Cleric/Mage Stats (94 pt allocation)

I just rolled a 94 a couple rolls in (woot) and think I'm going to stick with that roll.
this is what I think the allocation may go like, anythoughts?
str 12
dex 18
con 15
int 18
wis 18
cha 13
15 con since I can get the tome for 16
12 str to shoulder some shield/weaps (maybe elven chain in bg2 i dunno)
I usually like my mains charisma to be higher, but maybe not this time.
so any thoughts?
this is what I think the allocation may go like, anythoughts?
str 12
dex 18
con 15
int 18
wis 18
cha 13
15 con since I can get the tome for 16
12 str to shoulder some shield/weaps (maybe elven chain in bg2 i dunno)
I usually like my mains charisma to be higher, but maybe not this time.
so any thoughts?
CON is way more important - I assume you'll play BG2 with it as well - than mentioned above.
On my Gnome Cleric/Illusionist I managed to roll 96 after a fair while.
Str 15
Dex 18
Con 15
Int 19
Wis 17
Cha 12
Haven't bothered to go 18 con as 3 ability points just to get a +1 save on spells and wands I think it was, wasn't worth it and better placed in strength to give me full plate.
I would drop Charisma just enough to max your Constitution
Too bad you can't just run up the Bridge in chapter 1 and get your Quayle on
Strength 10
Dexterity 18
Constitution 18
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 18
Charisma 12
With the higher CON you can wear the Claw of Kazaroth, which will give you -2 Con but incredible saving throw bonuses and a =1 to AC that stacks with rings of protection and the like.
I would have put a + in single weapon fighting and + into Hammer for Ashadeena +2, you'd get another -1 to AC and you'd have a weapon that can damage through stone skin with it's electrical damage. I would also use slings and constantly memorize the spell draw upon holy might which will bump your strength up to 18/50 which is more than respectable for power gaming since there is really only a few decent level 2 priest spells.
Memorize Friends and find familiar as starting spells and don't give back the scroll of identify to Firebeard at the start of Candlekeep.
When you need 18+ Charisma you'll have it with Friends. And if you want 20 (which you REALLY don't need since money is easy to get) you can always pickpocket the cloak from Fieldpost.
In this case, this is a Character who will benefit from hording the tomes for stat boosts.
So Dex, and Int should get a bump to 19...and Wisdom can go to 21. For max AC and Spell bonuses. (You will hardly ever run out of spells and will be able to always memorize every scroll)
The Con, Strength and Charisma tomes should go to party members who will benefit since they won't really do much of anything for you.
This is not a class I would normally play, but it can be incredibly strong as a spell caster, and even as a solo class. If you're are soloing just take the other tomes and use them for slight buffs.
Though 19 strength is nice for the carry weight, it's not really something I think a mage would have, and since you have the spell draw upon holy might giving yourself the claw of kazaroth without losing hit point bonuses is BG2 you'll still benefit from additional saving throw bonuses from high con, and you can take the claw with you during the early game. But there's tons of Strength belts in BG2 as well as other items that increase strength...AND potions...AND a great level 2's just...not that important.