually hit stuff with a weapon.
- They get to use wands.
- They don't have to fill up spell level 1 with Identify.
- Your thief can dispense with Pick Pockets.
It's like being dropped into the wilderness with just a swiss army knife instead of an entire camping set. Figure out what to do with what you have. Use it as smartly as possible. And work (i.e., apply some creativity and ingenuity) a bit to get the most out of it.
This type of challenge provides a nice contrast to the type of character that is just pure hell-on-wheels, nuking enemies left and right with god-like prowess.
Increase Morale to 10
Remove Fear
Protection from Fear
If you want to play a bard-like bard (the Blade seems almost like a different class entirely), as it is a Skald, which gets a better bard song (which gets better at higher levels) and +1 to hit/damage seems like a better bet, only losing out on pickpockets (though this is still usable).
Jester is a good choice in my opinion. It has no disdavantages, doesn't lose the essence of bards like the blade, and his song is actually better then the plain bard song.
Oh and it also improves with levels (its not in the description but it works)
Levels 1-14: Enemies must Save vs. Spell with a +2 bonus each round or be Confused for that round
Levels 15-19: Same chance of Confusion as above, plus enemies must Save vs. Spell each round or be Slowed for that round
Levels 20+: Same chances of Confusion & Slow, must also Save vs. Spells with a +2 bonus each round or be knocked Unconscious for that round